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Thread: Mechanical Maelstrom Season 3.0

  1. #101
    Well, crap. Well, I'm screwed anyway so.... *shrug*

    Tank the hits if I actually have to, though I'd rather not for obvious reasons. Drive in and beat the crap out of it before it's spun up. Use hit and run tactics once it's spun up, and not go about this in a very retarded way. If able, lead it on a merry run through every hazard known to bot kind. idk, try not to get slaughtered and make this all as long and as annoying as possible for Joey. If he has to win I want him to hurt. XD
    I'm faster though I doubt it helps here, really. ^^'

    Good luck, like you need it. :P

  2. #102

  3. #103
    *Opening music plays to various pictures of robots being destroyed in previous seasons*

    They came to fight... They came to destroy... They came to win...
    The Box Is Locked, The Lights Are On - Let The Wars Begin!

    Welcome back robot fans! 48 robots have been wittled down to 8, and we€™re finally here at the tournament finals! First up are the quarters, as we halve the number of remaining robots down to 4, ready for the semies. It€™s not going to be easy - as if the rounds that preceded this weren€™t tough enough, every robot here has to be of a certain calibre, as they€™ve each overcome other highly ranked machines to reach this point.

    Traffic Warden [#4] vs. Wedginator X
    Wedga Ennea [#5] vs. Delirium Tremors

    Tonight we have the first two quarter-final fights, featuring the highest remaining ranked robots, the 4th and 5th seeds Traffic Warden and Wedga Ennea respectively. The latter will face off against dangerous newcomer Delirium Tremors, while the former will fight Annihilation heat finalist Wedginator. All of these machines have proved their worth so far, but who will advance to the final four machines?

    Quarter-Final One

    Ranked #4, Traffic Warden!
    MMpts ~ 25
    Season Record ~ N/A - Quarter-Finals

    Wedginator X!
    MMpts ~ 14
    Season Record ~ N/A - N/A

    Roboteers, standby!

