Hey....isn't this a surprise?

Heaven knows how I found my way back here. I probably wouldn't have returned, except I recently had an interesting idea, based on another TV gameshow I enjoy watching.

The thing is, I feel like writing again. The problem is, everything I end up doing with vapourbots doesn't go well....and really, this time I am determined to do this...the last retirement special, I had little motivation.


The rules are simple. What I'd like is for 8 people to enter eight robots. But there are a few rules.

1 - The robots must have competed in the UK series at some point. (So C.V., for example, is a no-no)
2 - They must have a form beyond the new weight limit. (So Comengetorix would be allowed, but not Milly-Ann Bug)
3 - The most important rule of all....NO Semi-Finalists up. All the robots must have lost in their heats and never progressed past them in any form (so, for example, no picking Gemini, because Mace got through to the semi finals)

I can't admit to having a preference as to what sort of robots are picked. As a recommendation...
-Maybe robots that had bad misfortune in the UK competition.
-Some of the more notable robots....I.E. the funny ones.
-Whilst there is nothing to stop you guys entering side tournament winners (Diotoir, Kan Opener, etc)....try to keep them to a minimum.

And that's about it. Sorry it's not a vapourbot tournie, but....well, I wanna see how it goes.