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Thread: The Vapourbot Awards 2010

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Most Original Design: Venus Fly Trap the current one!

    Best Design: N to the power of 3

    Most Original Designer: Steven McGregor, for the curveball he threw us when he introduced Traffic Warden and Venus Fly Trap, and Venus Fly Trap fame throughout 2010

    Best Designer: This is close but the experienced Andy J still seems to be going strong

    Most Improved Vapourboteer: there are several, I€™m saying it€™s Jack Orr

    Best Sportsman: errrr€¦ I€™m keen on Joey€™s sportsmanship

    Best Clusterbot: Door Stops

    Best Interchangable Robot: err, the current Slammer is hella cool

    Best Antweight: alright, Flamberge, yep

    Best Walker: I say Hex Appeal

    Best Shuffler: I say Metallic Doom

    Best Tracked Robot: Darkestar

    Best Rammer: even though I preferred it with the Toro style flipper (hell yeah I did), I do give this to the latest robot in the Shadow Zone series!

    Best Flipper: haha, while Im a fan of the newer shorter voting list (and yes, I used to be against this idea) the lack of front-hinged and rear-hinged voting does hurt here, both have fine options, and with apologies to Wedginator and Gabriel, I vote for the robot launcher that is Wedga Triton

    Best Axe: Black Panther, I like

    Best Vertical Spinner: THE 6ISC!!! (call me old fashioned )

    Best Horizontal Spinner: Eye of Ran, the current one

    Best Full Body Spinner (Shell Spinners, Ring Spinners & Translational Spinners): people are voting for Sotar? Nice idea, count me in

    Best Crusher: N to the power of 3

    Best €œOther€ Weapon: Venus Fly Trap

    Best Minor Tournament (< 48 robots): Mechanical Mealstrom

    Best Major Tournament (> 48 robots): RoboBASH

    Best Battle: The Dutch grand prix written by Steven

    Best Writer: Steven McG

    Best New Vapourbot: the current Shadow Zone, rightfully gets my vote

    Best Team: Team Joey€™s Bunch (Picus)

    Best Vapourbot of 2010: hard, Gehanna seems a good choice

    Best Vapourboteer of 2010: Kody K I say thou

    Vapourbot Hall of Fame (Current Inductees: Wedge Devolution, Son of Ripper, Achilles and Mass Disctruction Ultimate): how many options should I give? In order€¦
    1. The Disc
    2. The Team That Wasn€™t There
    3. Spinverter

    Vapourboteer Hall of Fame (Current Inductees: Frank Goacher, Steven McGregor, Alex Holt, Andrew Jackson, Aaron Knight, Martijn Benschop and Kody Kunz): Joey McConnell

  3. #13
    Thanks very much for all your votes people and doubly thanks for those of you strange/misguided enough to vote for me, heh...

    As we've only had six voters I have decided to extend the deadline by thirteen hours - your votes must now be posted or reach me by midnight of the 23rd/4th of December, 2010 for them to count, although a part of me worries that won't make any difference :P Please do consider voting if you've not already though, unless you have good reasons not to of course.

  4. #14
    Ok, short list, but hey, gotta vote now that I've remembered to do it, and some is better then none.
    Most Original Design: Venus Fly Trap.
    Most Improved Vapourboteer: The one we call Jack.
    Best Sportsman: Martijn!
    Best Antweight: hmm. TransparANT, me thinks.
    Best Rammer: Flick of the Wrist
    Best Axe: Black Panther.
    Best Horizontal Spinner: Eye of Ran, Eye of Ran. 8D
    Best Crusher: N^3
    Best €œOther€ Weapon: Assegai. Easily. Because.... Assegai!
    Best Minor Tournament (< 48 robots): Mechanical Mealstrom
    Best Major Tournament (> 48 robots): Crash and Burn
    Best Writer: TANK. No, Tank can't write, can it? Split vote Kody and Steven then. Derp.
    Best Team: Team Zlayers.
    Best Vapourboteer of 2010: Ah, you know, this one is hard. Split vote, Kody and Joey.
    Vapourbot Hall of Fame: Not sure about anything else, but Darkestar and/or Nidhogg should go in here, for sure.
    Vapourboteer Hall of Fame: Joey. How is he not in there?

  5. #15
    ... can I speak on behalf of the organizers and tell Tracy that indeed some votes is better than no votes? not sure if this is the policy but I am glad to see you voting Tracy, thanks

  6. #16
    It is indeed the policy, thanks ^^ both to Tracy and Marti for voting and reminding me!

