Hello and welcome to Mechanical Maelstrom: Annihilation!
This is a spin-off of the most destructive, carnage-filled robot fighting show on the planet.
36 robots from 9 people are needed are needed to enter this event.

Entry Requirements
ï˜ Each entrant must enter 4 heavyweight robots. These can be vapours or realies. You must also supply your current location and a team name.
ï˜ If 36 robots are not entered by the 1st January 2009 then the remaining spots will be filled with random realies. The tournament may start before that date if entries are received early.
ï˜ Each robot can weigh a minimum of 80.1kg and a maximum of 100kg
ï˜ Robots with tracks/shuffle pads are allowed a 10% weight bonus.
ï˜ Walking robots are allowed a 50% weight bonus. The definition of a walker is that there must be legs that have two or more stages of movement. Rotary camshafts cannot make up any part of the walking mechanism.
ï˜ Cluster-bots are allowed, but once 50% of the total weight is eliminated the whole entry is out.
ï˜ No un-tethered projectile weaponry is allowed.
ï˜ No electrical damage (e.g. Bar Heaters) or flamethrowers are allowed.
ï˜ No flying robots are allowed.
ï˜ Stats are to be supplied in any format, but you will be notified if I judge the stats to be very unrealistic or extremely overweight. Depending on how overweight they are I may be lenient with robots.

The Annihilation Stadium V2 will be used in this tournament. For details see Mechanical Maelstrom Season 2.0.

Tournament Structure
ï˜ This tournament will feature 6 machines in 6 annihilators, with one robot eliminated each round until one robot is left.
ï˜ The 6 winners of the annihilators will fight in the final annihilator, the winner of which wins the tournament.

Battle Rules
ï˜ You can eliminate your opponent in a variety of ways: You can immobilise 50/100% of their drive (KO), flip or push them into a place from where they cannot move (e.g. the pit, TKO), flip them out of the arena (OOTA) or beat them on a judge€™s decision if more than one robot is mobile after a 3 minute round (JD).
ï˜ The judges have the criteria Damage, Aggression, Control and Dominance to judge on. Each is marked out of 5 and multiplied in order of importance. Damage is x 1, Aggression is x 0.75, Control is x 0.5 and Dominance is x 0.25. The robot with the highest score advances/wins.

Get entering!!