Sam: It's Heat M... which means there are only 3 more heats until the series semi-finals. Every episode is a step closer to finding out who will join the ranks of Archangel of the Abyss as the new champion! SO ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!


Sam: Oh yeah, it's time to get it on! LET THE WAAAAAAARS BEGIN!!!

(BATTLE 1!!!)

From Bedford, Hypertension!

Hypertension is a newcomer to the competition, but it's had success in many other tournaments. The flipper packs a punch; one flip from this baby, and the opponent will be out in a jiffy! With a top speed of 17.6 mph, it uses good speed, and the hardox armour is very strong as well. However, the flipper has got only 15 flips, and also the manouverability is limited. Great machine, nonetheless.

From Texas in the USA, Minesweeper 4!

Minesweeper can shove anything and everything around in its way. The 4WD is great, and the two scoops on the front and on the rear were made for pushing opponents all day long, and it is also relatively fast at 15mph. However, it's got no real active weapons.

From Shrewsbury in Shropshire and the 8th seeded machine, Axeon 4.0!

Back in Axeon is the 8th seeds, very good in the previous year, looks to make another series semi-finals appearence. Its axe this time around has been made for bludgeoning, instead of penetrating. However, it's capable of causing great damage to opponents, and it is looking great indeed. Limited CO2 is the problem for this machine, but does that really matter?

Roboteers, Stand by...

There's Mark and Matt AKA Zarte in one booth driving Minesweeper 4 and Hypertension respectively, and AJ is in the other booth driving Axeon. The house robots for this battle are... a vicious fembot with a nasty pink arse, and the big daddy of them all with the cutting disc and the jaws of death. Matilda and King Arthur, we choose you!

3... 2... 1... ACTIVATE!!!

Here we go as Refbot signals the start of the match with the green light. Now, Minesweeper comes in on Hypertension's side straight away, and rams it into the wall! Good aggression being shown by the Texan machine already. Minesweeper is very fast, it has 100 hp of pure shoving power, and it can run both ways up as well. Good machine, but now Hypertension fights back by flipping the rambot over! Axeon comes in as well, trying to hack Hypertension up with its axe, but no real damage has been caused because of its hardox armour. Axeon now pushing Hypertension right towards the saws! BZZZT! Sparks fly but Hypertension gets away with no real damage. Hypertension makes a beeline for Minesweeper's side now, and gets underneath-- OH! Minesweeper gets some great air-time, and comes down with a thud! What a flip that was! Minesweeper drives off like nothing ever happened. Matt smiles with satisfaction, and Hypertension drives towards Axeon, but Minesweeper comes in and crashes into Hypertension's side! Minesweeper shoves Hypertension right into Matilda's CPZ! Matilda's ready with the flywheel on her rear end!
Sparks fly, and Hypertension gets flipped over on its back due to the flywheel, but self-rights just like that. Hypertension gets away, but Axeon comes into the picture and slams into the side of the Bedford machine! It slams the axe down hard onto Hypertension, but the tough hardox armour is holding up very well to the attack. Axeon striking Hypertension again with the axe, but no real damage has been caused. Good attack there by the 8th seeds nonetheless. Hypertension gets away from Axeon, and now goes for Minesweeper! Minesweeper turns and avoids the flipper well. Now it tries to go for the sides of Hypertension... and it does! Now, Minesweeper shoves the machine from Bedford and SLAMS it right into the CPZ of Matilda! Hypertension trying to get away--
Great attack by Minesweeper, and Matilda's flywheel flips Hypertension over onto its back! Hypertension is self-righting easily, and gets away from there unscathed. Now, the seeded Axeon comes in, and puts its axe to good use on Hypertension... but only a tiny dent can be seen on it. Now, Matt looks like he can't take it anymore! He has had enough of this! He decides to retaliate by driving Hypertension towards Axeon's side, gettting underneath and carrying it towards the wall! Hypertension on the verge of making an upset here; Axeon is in real trouble, it's trying desperately to get away! Could this be it for Axeon?!?!
OH, that was close! Axeon just hangs on by the skin of its chinny-chin-chin! This would've been a pretty big shock if Axeon crashed out in the first round! Axeon lives to fight another moment or two! The 8th seeded machine from Shrewsbury fights back now by shoving Hypertension into the saws! BZZZT! Sparks fly madly, and the audience loves it! Hypertension gets away from the saws easily, but Minesweeper crashes into the Bedford machine! Minesweeper tries to push it into Matilda's CPZ, but it just gets away in the nick of time! Hypertension now comes in on Minesweeper's side and gets underneath somehow, and starts carrying it towards King Arthur's CPZ! Minesweeper tries getting away--
Nope... it did not happen, as King Arthur hammers Minesweeper with the flywheel! One of the skirts gets totally bent out of shape! This will mean that Hypertension will have an advantage... or does it?! It certainly does not stop Minesweeper from fighting back and slamming Hypertension into the side wall with a tremendous amount of force! OOF! That's gonna leave a mark. Now, Hypertension gets away from the walls, but Axeon comes in and slams its axe down with huge force! However, no real damage is caused other than a miniscule dent. Hypertension's hardox armour is really holding up well; good attack by Axeon nonetheless. Minesweeper now charges at Hypertension, but the machine from Bedford does a good job of avoiding the front scoop of the Texan machine. Now, Hypertension goes for the side of Minesweeper, and gets underneath! Now it darts for the side walls and it's taking the Texan machine with it! Hypertension looking great in this battle, looking to dispose of Minesweeper now! Axeon trying to charge at Hypertension to save Minesweeper, and Minesweeper tries to get away-- BUT NO! One final flip and it's out of there! Minesweeper is on the camera tracks, and it's over and out-- BUT WAIT! Hypertension presses the pit button, and goes into Matilda's CPZ! Now, Matilda is flipped over, and Hypertension shoves Matilda out of her CPZ, and closer towards the pit-- BOOM! Down it goes! Matt and Andy are going nuts up there! Refbot is not amused at all, and gives Hypertension a yellow card... but Matt doesn't like that one bit! Hypertension gets under Refbot and-- HAHAHAHAHAHA! Refbot gets dumped into the pit as well! Ah man, now I've seen everything.