  7. #17
    By the looks of things, Jack has pipped me to the post for Most Improved, but i joint win the Best Shuffler Award

    Thanks for the votes guys, Merry Christmas

  8. #18
    Thanks everyone for voting, the lines are now closed, the results have been counted and verified, whatever that may mean, and without further ado may I present:


    Most Original Design: We had an almost unanimous vote here - one of last year's joint winners retains its title outright, the winner is Steven McGregor's VENUS FLY TRAP II.
    Best Design: This is, somehow, another reprise of last year's winner - it's one of my own, Joey McConnell's NIDHOGG³.
    Most Original Designer: By just one more vote, the winner is...hang on here...*is reassured that the votes are correct*...myself, Joey McConnell.
    Best Designer: This is, deservedly, a shared award - a big round of applause to both Andrew Jackson and Kody Kunz, both consistent producers of brilliant and effective machines.
    Most Improved Vapourboteer: This award honours the people whose contribution to the community, design quality, and battle quality has grown the most over the past twelve months - deservingly it goes to Jack Orr, whose performances with O.I.D. and I.A.N. over that time speak for themselves.
    Best Sportsman: Another tied award - perennial Dutch sportsman Martijn Benschop shares this with myself, Joey McConnell. It'd be unsporting of us not to share

    Best Clusterbot: A majority decision, from what is admittedly becoming an increasingly narrow field - the winner is Frank Goacher's DOOR STOPS.
    Best Interchangable Robot: This award is another that serves a smaller pool of potential winners, but the performances this year of Alex Holt's SLAMMER VI fully deserve recognition.
    Best Antweight: We - that is to say, myself and Andy - added this category this year in recognition of the increasing number of both real and fictional antweights and tournaments on the vapourbot scene. The inaugural winner of this special five centimetre high trophy is Kody Kunz's FLAMBERGE - well done and don't lose your award!
    Best Walker: This was an unusually tight category this year - in the end Daniel Stickler's (with input from J McConnell) HEX APPEAL won out to prove it was the best.
    Best Shuffler: And at last a winner that isn't Whirligig! offence meant to Mr. McGregor of course It's Lian Walsh's METALLIC DOOM that proves good enough to steal Whirly's crown.
    Best Tracked Robot: An award that honours truly the most refined and perfect form of all terrain locomotion designed by man, this goes to a robot that could also fit that description itself with some tweaking, heh - Alex Holt's DARKESTAR.
    Best Rammer: Martijn Benschop's FLICK OF THE WRIST gains this title, owing partly to a very successful current run in the Vapourbot Grand Prix.
    Best Flipper: This category has, somehow, resulted in a three way tie! My own GABRIEL V shares in the title, but the real spoils go to Andrew Jackson with, amazingly, two of his robots - WEDGA TRITON and GEHENNA.
    Best Axe: The winner this year by a clear majority is Alex Holt's BLACK PANTHER, hatcheting its way to some strong tournament performances including a heat victory in Fanfic Wars.
    Best Vertical Spinner: ...we have another three way tie! Frank Goacher's THE 6ISC, Daniel Stickler's 9.9 ON THE RICHTER SCALE, and Lewis Matthews' EXOTHERM shared and indeed shredded the votes.
    Best Horizontal Spinner: For the second year running, this goes to one of mine, EYE OF RAN II, which tore its way into some peoples' hearts. (for the record, the best way to a man's heart is straight through the ribcage, ideally at low throttle to avoid excessive inaccuracy and ludicrous gibs)
    Best Full Body Spinner: This was quite a diverse category, with the eventual victor being the quietly impressive, fantastically named SIT ON THIS AND ROTATE by Tracy Farber.
    Best Crusher: Picking up a concerning amount of awards tonight, this year's winner is Joey McConnell's NIDHOGG³.
    Best Other Weapon: Celebrating the innovative, the weird, the wonderful, and the just plain 'none of the above', this year we have another tie - the winners are Steven McGregor's VENUS FLY TRAP II, with its flipping and trapping device, and Matt Fowler's ASSEGAI, with its kinetic energy battering ram.

