Hey, so, as a few of you know, I've been meaning to set up some kind of tourney. I promised Kody one and everything--
--But that was last year.
But I'm finally getting around to it! However, as writing is one of my weaker areas of skill, I won't be taking this too seriously.
As such, neither should you!

So what I would like from you fellows, is for you to enter 3 things, following these simple sorts of rules:
-One of the three things should be at LEAST vagely robotic.
-I don't care if it's powered by a black hole generator or radioactive zombie hamsters in wheels! It'll be fine!
-... Just don't arm it with a doomsday device that blows up the everything in this, the tourney itself, and the universe somehow. You *will* lose and I will laugh at you for trying. I'll record a sound clip and post it on the internets for you to hear and everything. :P
- I don't care what else you enter. The more random, the better.
-I haven't been around here as long as most of you have been. Please don't assume I know what a Doom-for-All is. (I do know, but still. XD) You may, and probably should to make it easier on others, link to where the thing is, or include a short little blurb on it. Unless is so obvious that EVERYONE should know.

You will notice that I don't have a specific area to beat the stuffing out of each other listed yet. That's because I wish to change them, and make you guys think a bit harder about how you want to do things. I will post them a bit in advance... Or that's the plan. Call me out on it if I forget to put one in, or assume it's the same as the last one if I don't check in on a frequent basis, like a week. (Work is causing me to wake up at Stupid o'clock in the morning, I may be too tired to post, given my scedual and my condition/sickness/thing, during the week, but I will try to post every weekend or so though, please keep me to that, ok? ^^')

I think that's about it. Enter as quick as you like.
Also thanks to Kody for the title. ; )