    Booth Red: Team Zlayerz
    Booth Blue: Team Braveheart


    And so the quarter-finals are underway! Both robots start this match aggressively, with Traffic Warden coming out of the starting square and heading straight for Wedginator, who ploughs on bravely and drives under the left clamp of Traffic Warden, pushing forward and firing the flipper to turn the ranked machine over. No real harm done though - it€™s invertible. Kody continues his onslaught though and drives in underneath, continuing the push across the arena floor, but Traffic Warden manages to keep it€™s other two wheels on the ground due to it€™s extreme width and spins away, coming on the attack of Wedginator X side on now! It looks worrying for Team Zlayerz momentarily - bots caught in Traffic Warden€™s grip rarely escape - but the main season newcomer isn€™t fazed and drives straight underneath the clamp before turning and throwing the huge machine over again! This time Kody doesn€™t make the same mistake either and drives under the main body of Traffic Warden, pushing the U-shaped bot across the arena floor and making an attempt to stack it against the wall, throwing it up at the barrier with the flipper! However, the sheer size of Traffic Warden saves it from going out of the arena as it is beached sideways, but again manages to struggle down with the use of one side of its drive. Kody gives Steven no chance to attack though and drives in underneath yet again, firing the flipper and slamming Traffic Warden up against the fence! It seems impossible to stack though, perhaps due to the power of Wedginator€™s flipper itself, and falls back onto Kody€™s wedge, only for Kody to attempt to stack it again, another 3 or 4 times before the judges call off the prolonged attack. This gives Traffic Warden a brief window of opportunity and Steven makes like he intends to use it, nudging the pit release button before heading back on the assault of Wedginator X. However, the ground clearance of Traffic Warden really is a massive weakness here as Kody easily breaches it yet again and launches the titanium behemoth across the Annihilation Stadium, this time watching it bounce before ramming in on another attack and pinning it momentarily against the spike strip before again attempting to stack it... But to no avail, this time the spikes on the arena wall giving Traffic Warden€™s clamps a chance to right itself, albeit slowly, each time. Kody isn€™t giving up though and only retreats when again ordered to do so by the judging panel. Traffic Warden is still really lacking in any real plan of attack, but certainly not aggression and tenacity as Steven goes back on the attack of Kody again, repeatedly failing to get any kind of purchase or even a push on Wedginator, who easily outmanoeuvres the ranked robot and throws it over, again and again... Team Braveheart aren€™t giving up though, and after one flip Steven manages to reverse quickly against the side of Wedginator X, and seeing an opportunity to rack up some points should this go to the judges Steven guns the E-Tek drive and rams Wedginator sideways across the arena and into the spike strip! A good onslaught by Traffic Warden, but whilst being held against the spike strip Kody manages to nuzzle under the rear of Traffic Warden and throws it over again! Steven looks irritated and bored by the repetitive nature of this fight and drives on the attack again, but Wedginator drives away from the wall to meet him as the flipper resets and again turns Traffic Warden turtle before pushing underneath the inverted robot and ramming it across the arena, this time into the opposite spike strip! Payback scored, but there could also be a problem for Wedginator X here as we see when it attempts to stack Traffic Warden again - the flipper has been fired a lot of times and the flipper is beginning to lose power! Kody senses that he could potentially use this to his advantage, and tries to stack Traffic Warden instead of slamming it against the fence, but with the spikes there the best he can do is hang Traffic Warden up on the spike strip, from where it€™s immense width allows it to sneak down. Kody looks unhappy when told to release Traffic Warden for the third time but complies with the rules and backs into the centre of the arena to meet the oncoming attack from Traffic Warden. Steven drives up the wedge of Kody€™s machine, which fires, and feebly turns Traffic Warden over again, but there€™s no flair or power to these attacks now! Wedginator€™s drive is still working 100% fine though and Kody intends to show it, pushing in underneath Traffic Warden€™s gaping clearance and ramming it around the arena, turning it over against the barrier again, but AGAIN failing to stack the damn machine! It€™s here that Steven finally manages to score a proper attack and rams into the rear of Wedginator X as he falls from the wall, activating the clamps as he rams the green robot into the spike strip before reversing with the powerful E-Tek drive, Wedginator X in tow! Kody looks panicked as the clock ticks down and Traffic Warden heads in the direction of the pit... The magmotor drive of Wedginator X is no match for the E-Tek powerhouse of the ranked machine, but there just isn€™t enought time left in the round for Traffic Warden to pit Wedginator X and score a lucky win in the dying seconds, so this match will have to go to the judges. Let€™s see what they make of it.


    Judge€™s Decision:

    Damage ~ Neither robot caused a great deal of damage to the other, when the judges inspected the robots for damage in the pits Traffic Warden had some more slight dents and scratches, probably from being flipped around so much.
    16/14 in favour of Wedginator X

    Aggression ~ Both robots showed very good aggression throughout, but it was Wedginator that showed the more controlled and useful aggression.
    15/5 in favour of Wedginator X

    Control ~ Wedginator dominated the fight apart from two parts, the first lasted just a few seconds when Traffic Warden pushed Wedginator against the spike strip, but the second did show Traffic Warden presenting good control (at the very end of the fight when it grabbed hold of Wedginator).
    8/2 in favour of Wedginator X

    Overall ~ 39/21 in favour of Wedginator X

    Traffic Warden [#4] bows out at the same stage it did last season; Wedginator X advances to the semi-finals!

    Quarter-Final Two

    Ranked #5, Wedga Ennea!
    MMpts ~ 23
    Season Record ~ N/A - Semi-Finals

    Delirium Tremors!
    MMpts ~ 10
    Season Record ~ N/A - N/A

    Roboteers, standby!

    Booth Red: Team Devil€™s Incarnate
    Booth Blue: Team ???


