The point been, Firestorm has not, as yet, flipped Mr Psycho over in a way that people can go blurting it out. People (including me) may think (or know) otherwise, but they cant say anything. At the end of the day, its the BBCs fault.

And Groundhog DIDNT flip Sir K over. I didnt see it, but from what I heard he picked Groundhog up, drove forward, but the combo that Groundhog was so heavy, that Sir K was driving too fast, and that I think they were on a sloped surface at the time, caused Sir K to fall over. That doesnt count as flipping IMO.

So Gravity, yes, you DO now hold the record for the heaviest robot flipped shown on TV in a way that nothing is spoiled. And unless the BBC show otherwise, you will always hold that record.