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Thread: EYE OF THE ROBOT - Extreme Edition

  1. #51
    Damn :P excellent fight though Paul I'll predict Metallic Doom to go on and win the annihilator, it is after all the lovechild of annihilator winnign designs Drill Zilla and Kan Opener :P

  2. #52
    Whoop, i held on, that's a shock for me, i was sure i was gonna end up failing badly, good to see im wrong

    Metallic Doom vs Axe to Fall vs Wedga Ennea

    Team up mr AJ?

  3. #53

  4. #54

  5. #55

  6. #56
    Alright peeps. I'm off to the Isle of Wight tomorrow, and I will literally not be in contact with anything electronic or leisurely i.e. a television, a laptop or a computer for a week, as I will be camping in a me, it's more fun than it sounds Basically, the Annihilator final most likely, unless I get serious inspiration and write a gripping, fantastically violent, beautifully gory fight before 7:00 tomorrow morning, won't be getting it until next week. If any of my robots while I'm away end up in fights before then, just assume what my tactics may be, don't bother waiting for me for tactics, because tbh, my tactics won't normally do poo anyway

    I've got a round coming along, which is the penultimate Annihilator round, and also the line-up for the Challenge Belt. Whoever Parassyte is (A lot of you may know, I however don't) may I please take his name/robot for the Challenge Belt asap please

    Anyways, enjoy this fight, and go to the bottom for line-ups for the Challenge Belt, which are coming straight after the Annihilator final As said, enjoy, and remember to sign-up for the All-Stars while you're there.

    Wedga Ennea vs. Axe To Fall vs. Metallic Doom


    Booth #1: AJ
    Booth #2: Martijn B, Lian W

    Roboteers, stand by!!!


    With only two more machines left to fall, the pressure is on here, for victory in this Annihilator; and straight away we see AJ surprisingly keeping away from dashing into the arena centre, unlike Metallic Doom, and Axe To Fall. The two fore-mentioned machines do a little spin in the arena centre, each one trying to use it€™s weaponry side-on to each machine. But Wedga is now charging in, and he€™s going for his main threat in this entire competion, which is of course the Dutch hammer Axe To Fall: it looks here like Axe To Fall has been targeted for elimination in this round. Wedga comes charging in with the massively powerful CO2 flipper, gets around the side of the axe machine, and is in underneath€¦AND WHAT A LAUNCH! Axe To Fall flies€¦and then, ironically falls, smacks on the floor. But Martijn is well controlled to fire the axe to self-right himself before the duo of others can get another attack in. But Axe To Fall now has some time to reap some revenge in the onlyt way he has done throughout this Annihilator - charging at the side of Wedga, the axe machines smacks straight under. Wedga is defensive here: he activates the flipper, but that doesn€™t work, as he says on the front of the axebot€¦BUT THE INSIDES ARE VULNERABLE HERE! SMASH!! And he€™s done it again; Martijn€™s machine - by far the most destructive machine in this competition - has taken out the gas bottle of Wedga, for the third time in this Annihilator! And now AJ€™s offensive capability is seriously reduced. Lian maintains a safe distance away, as the axe returns from the slash left in the gas panel, as Wedga is rammed against the wall. But the ram is of such force that the machine is tipped up on its side! And it seems that nothing more can save Wedga now: AJ winces from his control booth, simultaneous with Martijn smiling, as he hacks away at the exposed base plate of Wedga Eenea - four holes in the base plate inself, one hit going into the wheel arch, so even if he gets knocked down, the drive will he seriously damaged. Martijn has to back off, as ordered by the arena marshalls, and as he does, Lian finally rams into the fallen team-up partner, knocking him down from the wall€¦and yes, Axe To Fall€™s persistence after four rounds has paid off, as the weaponless, and barely moving in a rightwards circle Wedga Eenea is prime bait to be counted out!
    10€¦9€¦8€¦7€¦6 €¦5€¦4€¦3€¦2â ‚¬Â¦1€¦cease!!!
    Axe To Fall and Metallic Doom are in the final!! But Lian and Martijn aren€™t finished yet; Metallic Doom is driving full on at Axe To Fall, and Martijn is ready for him, as he fires the axe at the claws, getting a hold on them. But here€™s where the shuffling pads comes into effect, as the axe machine is dragged back by the claw bot into the arena centre€¦and driven into the arena wall€¦SMACK! The force of that hasn€™t put the spikes through the polycarbonate body, but damage is been caused. However, that is nothing compared to the damage done to Wedga Eenea, who has fought bravely, but wasn€™t able to survive for much longer against Axe To Fall€¦but now we have our two finalists!!

    Wedga Eenea won€™t be joining his fellow Greek Gods in Olympus!