    Best Minor Tournament: With so many minor tournaments going on, it was difficult to find any one winner - ultimately this category was decided by one vote, and it is Lewis Matthews' MECHANICAL MAELSTROM - ANNIHILATION that triumphed over the Vapourbot Grand Prix.
    Best Major Tournament: Perhaps an unlikely winner, but certainly the biggest and most consistent tournament currently running and very much deserving of the title - it's Samuel Park's ROBOBASH!!! SERIES 2.
    Best Battle: This year was unusually tight, with both battles nominated coming from one tournament - and what a tournament that was, with Steven McGregor's Dutch Grand Prix pipping his own British Grand Prix to the title, with a battle in a very unusual arena that featured water, danger from falling crates, and Flick of the Wrist ultimately triumphing in a judges' decision over 9.9 On The Richter Scale, Killobite Sigma, Axeon 4.0, O.I.D., Slammer VI, Eye of Ran II and Delirium Tremors.
    Best Writer: And the writer of the best battle, Steven McGregor, deservedly takes the writer's award home too.
    Best New Vapourbot: In what was sadly a reduced field, the winner was one of the earlier new machines to be designed and also one of the most effective and simplest - Andrew Jackson's EXERTION II.
    Best Team: TEAM ZLAYERZ, assembled by Kody Kunz, were the winners of this award - an incredibly diverse, numerous, colourful and effective group of robots across all weight classes.

    Best Vapourbot Of 2010
    Unusually this was a close vote, even considering that only six people placed votes in this category. N³ garnered one vote, Flick of the Wrist two, but with a majority of three votes the best vapourbot of 2010 is the simple, elegant, and frighteningly effective GEHENNA by Andrew Jackson, which sets the standard all all-rounders must live up to.
    Best Vapourboteer Of 2010
    This was not quite as close - the only barriers to the winner were a handful of people who had totally the wrong idea about, bizarrely, myself. The winner, deservedly so for his consistent faith in and efforts to keep the Robot Wars fanfiction community alive and his consistent robotic and tournament contributions through the year, is none other than Kody Kunz.

    We induct four robots this year, from a very strong field of nominees including past champions, award winners, and iconic designs:

    THE CRASHING BORE, created by Frank Goacher
    One of those original vapourbots whose creation can be traced back to the dawn of fanfic, and which probably happened some time before that, The Crushing/Crashing Bore has been around more or less unchanged ever since, a four wheeled boxy wedge with a mousetrap/guillotine weapon, and is one of the very few vapourbots to ever progress beyond the stage of 'vapour' (even if ultimately it never progressed beyond a rolling chassis). It won 'Best Other Weapon for three consecutive years, has always won fights and stayed competitive, and is probably Mr. Goacher's iconic robot.
    It isn't his most successful though...

    THE DISC, created by Frank Goacher
    ...because this is! Winner of Velociraptor's Fanfic Tournament Series 5, up until today the single most decorated vapourbot in existence, and recipient of the Best Vertical Spinner award for an amazing five consecutive years - and again this year! - there isn't a lot that can be said about the 'barbell of doom' that hasn't been said before - as a design its combat record speaks for itself, and it demonstrated perhaps more than any other vapourbot in the early days what culd be achieved technically if you let slip from the bounds of practicality just a fraction. And it remains competitive to this day, while remaining the same vertically spinning axlebot design we've all come to know and...know.

    DARKESTAR, created by Alex Holt
    Darkestar is a difficult robot for me to induct personally since I have to take some of the responsibility for its success, hehe...the concept of a tracked vapourbot with a triangular flywheel went through two iterations as a horizontal spinner, the triangle points effectively cutting through the sides, front and rear of the robot, before it settled into a modular design with a vertical weapon and was entered into - and went on to win - the Chevron Championship, a then new tournament, and subsequently gained wider respect and, for the past two years, the Best Tracked Robot award. It is personally a design I have always admired greatly, from both a technical and artistic point of view and with it now being firmly established on the scene, the induction could prove to be the beginning of greater things.

