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Thread: RogueTwo Robots

  1. #331
    Any progress on Erica? Interested to see how that ends up working/looking

  2. #332
    None yet, been having too much fun playing around with my beetle

    I've been holding off sorting out all ant-related stuff until my wages come through; it's psychologically less painful to order a bunch of robot bits when you're rich and expensive orders don't seem to make much of a dent in your balance!
    Having said that, I've just noticed that I've only got this weekend and next weekend to get everything together, so I'll need to set aside some time this week to work out exactly what I need and get it all ordered. I expect the build to be fairly quick but I'm anticipating a couple of chassis revisions before I'm happy with it, so I just need to make sure I factor that into my build time. Don't want to be giving Eric a bad name or anything by putting in a shoddy small-scale performance

  3. #333
    Haha fair enough.

    I know what you mean, I was just thinking that there isn't much time left and that you might have started but I suppose 2 weeks is plenty of time to build a robot in a class you've never built a bot in before...

  4. #334
    Is there a Beetle event coming up soon?

  5. #335
    Not to the best of my knowledge, but I've been wanting to get a fully working beetle built for a while now, so that if an event is announced at short notice, I can just turn up with my robot and go TA-DA!!

    There's not a lot happening full-combat wise in the last quarter of the year (that I'm aware of anyway) so unless something comes up, I'm half-toying with the idea of trying to organise some sort of gathering or event (maybe beetleweight) just as an excuse to crack out the spinners and keep the battle juices flowing.

  6. #336

    A nice little weekend challenge for me:

    Got to turn this pile of parts into a working antweight (EricA) and fleaweight (mini Chaos 2). EricA is going to be driven by two 30:1 Solarbotics motors, one of which is missing in the picture as Technobots is awaiting delivery of more stock - just hope it arrives in time. These will be attached to the wheels in the picture (32mm diameter) and at 6V will be pretty damn nippy. Just going to use servo boards out of some surplus/crap servos as speed controllers, as I've got plenty kicking about. The battery pack is 120mAh and will also be powering either a 20g servo or a 14g servo (with metal gears) for the front lifter. I've got five A4 sized sheets of 1mm polycarb there and a sheet of 1.5mm ali that will be used in varying amounts as the chassis/armour.

    The mini Chaos is getting new drive servos as the current ones are just too underpowered. The blue servos on the left of the picture will be the replacements - TowerPro SG-50s weighing in at 5g each. The smaller of the three battery packs (4.8V, 120mAh) will provide the power, and with a smaller FrSky receiver, everything will fit in the back and allow me to get the polycarb cover on it. I'll need to trim the flipper plate to get it to fit the 3 cube but it'll be a cut-and-shunt job so it will still look the same. It won't be that effective but will be good fun to drive around

  7. #337
    Awesome! Looking forward to seeing the Mini Chaos 2.

  8. #338
    coolage , is that a new spinner design i see lurking under those servos?

  9. #339

  10. #340
    Jonny: It's a drawing of a full-body spinner yeah, but I don't think it'll come to much. I drew it to the 4 sizing just to see how big it would be and how components would fit in, but the design is flawed in antweights because of the 50% drop-off rule; the ricochets from impacts would be uncontrollable therefore it would probably spend most of its time throwing itself out of the arena. It would really need a fully sealed arena to stand any chance of succeeding. Then again, I could just make it for fun

    Ben: The last time I weighed it it was sitting at 60 grams but I've since swapped the battery for a smaller, lighter model. Plus that reading was taken from a rubbish pair of scales so I'm going to get a cheap little set of digital ones from Argos tomorrow that'll be handy for these robots as well as my beetleweight(s) and see what it's sitting at now.

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