The fact is people aren't employed out of some sort of social charitable attitude on the count of the employer. we are employed to either save money or make money.
Education and experience increases a persons employability, because used in the correct way that persons skill and knowledge will make the employer more money than it costs the employer to employ you.

A good Degree is a marketable asset in the workplace so the salary of a degree educated person will be higher. but the market for employment is not even, some industries are coming more into play and so more money for wages is made available. Also there is a shortage of certain skills the price for those skills goes up. for example a bricklayer may earn £18 per hour and a plumber earn £35 per hour, there skill may be of a similar level but the plumber earns more because they are in greater demand. The trick is to have the right qualifications and skills at the right time and in the right place...........................................Si mple