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Thread: Robot Wars: Extreme Tag Team Terror

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Bulldog Breed and Robochicken VS Bigger Brother and Major Tom III: i love Bigger Brother but i have to go with bulldog breed and the chicken for this one

    Firestorm V and Scorpion VS Spawn Again and Comengetorix: firestorm and scorpion will win this i think (fun fact i now own the esc from scorpion)

    Pussycat and Diotior VS Rick and Ming Dynasty: pussycat and diotor ftw

    Stinger and Nasty Humphrey VS Naplam II and Sir Chromalot: stinger and NH will win this me thinks.

    Drillzilla and Tut Tut VS Thermidor II and Cerberus: i honestly have no idea, but teh lobsters flpper swings it for me, thermidor and cerberus ftw.

    SMIDSY and Sumpthing VS Velocirippa and Mighty Mouse: smidsy and sumpthing ftw.

    Rocky Bot Boa and Black Widow VS X-Terminator and Mega Morg: asta la vista black widow, x-terminator and MM ftw

    Barbaric Response and Hydra VS Steel Avenger and Lightning: barbaric responce and hydra will win this me thinks.

    good luck

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Rocky Bot Boa and Black Widow VS X-Terminator and Mega Morg: Rocky Bot Boa has very good pushing power, and both Velocirippa and Mighty Mouse are lightweight.


  5. #5

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by corsair_lightning:2p8h1oqq
    Rocky Bot Boa and Black Widow VS X-Terminator and Mega Morg: Rocky Bot Boa has very good pushing power, and both Velocirippa and Mighty Mouse are lightweight.


    I think he means they are both far removed from 100kg, not that they are in the Lightweight class.

  7. #7
    no i know that but its Rocky Bot Boa and Black Widow VS X-Terminator and Mega Morg, where did the other 2 come from :P

  8. #8
    Hello, and welcome to Robot Wars! The Tag Team Terror has always been a part of Robot Wars history, and today 16 teams will fight it out to beat the current champions.

    But first, lets start Round One.


    From Cannock, in Staffordshire, Bulldog Breed!

    From Tiverton, in Devon, Robochicken!

    The reigning Tag Team Terror Champions. Bulldog Breed made it to the series semi finals with that awesome Co2 powered flipper, and Robochicken, although it's never gotten out of the heats, did well to reach the heat final with its flipper, axe and spinning disc.

    From Brighton, in East Sussex, Bigger Brother!

    From Sheerness, in Kent, Major Tom III!

    Bigger Brother has been a three time semi finalist. Major Tom has never made it past the second round. They competed in Tag Team Terror before, but were not successful. Maybe things will change here.

    Roboteers, stand by!

    B1: Bulldog Breed and Robochicken
    B2: Bigger Brother and Major Tom
    House Robots: Shunt and Dead Metal

    3-2-1: Activate!

    Bulldog Breed and Bigger Brother start off this Tag Team Terror. They fought in the Fourth Wars, Bulldog Breed won, but Bigger Brother has turned to get under the side and FLIP! Bulldog Breed goes over, but it self-rights! On the attack again, goes Bigger Brother though. Trying to flip a second time, but missing! They can tag their partner if they want to, any of these two robots. Bigger Brother backs away, but Bulldog Breed chases and OH! Robochicken comes out of the CPZ and crashes into Bigger Brother! We knew the rules wouldn't last long. In Tag Team Terror, they rarely do! Bulldog Breed FLIPS Bigger Brother this time. Bigger Brother self-rights and turns to face Robochicken. Down comes the axe of Robochicken, but Bigger Brother is well armoured and they toss Robochicken onto its side! Robochicken has no self-righting mechanism, so they're in trouble. Major Tom III comes into the arena now. Bigger Brother flipped by Bulldog Breed, but it self-rights once more. Major Tom, very slow at 4mph, and how effective will that clamp be? Bulldog Breed makes contact and FLIPS Major Tom over! Off comes the head! Ha ha! Major Tom on its side. Bigger Brother pushes them over. Meanwhile, Refbot checks on Robochicken. Are they immobolised? I think they are! Refbot is counting them out. Bulldog Breed can still fight on, though.
    Bulldog Breed flips Major Tom again. Shunt presses the pit release button...and Bigger Brother FLIPS him over! Dead Metal grabs Robochicken and takes them to the drop zone! Bulldog Breed is pushing Major Tom towards the pit and IN! Down goes Major Tom! It leaves Bulldog Breed and Bigger Brother to fight on. Robochicken is on the drop zone. What is it? It's a fridge!
    OH! Down it comes and it SMASHES onto Robochicken! The axe looks bent! Bulldog Breed flips them over, but Robochicken is out. Bigger Brother comes up behind Bulldog Breed and FLIPS it against the angle grinder! Bulldog Breed self-rights, as the last ten seconds of this fight count down. Bulldog Breed underneath Bigger Brother and pushing them towards the CPZ! This is very close. Bigger Brother escapes Bulldog Breed and backs off. It'll go to the judges.


    What a way to begin the Tag Team Terror! The reigning champions on top form, but it has to go to the judges. They'll mark on style, control, damage and aggression for both robots overall.

    Bulldog Breed/Robochicken: S: 2 C: 3 D: 1 A: 3 Total: 9

    Bigger Brother/Major Tom III: S: 2 C: 2 D: 1 A: 3 Total: 8

    The judges have made their decision.
    Bulldog Breed and Robochicken go through to the next round!

    Well done to the reigining Tag Team Terror Champions, but in the next fight, Firestorm V and Scorpion will try to burn out Spawn Again and Comengetorix, and former Tag Team Terror Champions Pussycat and Diotior will go up against Ming Dynasty and Rick. See you then

  9. #9

  10. #10
    pm sent

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