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Thread: The Last Oddetsey

  1. #141

  2. #142
    Eudial, Khloe, Playzooki and Cleo begin to make their way down the mountain, after a while they are on the lower slopes and they find themselves passing through a near invisible energy field with the consistency of forcing yourself through a wall of raspberry jam. Strangely, the smell is also quite similar.

    Once on the other side them find themselves in a city area - this particular part seems to be a quieter suburban area, and there are only a few "people" about. A huge crayfish with shell piercings walks down the street listening to a walkman, a family of Human height ducks feed crumbs to some feral gnomes that seem to be living in a nearby park, and cyborg practises a level of tai-chi that a human body couldn't possibly manage. They is also a small cornershop staffed by a triceratops headed woman. Much as this is fairly surreal, the sight of a giant tentacled eldritch horror pouring energy into the shield along the horizon *and looking worried* while doing it, is of greater concern....


    Aurelia hovers above the mountain, and even at the height she is at the city sprawls as far as she can see in every direction, stopping only where it meets the sea to the West. The shield is nearer up here, and the very feel of such a shield feels unpleasant to be near, the thought of what it must be holding back is far worse...

    She can now see the full scene of the Void-Archon - it must be several miles tall and is draped over the mountain as if it just dropped from exhaustion. Huge coloured patterns across it's shell are faint as if it is low on energy, potentially near to death. The figures approaching are a bit clearer now. At a guess they are possibly distant relations of Angels. They are wingless, twice as tall as a man and with faces of various unusual colours, mostly golden, though several silver and one a deep blue-black, this one taller than the others, and several hate horns like goats. They appear to be chanting, although their faces aren't moving, and there is no love, mirth or wonder in the bearing, as one would expect from an Angel.

  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by alex_holt View Post
    GYAAAH! What the- BWAAA!

    Quote Originally Posted by alex_holt View Post
    NYAAGH! Ohhh! Stupid son of a...BWAARG! Grrrrrrr! Chuffing, smegging brain-surfers!

    OK! That's it! That's bloody well it! It's bad enough being trapped in Cell Block Z-List on the planet that time forgot, but nobody - I repeat, nobody - screams in my head like a telepathic troll and gets away with it!

    Never thought I'd say this, but the psychic cat is right! We are finding those other prisoners right now and we are not letting the blighters out of our sight until we find out just what in the name of sanity is going on around here!

    Go on, Top Cat! Get the scent!

  4. #144
    Gaunt had once again become rather distracted by all the destructive feeling he was getting from that distant black speck. When the blaring announcement sounded, he barely registered it at first and only took notice when he saw the rest of the group fleeing some distance away. Gaunt cursed at his elderly human form and took after them as quickly as he could manage...

  5. #145
    Well. If weird things weren't so common back home in the Tao Nebula, Eudial would have lost her mind completely. As it was, she had to do a double take when she found the abomination attached to the shield. She gawked at it, but quickly looked away (and shuddered), and then back at the surroundings. Where exactly was "here"? What was all of this? The Earth she knew was sort of like this, except... creatures didn't just behave like this! What was going on here?!

    "So... uhhhh... any ideas?" Eudial asked aloud to the group.

  6. #146
    Gaunt caught up to the group and was a bit off put that no one seemed to notice him right away... and then he started looking around. The host of highly unusual creatures was very off-putting. But more so was their fairly nonchalant attitude in light of those working to maintain the shield. He heard Eudial ask her question.

    "I think we need information. I would be most interested to know why he" Gaunt pointed at the tentacled monster "is so worried, while the average citizen seems unfettered. Personally I would prefer asking them first since I wouldn't want to distract someone doing something so obviously important."

  7. #147

  8. #148
    Marisa blinks at the voice in her head, she's experianced weirder things then that, but at least it was telling her to run, and to not, ya know, be left behind and smeared into the ground.

    She kicks off of the ground and follows the others out.

  9. #149
    Max's Avatar

    Spod is very concerned by the message in his head and is convinced that some of his so called "allies" have something to do with what's going on. He feels like the other members of his subgroup are slowing his down so decides to abandon them and use his support stamina and strengh to run off exploring to see if he can find any way off this planet.

  10. #150
    The Suburban City Area: Eudial, Khloe, Playzooki, Vengeance, Marissa, Leland Gaunt and Cleo

    As the others arrive they pass through the strange barrier and join the team, much as there seems to be a great deal of distrust between the group, with those associated with Vengeance and those associated with Eudial seemingly not seeing eye to eye. However, strangely the entire group finds themselves ready to start doing some mundane activities and ignore the strange shield overhead and the beings supporting it. All except Cleo, who feels strange psychic energies washing over her like a wave, trying to surpress her will do notice anything - almost reflexively her own telepathic powers push back against it and there is a distant psychic yelp of surprise. The group are suddenly more aware of their surroundings once more, evidently whatever telepathy was at work is no longer functioning.

    This however seems to apply to the others around them as well as the crayfish, duck family, triceratops-lady and cyborg suddenly look around in confusion. It is however Mr Duck who suddenly locks his sights on the party, with a furious expression in his eyes and waddles over to the group, and the Professor in particular:

    "What the hell do you think you are doing?! Do you think this is funny?! There is enough worry going on round here without scaring children by dressing up as Vengeance! The last thing my little ducklings need to be thinking is that the third coming of the prophet is upon us and the world truely is ending! Shame on you! Shame on you all!"

    The Arrival Room: Twitch
    Sirens start to blare, and a small hatch opens, seemingly some kind of bunker - evidently whatever is going to happen is very dangerous for Twitch if he doesn't do something soon!

    The Other Side of the Mountain: Spod
    Lumbering in exactly the opposite direction of the others, Spod passes though a jam barrier of his own and arrives in a very different place to the others. This place is rundown, clearly very poor and pretty dirty. Graffiti is symbols that Spod doesn't recognise cover all surfaces, and various beings, presumably homeless are clustered around an equally homeless looking Fire Elemental to keep warm.

    There is a heavily re-enforced looking building nearby, with metal grills across all of the windows, and a sign in the window suggesting that you buy the new KING INDUSTRIES products.

    A trio of swaggering individuals catch sight of Spod and seem to change their course to intercept, although what their plans are is unclear right not. They are lead by a creature that looks very much like a female centaur with a leather jacket, if the horse parts of a centaur were a rusty looking robot, flanked on the right by a Werewalrus who is playing with a flickknife and a zombie who appears to be following them around...

    Above the Mountain: Aurelia

    Aurelia stares down - it won't be too long before the beings are there, and she notices that some of the seams in the armour appear to be opening up across the monumental being, with strange flickering pale light shining through the gaps.

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