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Thread: FRA elections 2009

  1. #101
    Presumbaly the lack of any current TV coverage...

  2. #102
    Meh, some people think like that...

  3. #103

  4. #104
    cant really say robot wars has gone

    gladiators came back 8 years later - and robot wars is alot better then gladiators - just gotta see what happens at battlebots and it might make robot wars come back

    if i was over it not going to come back on tv then i wouldnt be still doing it and i do hope one day it will come back and im not going to get over it or im off

  5. #105

  6. #106
    Ed, take me of your email list. I do not want to recieve your spam emails.


  7. #107
    Remember, What a lot of people who have not look into what we do (eg. the people who did not know that series 7 was going to be on channel 5) dont realise fully what we actually do.

    When I decided to make robotic combat my topic on my physics AS resarch and report, I had to refer to robot wars almost every time I mentioned my project. At first I was naturally embarrased as I had never mentioned this to my friends that I had anything to do with it(probably that I am a very shy person at school), but eventually I got to the You wanted to know so here it is, yes I like it , got a problem with that? phase. What Irritated me the most was that when my physics teacher asked me seriosly in public Chris, when you wrote down robotic combat, do you mean militaristic warfare, or the game using RC toys?

    A lot of people need to get into their heads that the buc did not stop with the end of RW and will never take it seriously. Robotic combat is fun and a means of entertainment but it needs to be apreciated with a sport as well, and like any sport rather than some TV gimmick, just because it is not on TV any more does not mean that it is dead.

    When RW stopped filming, It devided the fans who just watched the programme without building into two groups. The people who suddenly got over it and got on with their lives. Knowing that if (and I hope that it is a matter of when) the sport comes back onto television, will suddenly creep out of the woodwork and will claim that they always stood by it, even when it dissapeared.
    And the other group who decided to try do something about it. When RW left, I decided to get off my posterior, research on the internet about it and spent what little of my own money and time learning how they worked and built one (it may be an antweight but I hope to move into the heavier weight classes when I get the time to build one). I also know that I am also not alone with this senario.
    To be honest if I chose to get over it and disasociat myself with it than my life would be very different now. I wouldnt have considered to go furtherdown the path of engineering, I woudlnt have chosen mechanics or physics to do at A-level, and I certanly wouldnt have four offers from Universities to do robotics.

    Sorry for the long rant, but the point is that I am tired with people around me refusing to treat the sport of robotic combat seriosly, with RW or without.

  8. #108

  9. #109

  10. #110

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