Right guys, the FFW is changing to the ZFW. I should probably point out that my name will very shortly be changing, and that Zarte is my first name and short for Esforzarte... It makes more sense if you know the backstory :P

Although this is essentially a new tournament, the seedings will carry across from FFW.

The format in itself will be different as well.

This is a 72 robot tournament, however whereas in the past I've always felt the seeds don't get proper advantages, in this series they will (all 24 of them)

There will be 12 heats of 6.

The 4 non-seeded robots will go in 2 battles for the right to face a seed. The robot I deem more impressive will get the easier seed (so performing well as a non-seed does have its advantages too)

Normal stats will be required for 6 robots from 12 people with the weight limits as follows:

Wheeled//Shufflers - 100kg
Tracked - 110
Walkers - 160kg
Any other motivation - Ask if appropriate.

Please include 1 realie in your team. I can't work out seedings before all entries are in, however if you don't enter a likely seed, you will NOT be offered to replace it's rank with another machine.

The arena used will be the UKRW7 arena.

If any more info is needed, feel free to ask, but otherwise chaps, get entering