So this was the end,no more Robot Wars on tv and as far as we knew there was nobody running
events in the UK,the socials must have been up and running because I recall a conversation with
Kevin Scott about putting Metalis in a robot museum for ex Robot Wars machines.
I discussed this idea with my team mate and he was quite hostile and we decided to split the
robot and move on.
The socials seemed to be the only place to keep up with whats happening, and I attended a number.
The live events got up and running and I decided to build a new robot for them, Chimera was
born ,formally known as the Wall ,this machine had 4 incarnations including a Wall,hammer,thwacker
and grinding blade with sometimes up to 5 years between incarnations and I attended events by
Roaming Robots and black top productions.
Chimera's last battle was at the O2 for the uk championships 2011 against Thor, Storm and tiberius,
the chain for the drive to one wheel came off more or less straight away- after a major onslaught
by Storm and Thor and I was only able to drive in half circles, I recall the VIP audience ticket
holdercoming back stage and one father and son asking about my robot, stating it looked really
good as it drove in, MMM, yes that front profile allways was the best.
Chimera was sold in 2012.