
Just bought the fourteen cordless drills that were on eBay (thanks owed to Tom Armitage for pointing out the link )
Drumroll had some stripped plastic gears in its drill gearboxes after the FW champs so I changed them to all-metal gears. This used up the last of the spare parts from the nine 9.6V drill motors I bought from Gimson Robotics a couple of years back and so my stocks have been in need of replenishment

One of the fourteen cordless drill motors I know to be 12V - the other thirteen will have to wait until I can read the descriptions on the cases. Typical though that I buy a large quantity of robot bits to mess about with when Im meant to be revising but oh well! It was too good a deal to pass up.

Four may be used in a new feather design that ideally Id like to have ready for Thinktank (mainly because its been designed as a Beauty 2 eliminator ) but I may not have time to get it running; will post any progress on here.

Just need to find a use for the other ten motors :P

Team Terminal Damage