    Another high seed vs. rookie fight commences, but this time the newcomer getting it€™s dangerous weaponry up to speed - the high power drum of Delirium Tremors. Wedga Ennea isn€™t wasting any time though and races across the arena, colliding with the drum spinner and firing the flipper, but failing to get any real purchase on the drum. Instead there is a huge shower of sparks and DT is knocked backwards, but so is Wedga, and Zarte immediately drives forward on the attack, slamming into the open flipper of Wedga Ennea and buckling the front of the flipper as well as throwing the whole robot up and over! Fortunately for Andy the angle of his robot and the components under the flipper meant that the drum couldn€™t really dig into the internal workings of Wedga Ennea, but all the same the 1cm of titanium on the flipper plate is bent out of shape and that could be problematic later on. All the same Andy self-rights and drives back on the attack swiftly, getting underneath the wheels on one side of Delirium Tremors and flipping the whole thing up and over sideways! It€™s fully invertible however and quickly goes back on the attack, slamming against the side of Wedga Ennea and throwing it up and over in a smattering of sparks, but not stopping there and rushing on into its side when its inverted, buffeting the blue robot and tossing it against the barrier! Wedga is quick to self-right, but it now has a nice set of scars down the side where the drum made contact! This weapon is clearly highly dangerous and Zarte spins it up again for another attack, barricading Andy against the spikes... but Team ??? are fearless in their next onslaught and drive flat out against DT again, this time succeeding with the timing of their flipper and throwing the Team Devil€™s Incarnate machine backwards across the arena while sustaining little to no damage themselves.

    Andy is clearly eager to follow up this attack with another and drives across the steel floor after Delirium Tremors in an attempt to throw it over the fence, but Zarte drives on the attack with the drum spinning and hits the front flipper plate of Wedga Ennea again, buckling it further and throwing the robot over onto its back! Like earlier though the attack doesn€™t end there and Zarte drives into the inverted machine with the drum spinning, throwing it back over onto its wheels in an explosion of titanium sparks, although it doesn€™t seem to have made so much of an impression against the thick titanium monocoque this time. Wedga quickly recovers and drives back on the attack of Delirium Tremors, attempting to get the bent flipper underneath the left wheel pod of Zarte€™s machine, but it€™s just too crumpled to do it and this allowed Team Devil€™s Incarnate to J-hook around and slam into the side of Wedga Ennea, throwing the boxy wedge shaped machine up and over onto its back for a third time, but again they move in before it can right itself and slam it with the drum, tossing it over so that the back of the robot lands on the spike strip, taking away all tracion while the robot sits there uselessly! DT spins up for the killing blow, but Wedga Ennea isn€™t finished yet and fires its flipper to work itself free of the spikes and go back on the attack, heading across the arena to hit the pit release button!

    Zarte sees an opening here though and trundles across the arena after Wedga Ennea to try and hit it out of the arena while its back is turned, but at 7mph it€™s just not fast enough to get there before Andy can turn and ram under the drum again, firing the flipper and knocking DT back onto the buzz saws! BZZT! They rise up and spin DT away across the arena floor, fortunately in a direction away from the pit, but one of the back tyres has been horribly sliced into and Zarte€™s machine is moving with a limp now, impairing it€™s already slow speed! Wedga quickly goes back on the attack and drives towards Delirium Tremors, but Zarte swings the bot around and hits the front corner of Wedga, flipping it up into the air just for a moment so that it can ram in at the base armour, and he does so, ripping into the 7mm titanium in fantastic style and throwing the ranked machine over again! Andy self-rights yet another time, and moves unhindered, proving the base armour is not as badly damaged as the side armour, and drives back on the attack again, but DT is back up to speed and drives up the front wedge, scraping and grinding against the flipper blade for a few moments before it€™s fired, popping Zarte up into the air, but not very far away this time - could the flipper be running out of power? Team Devil€™s Incarnate are certainly hoping to take advantage of if it is and drive immediately back in on another onslaught, ripping into Wedga Ennea and throwing it over yet AGAIN, yet still continuing and bouncing the 5th seeds across the steel floor of the arena and against the pit release that it opened earlier on! It€™s been taking damage over this whole bout, and now Wedga Ennea looks broken and beaten, lying on its back with the flipper wide open, covered in dents and scars and it doesn€™t seem to be self-righting - it€™s venting carbon dioxide gas! The match certainly is over now it would seem, as despite all the damage it€™s taken DT is still moving, unlike it€™s beaten opponent.
    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

    Wedga is down and out of the contest again, but DT just wants to add some insult to injury and drives in with the drum spinning, pushing against the fence and throwing the carcass of Wedga Ennea onto the rail! It teeters precariously for a moment before falling off balance and out of favour, crashing onto the camera tracks and out of the competition after fighting so valiantly!


