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Thread: Canine

  1. #1
    It got me thinking when the youngest girls asked the feared question


    I thought vets bills, walks in the freezing cold, picking up deposits with plastic bags!!!!!

    then I had a thought

    I could make one of those,
    If DR Who can back in the 70's so can I

    Been doing some research and started getting some bits.

    The dog is bigger than you would think, this is a side section.

    Blanks for the head

    Lots more bits

    Bits for the eyes

  2. #2
    Is this going to be like K-9 or more Ruf Ruf Dougal?

  3. #3
    No this is to be a copy of the original K-9 prop probably from the early series (Tom Baker) But I will have to see

  4. #4

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