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Thread: Moving to Lithium

  1. #111
    If it was one of our machines.

    Scorpion XXL speedo. Means 45 amps per channel current limit =90A, doesn't matter for the voltage.

    Speed 900@12V, officialy 54A stall.

    144A together.
    3000mAh*25= 75A

    I guess that's simple enough.

  2. #112

  3. #113
    We're talking Murphy's law here.

    Normaly, a reasonable 2WD feather drive won't ask more than 500mAh from a 4S A123.

    But I messured Lesha Drillmotors drawing 100A+ for a few seconds before becoming magic smoke.

  4. #114
    Max's Avatar

    So would I be advised to put a 75A fuse before the battery

  5. #115
    It is an option. Will keep your batteries in 1 piece, untill the opponent runs them trough, after the fuze blows.

  6. #116
    I believe it's a requirement to have an in-line fuse rated below potential when using Li-Po's. Plus it'll save your investment. I'd advise having them before your motors too to save your ESC's (obviously adjust the rating)

    All sorts of nasty-ness can happen to the insides of your robot when fighting and you'll want to protect the expensive bits!

  7. #117
    The requirement is to have a low voltage cut-off. A fuze doesn't react on voltage. Only amperes.

  8. #118
    The point in the fuse is to stop your pack being over disscharged by pulling to many amps....An inline fuse will stop this.

    If your pack can supply 100a contin and 200a burst.... go for a 100a or less fuse.

    The fuse is to protect your lipo NOT your motors.

    also - why buy cheapo lipos when you can get a 40% sponsorship deal from flightpower that all FRA members are entitled to thanks to robochallenge.

    Also... flightpower offer great customer service.. i recently had a pack go down on a dodgy connection... i sent an e-mail to flightpower, had a response within an hour... and a new lipo on its way to me free of charge...they even told me how to fix my old one to keep as a spare.

  9. #119
    Max's Avatar

    So I think this battery looks perfect and with the extra 40% discount that is an incredibly good price! ... cts_id=212
    What do you think?

  10. #120

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