    Wedga Ennea [#5] is broken, beaten and out of the arena; Delirium Tremors advances to the semi-finals!

    Traffic Warden [#4] vs. Wedginator X
    Wedga Ennea [#5] vs. Delirium Tremors

    And next up...

    Autoism 4.0 [#12] vs. The Servant€™s Assistant
    Eye of Ran II vs. Mobile Failure 2.5

  4. #104

  5. #105
    w00t again.

    predictions for following awesome battles not changing

  6. #106
    *Opening music plays to various pictures of robots being destroyed in previous seasons*

    They came to fight... They came to destroy... They came to win...
    The Box Is Locked, The Lights Are On - Let The Wars Begin!

    Welcome back to the Annihilation Stadium! Last time we saw the first two quarter-finals, and both the fourth and fifth seeds crash out of the competition, to Wedginator X and Delirium Tremors respectively.

    Traffic Warden [#4] vs. Wedginator X
    Wedga Ennea [#5] vs. Delirium Tremors

    The question tonight is who will join those two in the quarters - could it be 12th seeds Autoism 4.0 or newcomers The Servant€™s Assistant? Or perhaps Annihilation veterans Mobile Failure, that is if they can get past horizontal spinner Eye of Ran II! It€™s going to be a night to remember, so buckle up and hold on tight!

    Quarter-Final Three

    Ranked #12, Autoism 4.0!
    MMpts ~ 14
    Season Record ~ N/A - Round 2

    The Servant€™s Assistant!
    MMpts ~ 10
    Season Record ~ N/A - N/A

    Roboteers, standby!

    Booth Red: Team Insanity
    Booth Blue: Team Bloodmage


    And here we go again! Both robots off to a quick start at the beginning of this bout, but it€™s Autoism 4.0 who makes a more obvious attempt to attack, driving at the front of Lian€™s colourful machine in an attempt to get the claws around it - Paul needs to do some serious rethinking of tactics though, because Autoism€™s claws aren€™t nearly wide enough to fit around TSA! Lian takes advantage of this and drives in on an attack of his own, getting underneath Autoism and pushing it back across the arena before firing the flipper in an attempt to toss Paul over the barrier, but instead it just stacks Autoism against the arena wall. Team Insanity quickly right themselves and go back on the attack, now with a drastic change of plan in attempt to get back some time, and Paul goes back to his round 2 tactic of pushing the claw to the ground to get in underneath the opposition. It worked against Hypertension MK3.5 and it€™s working again here, as Team Insanity breach the front of TSA this time and lever it up into the air and over! Lian panics, but quickly hits the flipper button and self-rights over, back onto the claw of Autoism, allowing Paul to push forward and topple it again! This isn€™t a great moment for TSA, but Paul has backed up next time in an attempt to get the claw into the flipper workings before it can reset, but Lian€™s massive speed advantage allows him to scoot away effectively the moment he self-rights, denying Paul a chance to cause huge damage. Nevertheless, Autoism gives chase across the arena, lowering the claws to the ground, but Lian decides to boost forward at full speed and the strip at the front of the flipper allows him to push in underneath Autoism this time, before charging into the spike strip and firing the flipper in another attempt to end this battle! Autoism is merely flicked over sideways though, landing with its rear end hung up on the spike strip. Paul tries to work himself free with the claw, and it looks as if he will be successful in doing so, but it€™s a slow business and it gives Lian time to reset the flipper and drive back in on the attack, getting underneath and throwing Paul over again, this time stacking Autoism so that the claw is on the floor and the back of the robot is on the rails! Paul grimaces, but uses the claw to drag Autoism back to the arena floor, where he turns and reverses into the side of TSA, pushing it backwards across the arena and into the opposite spike strip! Lian works those six wheels though and wrestles free, pushing under the back skirt of Autoism 4.0 with some difficulty before pushing it across the arena and depositing it onto the buzz saws! There are a smattering of sparks and a huge roar from the crowd as Autoism has the left skirt sheered right off and is thrown into the air, turning over and coming back down to rest on the skirtless side, where it teeters for a moment before falling back down onto its wheels with a huge crash! Paul immediately goes back on the attack, but is having some problems with manoeuvrability now, as the saws did some heavy damage to his tyres! Despite this he manages to launch a side attack on TSA, pushing underneath and levering it up and over again, prompting Lian to self-right away from him and run across the arena before turning back on the attack and ramming in, pushing Autoism towards the saws and flipping him onto them! Paul groans as Autoism is spun away again and the rear skirt€™s springs are sawn through, but less damage seems to have been caused this time. Damage to the tyres has only been increased though, and Autoism is really hobbling across the arena now! This is a godsend to Lian and the rest of Team Bloodmage, who use their speed to dodge the front of Autoism and get under the now-exposed side ground clearance, ramming across the arena and flipping it against the spike strip! Paul lifts Autoism up and over and back onto the floor, but Lian piles in underneath again and flips up and over sideways like he did earlier, again hanging the Big Nipper-inspired bot on the spikes! The power of TSA€™s pneumatic flipper definitely seems to be waning now though, and Paul can sense it, especially as when Lian attempts to flip him again when he gets off the spike strip Autoism merely rolls over as opposed to being thrown in the air like earlier on in this match. Paul takes his chance while the flipper is open to try and get the claw into the workings, but Lian€™s speed is really a blessing here again as he backs away, but goes too fast and slams into the rear corner of the arena, being thrown over by the buzz saws! And as it is thrown over we can see the base armour - and it doesn€™t look pretty! Three large gouges into the polycarbonate will score points for Autoism should this fight go to the judges, and with only seconds remaining it certainly will! To make matters worse, TSA is now on its back with the rear facing the wall - the flipper fires and turns him over against it, but the yellow and black machine falls back down - with no space to self-right into and not enough gas left to even prop itself up on the wall TSA is in big trouble, but luckily for Team Bloodmage time is up before they can be fully counted out, although the audience give it a decent go...
    10, 9, 8, 7...
    Autoism is like an aging machine as it hobbles up to TSA and pushes it against the arena wall, lifting it up slightly in one final attack as the match ends - it€™s horrendously close, I wouldn€™t want to call it!


