Justine: Right, Leo. Do you know who you're up against?
Leo: No, who am I up against?
Justine: You are up against O.I.D.
Leo: Now, I'm not trying to be overconfident here, but this just made my day. It's going to be a breeze. Spin up and kill it, that's the only thing to do really...
Justine: You reckon you can do it?
Leo: Yeah, most likely.
Justine: Glad to see that you're so confident, and what do you think of Jack?
Leo: He is an awesome roboteer, no doubt, but I think he's met his match.
Justine: All right, good luck in the arena.
Leo: Thank ye.

Justine: Hey there Jack. How's it going?
Jack: I'm good, and O.I.D is doing good as well.
Justine: That's great to hear. Now, you know who you're up against?
Jack: No, I don't actually.
Justine: Who do you want to be up against?
Jack: Erm... anyone but the big spinning thing.
Justine: Oh... bad news for you. You're up against GBOD.
Jack: Crap. Well, I don't really know what's going to happen... I'll try to do my best and get the disc into play before GBOD gets up to speed.
Justine: All right then, good luck.
Jack: Yeah, thanks.

(BATTLE 4!!!)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Welcome...



Roboteers, Stand by...

Let's have a look at the teams. In the first booth, I see Leo Van Miert who is controlling GBOD, and there's Jack Orr in the other booth at the controls of O.I.D. Both robots end with the letter D; go figure. :P Anyway, the house robots in this fight will be Shunt with the diamond-edged axe and the lifting scoop, and also the great hammer of Head Smash which could leave all robots with a severe headache.

3... 2... 1... ACTIVATE!!!

Off we go, with the winner of this battle going to fight Bloody Frigid in the heat final. Both bots are spinning up to dangerous speeds here... and here they are now about to come crashing into each other, their weapons spun up to full speed!
The force causes huge amounts of sparks to fly, goodness me! Both bots spin out of control, and into the wall they both go with massive force! They are both okay though, and the robots spin up again and try to knock each other out again!
The power of the impact just flings both machines across the arena, and I'm surprised to see they're still okay! No major damage has been caused to either of them, but anyway, both robots spin up once again, and slam into each other on a full frontal collision with tremendous amounts of energy being spewed out!
Good gracious me, the two machines get flung away from each other, and more sparks are flying like mad! Even I'm starting to get frightened and I'm way up here commentating! This is a smashing good fight we're seeing here, and again, they collide with perfect synchronization... oh no, this does not look good...
Sparks fly, and both robots get flung away again! Lots of action here in this battle, and both robots are still duking it out! Now, GBOD tries to do a different attack now, as it avoids the disc of O.I.D and slams into the side of the machine from Richmond! O.I.D tries to turn but...
What a hit by the Dutch machine, as O.I.D is slammed away into the CPZ of Head Smash! Now, the house robot brings the hammer down with massive force!
That's what will happen if you get to close to the mighty hammer-- wait a minute, O.I.D is running in circles... I think that the earlier attack by GBOD actually dislocated something inside, or maybe it was the hammer of Head Smash... but anyway, Refbot is checking in to see if O.I.D is moving properly... and the countdown for O.I.D is on!
1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!!!
O.I.D has been counted down and out of the competition! I must say, kudos to Jack for bringing in such a wonderful machine, but now, O.I.D has been immobilized, and Shunt opens the pit, and finally gives the last rites for O.I.D by dumping it. BOOM!


O.I.D is left dazed and confused.
GBOD goes through to the Heat G Final!!!


Predictions and tactics are welcome anytime, of course.