This tournament is in memory of my Grandad Francis Sillery Sr. The rules are simple.
These are the commandments.
1.Im looking for 12 people to enter 6 robots.
2. You MUST have 1 real robot.
3. If youre entering 5 vapours they must each have different weapons.
4. The weight limits are:
A. 100KGs for wheels.
B. 125KGs for tracked robots.
C. 175KGs for shufflers.
D. 250KGs for true walkers.
5. Flying, Passive robos and Clusterbots are allowed
6. Clusterbots have no limits but if 50%s out theyre all out.
7.No real restrictions on stats.
8. Basic FRA Rules apply.

The tournament is structured as Series 6 style heats. The arena is unique. Its a 50 X 50CM Sumo ring. Theres no judges decision. If you want to link stats tell me where they are or give me a link to it. You may reserve entries but if someone has entries before you than youll be kicked out.