    Judge€™s Decision:

    Damage ~ Neither robot caused huge damage to the other via use of their own weapons, but The Servant€™s Assistant made good use of the buzz saws on two occasions, pushing Autoism 4.0 onto them and causing big damage to the tyres and skirts. TSA also took a lot of damage from the saws, but as a result of it€™s own poor control (Autoism does still gain from this).
    16/14 in favour of Autoism 4.0

    Aggression ~ Both robots were very aggressive from the word go, getting multiple attacks in on each other as the match progressed. Really this category is almost even, but The Servant€™s Assistant was seen to retreat - although a good idea in terms of strategy, it loses a point for it here.
    11/9 in favour of Autoism 4.0

    Control ~ For the most part, The Servant€™s Assistant did dominate the fight. Autoism 4.0€™s main tactic failed rather miserably and so that loses it points here, but TSA loses points for backing onto the buzz saws at the end of the match. It does however, gain them, for occasions where it showed good control in stacking Autoism 4.0 and flipping/pushing it onto the buzz saws.
    8/2 in favour of The Servant€™s Assistant

    Overall ~ 31/29 in favour of The Servant€™s Assistant

    A totally nailbiting judge€™s decision goes ever so slightly against Auotism 4.0 [#12]; The Servant€™s Assistant goes through to the semi-finals!

    Quarter-Final Four

    Eye of Ran II!
    MMpts ~ 10
    Season Record ~ N/A - N/A

    Mobile Failure 2.5!
    MMpts ~ 12
    Season Record ~ N/A - N/A

    Roboteers, standby!

