Because Ellis made me promise to start a build diary and i fear the wrath of Tormenta 2 :P
Hopefully the name isn't taken, had a quick (very quick) look and i think its free, ready to be corrected though. Anyway, the plan with this robot is to have a nice, compact robot to take to the champs that is well made and doesn't make me look like a right dribbler. At present moment i am going for an overhead bar style spinner, tad ambitious, but it can only go wrong. Going to concentrate on getting the drive and that going first and see how big a bar i can fit in that weight. wheel wise i will be using 40mm wide shore 40 73mm banebots, still dithering around gearbox wise. The bulkheads and suports will be 12mm T6 alu.
meh, its probably an insanely bad idea, but it will give me something to do. I'll post some pictures of the plans and designs when i can, fairly generic looking but might have a bit of power.

(oh, and cheers to the people who helped me with the planning of this, namely Pedro McHarg who very nicely put up with me badgering him )