    Axe To Fall vs. Metallic Doom

    The Challenge Belt is fast approaching. In order to decide the first holder of the Challenge Belt, I picked the one not necessarily with the most E.O.T.R experience, but with the most general experience. Therefore, Gehenna 2 is the first holder for obvious reasons; oh come on, if you're a vapourboteer, then you know about Son Of Ripper, and also Gehenna . Here are therefore the line-ups for the Challenge Belt. Get tactics in asap, and Parassyte, need you're robot please.

    Challenge Belt:
    Gehenna 2 vs. Eye Of Ran III
    ??? vs. The Servants Assistant
    ??? vs. Munch
    ??? vs. Flick Of The Wrist
    ??? vs. Delirium Tremors
    ??? vs. Macduff The 5th
    ??? vs. Exotherm
    ??? vs. [Parassyte entrant]

    Send in tactics, predictions, comments and an address for me to send a postcard to you from the Isle of Wight

  7. #57
    Wooo hoo. My 3rd final this year, lets make it 2/3 victories

    From the start. Charge him head on and grab him and just dont let go, once i have him, i can push him where ever i please. His ax
    is worrying, but with my armour, it should not even leave a dent (Fingers crossed) Also i have the shuffling pads and traction on
    my side. So grab and pit is the order of the day

    Good Luck Marti

  8. #58
    Pardon the comment but...the two most unlikely bots made it through to the final? :shock: Regardless, well done with the fights thus far Paul.

    Right, uh...I think I'll pick Axe to Fall to damage the shuffling pads and KO Lian's bot. I think Metallic Doom might have a hard time grasping hold of the Dutch machine too, all sides of the robot are rounded. Martijn to win.

  9. #59
    Yes I am now back from the Isle of Wight. It was awesome. However, I can't get to sleep. Here a battle for you to appreciate

    Axe To Fall vs. Metallic Doom


    Booth #1: Lian W
    Booth #2: Martijn B

    Roboteers, stand by!!!


    And the final of the first E.O.T.R Annihilator is underway. And Axe To Fall is starting off as the aggressor, as he charges at the right hand claw of Metallic Doom€¦Lian looks pensive as he€™s unsure as to what will happen€¦but we can see what has happened now: Axe To Fall is underneath the shufflebot, and is driving him across the arena into the wall! Lian looks worried, and he should be, as Martijn activates his horrific hacking device that has been responsible for taking out so many machines in this Annihilator€¦SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! A continual stream of hits, as the axes head slices cleanly into 6mm Titanium shell! And Martijn is trying now to finish here - remember that if he can immobilise one of the pads, it€™s ALL over - but now has to back-off due to pinning. Martijn backs into the arena centre€¦FOLLOWED BY METALLIC DOOM! The axe clearly didn€™t hit anything major, as Lian comes driving in on the attack, but Martijn is ready€¦RAMS STRAIGHT INTO THE SIDE AND BRING THE AXE DOWN! What a performance so far from Martijn, and the axe comes down€¦ONTO THE PAD!! This is now all going wrong for the surprise package so far in this Annihilator, as a hole in formed in the pad, but Lian is quick to spin away. Good stylish 180 spin to get away from further damage, but so far, Lian has a lot of catching up to do. Axe To Fall makes another charge€¦and Lian is now on the run, but is a bit slower at 15mph to the 18mph of this pursuer. Axe To Fall catches up, but Lian is done yet€¦a quick spin whacks Axe To Fall off-course€¦and over the flipping spikes!! FLIP! Axe To Fall does a barrel roll against the wall. That was a poor attack from Axe To Fall, and now Metallic Doom is in on the side of overturned machine. The axe pushes away the machine, so now Axe To Fall is the right way up, but Lian is finally on the attack, and is now able TO GET THE CLAWS INTO PLAY!! And there are the claws slicing through the 15mm Polycarbonate body like nothing: this is the first - and so far only - damage sustained by the Dutch hammer throughout this Annihilator. This is painful to watch for Martijn, but great for Lian - this is the attack he€™s been waiting for! Martijn is now allowed to drive away and does so very speedily, but we don€™t know the full extent of that damage aside from the large gaping crevice in the side of Axe To Fall. Martijn is now on the run, as Lian comes in on the attack again, doing a headlong assault on the axe machine. And this time it works, as Axe To Fall is driven back onto the spike strip hard. The spikes haven€™t come through the shell, but Axe To Fall is still pinned. Martijn fires the axe€¦which is surprisingly limp. The axe barely hits down with enough force to hit the Titanium, unusual for a machine that has been as destructive as this throughout the Annihilator. BUT WE CAN SEE WHY; NITROGEN IS LEAKING FROM THE CREVICE!! This means Lian has done all he needs to! Axe To Fall has gone from being the most dominant machine to being on the back foot. Metallic Doom goes to the pit release button, with the axe machine in his clutches€¦but Martijn is able to get away! Good control now from Martijn€¦and suddenly some aggression as he rams into the claws, and performs the attacking trick from the start once more€¦Metallic Doom is now once again caught on the body of Axe To Fall€¦SMASH into the pit release button, as the fight goes into the final 10 seconds!!
    Martijn seems so close to victory, but he can€™t seem to move Metallic Doom around yet€¦
    Axe To Fall is now wriggling, but further closer to pitting him!
    Axe To Fall drives forward, and Metallic Doom is knocked from the wall, but has his back exposed to Axe To Fall€™s final shove!!
    Metallic Doom can€™t seem to get any more grip, as he is shoved€¦ONTO THE EDGE OF THE PIT!!