    NIDHOGG, created by Joey McConnell gods! XD I honestly never thought this would happen...Nidhogg, in all its forms, has been my take on the Tiberius design; something that focuses on controlling and pitting opponents rather than causing damage by using forks and a crusher to hold opponents in a position from which they cannot escape. Its battle record is modest - a victory in the first Mechanical Maelstrom Annihilator being the highlight - but I am led to believe its induction is more down to its technical innovation; while nothing in vapourbots can be said to be truly engineered, with the current incarnation N³ I did considerable research into hydrostatic technology and produced something realistic yet incredibly powerful, and when I look back at the stats I have to wonder what on earth I was thinking - and indeed, how that could have led to where I am now.
    It's in there though, so I must have done something correct ;P

    *reads results* *collapses*

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Jackson
    Joey McConnell made his first post on this forum on the 20th February 2008, and today, on the 24th December 2010, he has been inducted into the Vapourboteer Hall of Fame. The speed of his rise to the very top is just one of the reasons why he is regarded as one of the greatest vapourboteers of all time. A total of 17 awards in just two years put him in 8th place in the overall award rankings, behind seven current Hall of Fame inductees. Joey is the complete vapourboteer - a great designer, a great writer, and a great person. In his debut year, he won the Best New Writer award for his excellent Chevron Championships tournament. In 2009, Team Picus won the Best Team award, despite being active for less than two years. Joey has won awards for Best Design in 2008 and 2009, including picking up an award for Most Original Designer in 2008 and Best Designer last year.
    In both 2008 and 2009, Gabriel, Nidhogg and Eye of Ran won their respective weapon categories. To top it off, N³, regarded as one of the best vapourbot designs ever, has been inducted into the Vapourbot Hall of Fame. On a personal level I have got to know him very well, and wish to thank him for being a great friend. Joey€™s venture into real robotics has even seen him win the Antweight World Series this year. Joey McConnell, welcome to the Hall of Fame.

    When asked for his thoughts about the induction, Kody added: €œEspecially you Mr. Teacakes with your bloody Fred!€ He may have started his Christmas sherry a bit early. Tracy said: €œJoey deserves HoF, he does.€ So you can€™t argue with that!
    ...if it has come to this...then the world has seriously gone quite mad. Many thanks to everyone who voted me in means an awful lot to me...and also thanks to absolutely everybody who has ever helped me out in my vapourbot career. You know who you are, even if you don't. ^_^


    That brings this year's self-celebration to an end! Congratulations and thanks to everybody who participated in 2010, especially if you won or were nominated for an award, and here's hoping for a healthy 2011 and a similar, if not better turnout 12 months from now.


  9. #19
    Wow! I got more awards, 4 awards, for this year! Best Vapourboteer of 2010, Best Team, and joint Best Designer? Are you kidding me?

    But really, this isn't about myself, it's about a great year for vapourboteering, inactive though it has been. There are two people who I'd like to mention here.

    First off, to a great...friend, heh, Tracy Farber. Like AJ and Joey, we've met face to face, but that's water under the bridge...really,, I gotta say...god damn, do you think your designs are mediocre NOW? Not even close. They're much better than they've ever been, and SOTAR has gone and proven it with Best FBS/Ring Spinner. I even wish Skeith had beaten Flamberge with Best Antweight. Don't push yourself down, you really do have great ideas and one hell of an imagination. Hell, you did even better than I did at the DC forums, and that's something in itself. Enjoy your well-deserved award, and keep trying; you are a force to be reckoned with and you'll do much better next year!

    And of course, Joey McConnell! Hell, mate! Two and a half years ago...and you already knew what you were doing, little though you thought you did. And look at you now! Haha! Vapourboteer Hall of Fame, and Nidhogg getting into the Vapourbot Hall of Fame! I knew you deserved a lot of more credit than you thought you did, but DAMN! And Jigsaw winning the've already achieved so much in such a short amount of time! Well, well done! I hope we can meet face-to-face someday too, you sound like a cool guy and I'd really like to get to know you, if I can get the hell over to England. Keep it up, mate!

    Congratulations to both of you for your victories, and to Andy for his and hosting the thing, and to everybody else for their respective awards...well done Frank, two hall of fame entries! But look out, since I got Beat Team and Best Vapourboteer, I have to defend those awards, don't I? You'll see...

    Bring on 2011!

  10. #20
    I feel kinda bad not making any nominees this year - namely due to not being very active for much of this year - but one look at the winners' list says there's a lot of very worthy winners. Kudos, all!

    I'm kinda surprised Venus Fly Trap II got two awards, seeing as it's hardly even seen battle yet. You might want to retract your votes when it folds in on itself after going two feet.

    As to the writing awards, I'm touched you guys still think I've got something going after so long at this game. I know I've not exactly done a whole lot around here lately and what I have done hasn't been much, but I'm honoured all the same. I'm going to do my best to get the next round of the VGP done before the New Year. It's the least yous guys deserve.

    Oh and an early Happy Xmas to you all! :wink:

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