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Thread: War of the Weapons

  1. #11
    One active weapon? Boooooo

    Replace Killobite Sigma with Super Gore Septua then...Super Gore only has the claws. :P

  2. #12

  3. #13
    Axe ~ V for Vendetta
    Crusher ~ Compression
    Flipper ~ Thunder2torm
    Spinner ~ Skull
    Rammer ~ Armageddon [stats pending]
    Full Body Spinner ~ Psycho [stats pending]

    Link to stats in signature, except for the last 2

  4. #14
    ooh eck

    erm, lets see

    the main gang:

    crooked evo

    the old lot:


    and a newbie?:

    if you can wait for a day or 2 i can finish of the new robot, iff you cant wait il enter tornado

    stats can be found on zed

  5. #15

  6. #16
    Stats are up They're in the HCI thread but they are now on ZED and like all stats availible through the link in my signature

  7. #17

  8. #18
    Are we allowed realies or vapourbots with one of the weapons disabled to qualify for the 'only one weapon' rule? I don't entirely think it's fair on those of us who have combinations of weapons (I don't have any pure crushers or pure FBSes, for example, and never have had any)

  9. #19

  10. #20
    oooh sorry about that

    ian plz

    also didnt get a chance to make some stats soooo i guess il have to go with realies, tiberius and typhoon 2 svp

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