Quote Originally Posted by jmurph
will they last an event though. Once again thanks a lot, so ive got the batteries, motors, chassis,sort of got wheels, radio controller, need a speed controller, could any1 give me a link to a decend one if i have 2 wheels, anything else?

Please keep the replys coming they are great help everyone
Sorry about this bump, but, by using 4 drill motors, and 2 wheels, you are making things overly complicated.

4 wheels, each with it's own motor, for one, you have double the grip, and two, it's a wheel+motor assembly, making it very simple.

Speed controller wise, I really don't know, I am not experienced enough to be able to recommend anything, just browse the various forums, what kind of speed controller should I use and where can I find them? has to be one of the most asked questions on the site!