So here we are, the end of the "big events" for 2023 and despite all the calamities and mishaps, Jibril ended up 3rd in the UK for Middleweights, which is nothing to be displeased about. I would have liked to have done better but those are the breaks. Anyway, I said there would be big changes, so here we go.

Middleweights *
Jibril is now retired from the MW category and is being replaced, finally, with Kaizen 2.0. For me, this is a long awaited return as Kaizen will be showing off the latest and greatest Team Kaizen has to offer. Expect more updates over the winter period. I've not heard any mention that the MWs won't be running next year but even if they don't, I am going to stick with the class anyway - moving a MW is faarrrr easier than a HW.

Azriel 1.0 is done and is getting a 2.0. I've decided that this iteration will be a thwackbot and is more "just for fun" than anything else since I don't usually get to Dojo. I don't think I'll be talking aboiut this one over the winter period but if the chance comes up, I might.

Beetleweights *
Shu! 3.0 is greenlit so that'll be making a return. The Honey Badger 4.x will be sticking aronud for the time being but will be getting some upgrades to the armour and power delivery. Jibril 3.0 will also be appearing in this category as well. I know full well axe robots in this class aren't the most effective but just you wait and see :P

Osu and Amai are now fully retired. Ramu 1.0, Lafiel 2.0 and Ikari 3.1 are sticking around with Ramu and Ikari pretty much unchanged since their last appearences. Lafiel needs a new body from what I recall but otherwise will remain a diagnonal spinner.

Obviously BotFest 5 is happening on the 2nd of December with 6 planned for Aprilish next year. For those not n the Discord channel I put together, the arena has been significantly overhauled to address some of the concerns people have had about it and just to improve it. Note, if there are concerns about the arena, please just talk to me, I won't bite!

I've been judging at Scouse events and am going to AWS70 as a judge as well next year. If you need me to come and judge an event or need a AW arena, just drop me a message.

* = Will be competiting in championships

So there we are, a busy 2023 and a plan for 2024. Oh, I will also finally get new team shirts and what not for Team Kaizen since the banner I display is from 2018ish and is the old logo. Yikes...