Myself and team mate Dave have been slowly tinkering away at a crusher bot for the champs.... but we've realized the champs are VERY CLOSE now and our hydraulics isn't going to be sorted in time. So, we're going to work our asses off to make a more simple design - a wedge/small spinner.

Dave has been working on a custom ESC for the last month or so, and will continue to do so for the coming weeks. We wanted to do this as a challenge, and considering the work we've done on it so far, we don't wanna quit! If this turns out to be an epic failure, we will fall back on more tried and tested ESC's. Will post more about this later.

I've been doing a bit of CAD work, with hopes to get the whole bot designed by the weekend and have parts being ordered early next week.

First I started off with a simple box with a pair of Ellis' mighty fine gear motors and some castor wheels:

Then I designed & balanced a single tooth disc:

Then I made some mountings for it, which will hold the weapon motor, belt drive and dead shaft axle:

At this point I realised it was rather long and making bad use of space, so I took it into photoshop and sliced it up into a more appealing layout. Will implement these changes in my cad file soon:

As you can see, we don't have much, but hopefully that will change in the coming weeks! This is technically my second ever build (disregarding the half-started crusher), so I will no doubt need to ask some annoying questions to you all along the way!