I promised. So here it is.

I need 12 people to enter 2 heavyweight vapourbots.

Entry rules
- No flying or hovercraft robots :P
- Clusterbots are allowed, but they must be at most 4 bots weighing up to 100kg together. (weight limits apply for clusterbots too, but only if ALL the bots in the cluster have the same type of motivation)
- You can only have a maximum of 3 active weapons going at the same time
- Interchangeable robots are also allowed, but you may only use 5 attachments for the entire tournament if you have more than 5 attachments
- Maximum PSI allowed for nitrogen pneumatics is 2400PSI. (CO2 is automatically 900PSI since that is the max it can go to) Maximum PSI for hydraulic systems is 5000PSI

Weight limits for the robots:

- 100kg for wheeled machines
- 110kg for bots with treads (El Diablo Grande) and tracks (101)
- 150kg for shufflers (Son of Whyachi)
- 200kg for true walkers (Clawed Hopper)

The format of the tournament will be 3 heats of 8 robots. 2 robots go through from each heat, and when all heats are completed the remaining robots duke it out in an annihilator style format (1v1v1v1v1v1), with one robot getting knocked out a fight until we have a true champion.

I have reserved spots for:

Joey McConnell
Tracy Farber
Andrew Jackson

Need 9 more people. Tournament won't begin until after I get back though. :P Get those entries in, everybody!