Ive only just found out the link was broken. Ive acturly finished and published the full version of this now. Since no one replied i didnt make a video, but i will make one, and upload it tomorrow.

Just before i do ill give you guys a quick run through of the full version.

8 playable robots (Currently)
These are Tornado, Hypno-Disc, T-Bone, Tiny Toon (upscaled), Revolutionist, 101, Storm 2, and Fluffy.
4 Cameo appearences from Ripper, Plunderbird 4, Stinger, and X terminator.
2 working house robots Dead Metal and Sgt Bash
Fulling working pit
Fully working flame pit
Fully working drop zone which drops bombs.
Customisable and origional battle music.

Theres also a full mock up of the pits, with some recognisable people within, such as Mike Onslow.