    Booth Red: Team Picus
    Booth Blue: Team Alt


    The last quarter-final gets underway, with Joey driving out of the square, not at Mobile Failure, but away from it, keeping the side facing Tracy€™s already advancing machine while his dangerous blade gets up to speed! Tracy draws first blood though, piling into the side of Eye of Ran and actually managing to breach the skirt with her front wedge, swinging Failure€™s axe over with a loud bang onto the top of EoR, but not really causing much damage. Joey, now with the blade at speed, turns sharply into the side of Mobile Failure 2.5 though and sends it spinning across the arena in a shower of titanium sparks as the side skirt goes flying away! The audience gasp and cheer as Eye of Ran moves in again, but Tracy turns to face the blow and has her front wedge torn off for good measure! Two brutal attacks in quick succession and Team Picus are loving it - Team Alt, not so much. But all the same Tracy valiantly goes back on the attack and drives against the blade before it can spin up this time, quickly bringing her axe over multiple times, making a large dent into the half moon of Eye of Ran II! Joey grimaces and turns to brush Tracy aside, but MF2.5 is dogged in its aggression and reverses against the side of Eye of Ran pushing it against the spike strip! Tracy holds on and pins Joey there for a few seconds before Eye of Ran II wrestles free and spins up the blade again before turning back to face Failure again, driving in against the skirtless side and ripping a large gash in the titanium armour, knocking Tracy away as he does so! Failure attempts to drive back on the attack, but only moves in a pitiful circle - it looks like the match is over already! A shame to end it so early, but Joey wishes to cause no further damage to Tracy€™s machine and reverses back to the red square, powering down the blade. The audience count down and end to another fast and dangerous Eye of Ran battle in which huge destruction was caused by the powerful weaponry...
    10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!


    Mobile Failure 2.5 fought bravely but lost half its drive to an immensely powerful weapon; Eye of Ran II advances to the semi-finals!

    Autoism 4.0 [#12] vs. The Servant€™s Assistant
    Eye of Ran II vs. Mobile Failure 2.5

    And next up, it€™s the SEMI-FINALS!

    Wedginator X vs. The Servant€™s Assistant
    Delirium Tremors vs. Eye of Ran II

    Tactics and predictions ASAP please!

    And also, for your viewing pleasure, and to disrupt these important matches as little as possible it€™s a nice aesthetic hazard - co2 jets! Don€™t be cocky though - if your machine has any kind of hole for the gas to get in it could be elimination via knockout for you!

  7. #107
    Didn't expect EoR2 to damage Ti/V like that, but I'm glad my prediction was right. Shame about Autoism, though. Here's hoping I can avenge him.

    Wedginator X vs. The Servant's Assistant

    I'd like to think I have a far more controlled drivetrain than Lian's robot even with 2WD, for, with 40mph, he is simply too fast to be in control. Even the 18mph cap is pushing it. I'm going to move at him regardless of what he does at first, and if he tries to turn, I'll turn with him and most likely keep the front pointed at him. The blade at the front of Wedginator is NOT part of the flipper and that's what all of Wedginator rests on, apart from his wheels, so I should get under him quite a bit. I do notice he has a 3mm polycarb baseplate. If the buzzsaws are not being used this round (pity ), I'd like to see what those new CO2 vents can do. When I've wedged him, I'm not going to flip him at first, but throw onto those hazards and see what happens. If he survives, go back to previous tactics and try to get him over the fence.

    I'll conserve flips for charges to the wall/OOTAs, and self-righting; when I have an opportunity, take it. Since I don't know how much CO2 The Servant's Assistant has in store, I won't try and guess. :P Just counter his aggression with my own and I should be fine. Do avoid the pit and walls, though, when I'm on defense.

    GL Lian, and well done Mr. Matthews

  8. #108

  9. #109
    Delirium Tremors vs. Eye of Ran II

    In a cunning manoeuvre, my plan is to detach the skirts, as they won't come into play, and start Eye of Ran upside down so that the blade hits the drum directly. Spin up - due to DT's slow speed and the sheer power behind the weapon, hopefully I should be able to evade DT for the second or two it'll take - and hit the side pods if I can, or the drum if I can't - a big horizontal bar should, hopefully, beat a vertical drum. Make use of better speed and maneuvrability to evade DT and not let it land a hit on me, and starting upside down should nullify the CO2 jets as the solid top panel will stop anything getting in. Avoid the other hazards, let's be sensible, and don't drive straight into the drum like a total idiot - try to hit it on the edge if I hit it, although you are referred to my previous comment about horizontal vs. vertical.

    Good luck Zarte

  10. #110

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