Minesweeper gets swept out of the competition.
Hypertension and Axeon goes through to Round 2!!!

Sam: Welcome back to RoboBash, where we get to witness the next three robotic warriors smash each other to bits.

(BATTLE 2!!!)

From Great Britain, Compression!

wcomer, but never to be underestimated. It can go up to 25mph with two LEM-130 motors powering the drive. The barbed wedge on the front is hinged which means it can flop over if the machine is onto it's back and still get underneath other bots. The main feature is a huge set of claws to grab opponents and send them into oblivion. Barbs on the front wedge and pincers is always a deadly combination. Powerful and manuverable, this machine is a force to be reckoned with, it looks like.

From Hoogvilet in Holland, Sideswipe!

Here we have the Dutch entry, waiting to swipe opponents into oblivion with a HUGE front blade, spinning at a mind-blowing 6000RPM! The blade is looking deadly, and it can also self-right with it. However, the problem with it is that it might take a long time to self-right, and the armour is also pretty questionable to me.

From Oxford, Terrorhurtz!

Arguably one of the best axe robots in Robot Wars, Terrorhurtz made a great run all the way to the Grand Final of the 6th wars. The axe is mighty powerful, and it can be used to self-right the machine if need be. However, it has limited gas on board, and sometimes, an issue of unpredictable bouncing... if you know what I mean. Great machine, though.

Roboteers, Stand by...

We can see that Lewis and Leo are in their control booth, driving Compression and Sideswipe respectively, and there is Lian Walsh driving Terrorhurtz in his control booth. The house robot drivers... are nowhere to be found again. I'm guess we will never see them, wherever the heck they are. Anyway, the housies for this battle will be Napoleon Botaparte with the PSYCHOTIC pushing power, and Dead Metal with the deadly sting of the saw.

3... 2... 1... ACTIVATE!!!