    What a final!! Both machines unpitted and still working, so it€™s down to the judges to choose from Axe To Fall and Metallic Doom for the winner of the first of our two Annihilators. Who will it be?

    JD - The scores:

    Dominance: The beginning of the match was complexly dominated by Axe To Fall. The ending of the battle was very much in favour of Axe To Fall. The battles middle however, was very even, with moments of Axe To Fall in control, but also times of Metallic Doom in dominance. This goes slightly in favour of Axe To Fall, purely based on the match ending.

    Axe To Fall: 3 x 6 = 18
    Metallic Doom: 2 x 6 = 12

    Damage: While Axe To Fall did create a copule of pepperpot holes in Axe To Fall at the start, and also got a hit in on Metallic Doom€™s shuffling pads, Axe To Fall lost it€™s weapon and take serious cosmetic damage.Due to this fact, and also the fact that Metallic Doom sustained no important damages, Axe To Fall scores lowly for this section

    Axe To Fall: 1 x 5 = 5
    Metallic Doom: 4 x 5 = 20

    Aggression: Throughout the fight, Axe To Fall did become very aggressive, mostly during the beginning and ends of the fight. Metallic Doom did perfom some aggressive moves, such as pinning and also causing the serious damages to Axe To Fall. However, Metallic Doom was very reserved, hence the fact that Axe To Fall nearly clean sweeps this category.

    Axe To Fall: 4 x 4 = 20
    Metallic Doom: 1 x 4 = 4

    Strategy: Both robots had a simple strategy of damaging the opponent while avioiding damage to themselves. Both machines managed this, but Metallic Doom managed it best. Therefore, Metallic Doom slightly edges this section.

    Axe To Fall: 2 x 3 = 6
    Metallic Doom: 3 x 3 = 9

    Control: Both machines had very good moments of aggressive driving, but also good defensive driving. The two main deciding factors is Martijn€™s poor control by driving over the flipping spikes and allowing Metallic Doom to take out the weaponry. However, Axe To Fall nearly pitting Metallic Doom right at the end earns some credit. The section is again nearly level, but Axe To Fall scrapes it for the better overall control through the match.

    Axe To Fall: 3 x 2 = 6
    Metallic Doom: 2 x 2 = 4

    Style: It€™s controversial how to mark this section, as both machines did use stylish forms of control and attacking. Axe To Fall did have the more interesting method of attack, but Metallic Doom had better control, and showed off the main method of attack more effectively.

    Axe To Fall: 1 x 1 = 1
    Metallic Doom: 4 x 1 = 4

    Axe To Fall: 57
    Metallic Doom: 53

    And that is one of the cloest decisions yet! It€™s a 4 point margin: the winner is AXE TO FALL!

    Metallic Doom is doomed to be Metallic scrap!!

    And with this note, the first Annihilator match is done :blush: What a tiring experience it was. And now, the Challenge Belt begins. If you're still not aware of the line-up, here you are again:

    Challenge Belt:
    Gehenna 2 vs. Eye Of Ran III
    ??? vs. The Servants Assistant
    ??? vs. Munch
    ??? vs. Flick Of The Wrist
    ??? vs. Delirium Tremors
    ??? vs. Macduff The 5th
    ??? vs. Exotherm
    ??? vs. [Parassyte entrant]

    If I don't have Parassyte's entrant before the 2nd match - between the holder of The Servant's Assistant - then I will kill that spot and leave it open to someone else :sad: Oh yh, I'm, also still waiting on All Star entrants...still unchanged :x C'mon peeps, I don't bite :wink:

    So everyone, tactics, predictions, comments and a REALLY nice cool bed in the warm summer (Oh yeeeeah)

  10. #60
    Don't know what I can do about bed, tbh :P but w00t for Marti's win.

    Gehenna 2 vs. Eye Of Ran II

    There exists no 3, so EoR2 will have to do. Seeing as Terrorhurtz managed to put some good size dents in Gehenna, Eye of Ran should do quite more damage.

    Keep it up Paul.

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