Robots Rule - The website all about Robotic Combat



Robots Rule > ROBOT WARS

Unfortunately, the makers of Robot Wars have decided not to make any more series of Robot Wars. However, repeats of the programme will still be shown at various times and on various TV channels all across the world.

Although it is no longer getting television broadcast, the sport of robotic combat is not dead. In fact it is alive and well. Live events happen nearly every week all across the world. Many of these events include robots and roboteers from TV shows like Robot Wars, Battlebots and Robotica. And of course, these events have many tournaments and robotic competitions of robots fighting each other in a battle arena. Some events even let you "pay to drive" a robot! All of these events are open to the general public to come along and see all the mayhem and witness all the action in the arena first hand.

Since the entertainment television programme that was Robot Wars has finished, I will no longer be updating the below web pages which are about this TV series. Instead, I will keep them as an archive on this website for anyone who wants to refer to and remember this successful TV series. 

These pages will also be kept up as a record for anybody who wants to have a look at the details of most battles in Robot Wars. It will be kept as a sort of history archive so people and roboteers can refer to their past performances and previous battles.

What is Robot Wars?

House Robots

Contestant Robots

The Presenters

The Judges

The Winners

The First, Second, Third and Fourth Wars

The Fifth Wars

The Sixth Wars

The Seventh Wars

Robot Wars Extreme Series 1

Robot Wars Extreme Series 2

Christmas Specials

US Robot Wars

Robot Wars Merchandise

Robot Wars, the Computer Game

Robot Wars TV Recordings

Please remember that even though Robot Wars is no longer with us, robotic combat does live on with the open circuit and live events that do occur regularly. People are encouraged to come and watch these events and to see battling robots live and up close, and also, roboteers are encouraged to take part in these events with their warrior machines. This support will help the sport of robotic combat to live on and evolve on into the future. For more information on this, visit the Fighting Robot Association's website.

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