They are off again! Terrorhurtz with the dangerous axe zooming in on Compression, and starting to axe it up! Compression getting punished by the axe of Terrorhurtz early on in the battle, but it gets away now. Sideswipe with the blade, looks pretty dangerous. Staying out of trouble at the moment... probably waiting to see which one to attack. Now, Compession gets under the side of Terrorhurtz, and now Terrorhurtz is in its clutches! Terrorhurtz fires the axe frantically trying to get itself out of there, but it can't really seem to do so! Now, Terrorhurtz is in trouble, as it gets shoved into... oh no, I don't like the direction this is going...
Too late. Compression shoves Terrorhurtz right into the deadly blade of Sideswipe... OUCH. Terrorhurtz sustains damage to the armour, and Sideswipe's blade looking good early on. Terrorhurtz now slams into the side of Sideswipe, and fires the axe-- OH! Look at that! Sideswipe gets some damage caused, there is a hole in the armour caused by the axe of Terrorhurtz! Good attack by the former grand finallist of Robot Wars. We have seen what its axe can do in Robot Wars, and there it is again! Axing up Compression, and there are dents in the armour! Compression gets away with some damage courtesy of Terrorhurtz's axe! Look at that... Terrorhurtz, what a mighty axe! It all started in the 5th wars, where it got beat in the second round by Fluffy. However, in the 6th wars, we all know what happened. Terrorhurtz beat the likes of Bigger Brother, Panic Attack, and Spawn Again and made an amazing run to the Grand Final--
... but now, Terrorhurtz gets slammed by Sideswipe's blade with massive force, and gets spun away! Good attack there by the Dutch entry, coming in with the blade, and it crashes into Terrorhurtz with great force! Terrorhurtz slightly limping now, but has no problems with speed. Now Compression comes in on Terrorhurtz and gets it in its clutches once again, and pushes it into the saws! BZZZT! The audience loves it, and Terrorhurtz gets away, trying to go for Sideswipe's side! Terrorhurtz gets there even before the blade gets up to full speed, and whacks it with the axe, and again! Look at the damage caused here! Sideswipe sustains damage and there are some big dents in the armour! By golly, Terrorhurtz's axe is deadly, indeed! BUT WAIT! Compression crashes into Terrorhurtz and gets underneath! Terrorhurtz is in trouble from the rookie as it gets shoved right into Dead Metal's CPZ! The house robot welcomes Terrorhurtz with arms wide open! The saw comes down hard on Terrorhurtz! BZZZT! Goodness gracious, that sounded more painful than a dentist's drill! Terrorhurtz gets away from Dead Metal, but not from Compression as it continues pursuing the axebot! Now, Terrorhurtz avoids the front of Compression carefully, and now it goes for the side of Compression, and axes it up! Oh man, look at that-- BUT WAIT! Sideswipe is spinning up here, comes in on Terrorhurtz, and SLAMS into it with the blade without any warning whatsoever! This doesn't look good...
Yes... he did it anyway. Terrorhurtz gets absolutely belted by the blade of Sideswipe and is spun away upon contact! Terrorhurtz sustains even more damage to the armour, and now limping even more! I think that caused damage to the innards of Terrorhurtz as well as the exterior. My goodness, Sideswipe's blade is deadly indeed! Now, Terrorhurtz goes for Compression again, trying its best to show that it can still put up a good fight! Now, Compression gets axed by Terrorhurtz again, but gets away. Compression now comes in on Terrorhurtz, getting it into its clutches! It's got a solid grip on Terrorhurtz, and the machine from Oxford is in trouble here, as it gets pushed closer into the blade of Sideswipe, and at the same time, Sideswipe drives into Terrorhurtz, blade spun up to full speed with great force! This doesn't look good...
OH!!! Sideswipe's blade just belts Terrorhurtz again, and it looks to be in all sorts of trouble here... but it gets away, and slams into Compression once again, and axes it up, and Compression has dents on its top armour. Now, Compression gets away from the axe! Compression turns and it's getting underneath Terrorhurtz! Now it brings the pincers into action, and Terrorhurtz is in trouble again! Terrorhurtz fires the axe frantically to get away from there! Sideswipe spins up, and Lewis drives Compression into Sideswipe's blade, taking Terrorhurtz with it! At the same time, Sideswipe drives towards Terrorhurtz again! This doesn't look good at all...
OH MAN! Terrorhurtz is taking some brutal punishment from the 6000RPM blade of Sideswipe! The Oxford machine just gets brutalized by the blade... and Terrorhurtz is still alive, it looks like... although it's heavily limping. The axebot is trying to show some sign of life by driving towards Compression, and firing its axe down! Compression gets away with another small dent in the armour, but now, it slams and gets underneath Terrorhurtz, and now... it drives Terrorhurtz into the saws! BZZZT! The audience loves it... and the close up camera shows that one of the tires have been cut by the saws! Let's have a look at it again on the replay... yes, it was one of the tires! Now, Terrorhurtz can't really seem to get away, and it is still in the clutches of Compression. Now, Terrorhurtz gets sent to-- oh no, I've got a bad feelling-- NOT THIS AGAIN!!!
ZOMG!!! The Oxford machine is spun away from the attack, and it doesn't look good for the Oxford machine... Terrorhurtz is not moving freely at all. In fact, it's running in circles, going nowhere fast. It's totally disabled on one side, and I think that Sideswipe's blade caused more trouble to the inside of the machine. Refbot realizes that the time has come to do his everyday duty. The count is on!
1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!!!
Terrorhurtz is out of it! Lian puts his controls down and claps for Leo and Lewis. Now, the house robots can come and do their duty on Terrorhurtz, and Dead Metal comes in with the saw! BZZZT! Oh man, that sounds absolutely painful! Napoleon Botaparte now places Terrorhurtz... ON THE DROP ZONE?!?!?! House roboteers, please... have some MERCY! Too little too late now, as a photocopier is about to be sent crashing down on Terrorhurtz! All three roboteers do the countdown with the audience!
10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... CRASH!!!
The photocopier just slams down from 36 feet above the arena, and now, the end is nigh for Terrorhurtz, as it gets pushed onto the pit square by Dead Metal, and finally Napoleon presses the pit button, and Terrorhurtz slowly... goes... down. BOOM! BUT WAIT! It looks like Sideswipe isn't done just yet, as it spins up and crashes into the photocopier...
... and the photocopier is absolutely shredded! Great stuff we've seen here!


Terrorhurtz's reign of terror is no more.
Compression and Sideswipe go through to Round 2!!!


Hypertension VS Compression
Sideswipe VS Axeon 4

Tactics, Predictions... and a six-pac set of Pepsi.