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Thread: RogueTwo Robots

  1. #121
    Sorry for anyone looking for a new post here. I just noticed the 'bump topic' button at the top of the page and clicked it out of curiosity thinking it would give some sort of option to 'bump' the topic but it just straight-out bumped it up to the top of the build diary thread without me posting yeah...sorry.

    Although by posting this there technically is a new post, so I've effectively cancelled out my error...oh well.

    Move along, nothing to see here

  2. #122
    i read that entire post and had to check the dtae several times as i had memories of it

    hands up for a ban on forum time wasters

    anyway thought you had uni stuff to do

  3. #123
    Well I would go and notice a bizarre button that I'd never seen before on the forum and click it without fully considering the consequences wouldn't I?

    Of course I've got uni stuff to do, and as always, I've spent most of my day doing the complete opposite
    (this time it was working on a new website)

    And so that your time hasn't been wasted too much.......Update

    Drumroll getting serviced and going back to Speed 900s to prepare for its non-competition life.
    Carcinus working well but needs a better (aka more powerful) actuator.
    Kaizer coming back with muchas improvements.
    Bullseye getting renamed Rover and being restored to a Typhoon Rover mini replica. Will be used for driving practice/drone purposes/demo/display.
    New website a few days away.
    Armageddon is a good film.
    Got a party tomorrow night.
    Ate a chicken kiev tonight that might have been a bit off - now feeling a bit queasy.

    Update complete

  4. #124

    After lying dormant for close to two years, I figured it was time for the website to get a bit of the update treatment. The team now consists of just me and my dad as George has become more involved in his work and getting time off for robot competitions has been proving difficult. I've also recently been condensing my robotic collection due to financial/space restraints and I couldn't guarantee having a fully running robot available for him to compete with.

    But rather than continuing under the Team Terminal Damage banner, I figured it was best to keep that as a bit of a tribute to the old personnel setup and indulge in a bit of re-branding for the new one. Introducing...

    RogueTwo Robots
    Rogue Two is a call-sign used in Star Wars by one of the X-Wing pilots and I always thought it would make a good name for something, so it forms the basis of the new team name (as well as my music channel on Youtube)

    Rather than update the existing website, I plumped for a whole new one. Nothing fancy really, just giving some information on the team and robots, with up-to-date news for any regular visitors.

    RogueTwo Robots:

    I've also set up a new Youtube channel for event videos etc ( There's nothing on there yet but I'm hoping to get the vids from Barnsley uploaded soon.

    And just to complete the re-branding, the team email has changed:

    It may be a bit quiet for the next month in terms of robot updates but after that there should be some nice progress to report, including some kilobot stuff (settled on a design and constructed a paper model so far :P)


  5. #125
    Very nice setup, makes me want to hurry up and get my team logo and website done to make my arrangement look as professional as yours

    What sort of kilobot are you going for? You might have told me before on MSN but you know how my memory is.

  6. #126
    I'm going for a scaled-down version of Snakebite, which is a featherweight vertical crusher design I've had kicking about in my head for years but never got round to making it as it was a bit complex/expensive/potentially overweight.
    I'm hoping it'll be easier to get working on a smaller scale though. I've made up a couple of battery packs from an old Nicad pack I had and I think I've settled on a choice of motors but just need to figure out what to do for speed controllers as most small-scale ones have a voltage input starting around 6V, whereas I'm running on 3.6V. I like to make things simple for myself

  7. #127
    new website is cool- i like it

    what u gonna be powerin the claw with on your kiloweight?

  8. #128
    Cheers Calum. At the moment, the plan is to use a piece of threaded rod attached to the output shaft of a geared motor, just to keep things simple for now. Not 100% sure on the motor choice but so far the thinking is to use one of the motors that I'll be using for drive, that way I only need to carry spares of one type of motor to cover the drive and the weapon. The motors I'm planning on using are some of the MFA geared motors from Technobots for a tenner each. ... r_229.html

    RE 280 4mm Metal Gearbox 15:1 for the drive (part no. 1450-031) and maybe another for the weapon, or possibly the 30:1 version instead (part no. 1450-032)

    Hopefully they'll be powerful enough and that'll be my drive and weapon sorted for £40. Got the batteries, got the Tx/Rx, got some chassis materials, so it should just be a case of finding/forking out for speed controllers and then throwing it all together.

    And I'm kidding myself if I think it will be that straightforward, but fingers crossed

  9. #129

    It has been defunct since March last year and I had considered the chassis a write-off but today Kaizer hit the comeback trail.

    I decided it was time to consolidate all my spare parts and bits of chassis' into one single affordable monthl......err, I mean into a running machine. After inspecting Kaizer's chassis closely, I realised there was a lot that could be salvaged and since I can't really afford to splash out on new stuff just now, recycling is the aim of the game.

    So did a bit of work on it today, shortened the chassis by about a third and replaced the linear actuator with a drill/threaded rod combo.

    [attachment=2:hyubdyio]k3_build (37).JPG[/attachment:hyubdyio]
    Much smaller than before, it's going to be very compact inside, but the small size should allow for some decent armour round the outside. I had to replace the HDPE cross-bulkheads but plenty of spare, stiffer, polypro lying around for that.

    [attachment=1:hyubdyio]k3_build (39).JPG[/attachment:hyubdyio]
    A rough idea of how it'll look overall when complete. I've been thinking all day of what other robot it reminds me of and I think its Dave range of robots (Orange Dave, Hello Dave) that Marco made. Which is good because I liked the look of those robot

    The speedos get mounted on the side walls. They are quite close to the motors so electrical noise may be a problem, but I had them closer still in Mk2 and only suffered intermittent interference so I'm hoping a bit more space plus 2.4GHz control should be enough to prevent this happening. Maybe some capacitors across the motor terminals for good measure.

    [attachment=0:hyubdyio]k3_build (43).JPG[/attachment:hyubdyio]
    Not bad for a few hours work by my standards, from a trashed old chassis to a solid base for a new robot. I'm hoping to get it running by the end of the weekend so will aim to get the mechanical bits finished tomorrow (forks etc) then bump the batteries from Carcinus and spend Sunday wiring it up/test driving
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  10. #130
    Oh, and after putting up with countless hours of drilling, cutting and hammering over four years, not to mention me plonking my backside on it every so often, my trusty workbench decided it had enough today:
    [attachment=0:3n44szhk]k3_build (42).JPG[/attachment:3n44szhk]
    So it'll be off to B&Q tomorrow to get some wood to replace that. Just as well MDF isn't sharp, as it was me sitting on it again that caused that to happen!
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