Trillia tells Martijn that (most of) the Romans in the four camps are extremely afraid of the Gauls, even though Caesar has ordered them to destroy the village and make the Gauls pay homage to them (or else the failed Romans will be fed to the lions in the circus!). As for what to expect from the Gauls, they mostly live peaceful, carefree lifestyles. Sometimes they get into fights with each other but that is very quickly resolved indeed. Most of the fights they get into are with the Romans and the Romans simply cannot hold a candle to them.

Trillia goes on to tell Tracy that though the camps are fortified, the individual camps only hold about twice or thrice as many Romans as there are Gauls in the village. So while outnumbered, the Gauls are quite easily capable of holding their own. Reinforcements do arrive, but only after beaten centurions lead their forces from defeat. This constant supply of soldiers is slightly exhausting the amount of Caesar's legions.

Kody explains that the currency of that area is in sestertii (silver coins) and aurei (gold coins, 100 sestertii to an aureus). You will mostly be dealing with sestertii though, unless you get really lucky. And the said currency is only of worth in that world.

(right, big update next post)