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Thread: FRA Debate - Intelligent Design vs. Darwinian Evolution

  1. #1
    +1>The Topic - Intelligent Design vs. Darwinian Evolution

    And so the debate begins. Please defend your views as openly as possible and give as much justification for them as you can.

    The poll can be found

  2. #2

  3. kane's Avatar

    Darwinism is based on Natural Selection that in itself sods law plays a large part. It relys on no hope that things go to plan. For example, it would be sods law that humans were wiped out by rapid climate change at the point of which they come to understand the balance of the environment and start to do something to maintain that balance. Darwinism is much bigger than one animal outperforming the other.

    Basically, ID bases its foundation on the view that we dont understand how everything came to be and therefore there must be something that does. I.E. that we were put here as we are, and not through a process of billions of years of evolution. In fact the earth could have been created yesterday with everything as it is.

    The biggest problem with the arguement is that ID disproves darwinism by the simple statement that some higher being created everything as it is and therefore it would look like everything has evolved, cause thats the way it was designed.

    Personally, that is not enough evidence for me.

    (Message edited by kane on March 26, 2006)
    Kane Aston

    Co-owner and builder of BEHEMOTH

  4. #6

  5. ID always falls apart when you ask, who created the Inteligent Designer in the first place. If the answer is it has always existed then that discounts the big bang , unless our understanding of time is flawed and then it really gets me confussed. So the only logical conclusion (for me) is that Darwens Theory is closer to the truth until something better comes along, but that does not discount the exisitance of a higher inteligent interfering with this planet

  6. #10

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