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  1. #221
    Delirium Tremors and Turbulence for me.

    Good job Samuel.

  2. #222
    Bump...still interested in this, Mr. Park!

  3. #223

  4. #224
    Might we ask what this break was?

    Regardless, good to have you back. Let's see some life injected into the fanfic area again.

  5. #225
    Sorry about the HUGE lack of battles, I graduated from high school and now my work has doubled up even more now that I have applied for post-high school education. I also had to do some large amount of work (not to mention, I had a huge exam a few weeks ago), so it stalled my time and I clearly had no time to write.

    Anyway, let's get it on!

    ( * * * )

    Sam: The night is still young for more carnage and destruction! LET ROUND 2 BEGIN!!!

    (BATTLE 3!!!)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome...



    Roboteers, Stand By...

    Delirium Tremors, looking deadly as ever, is driven by Matt Fowler, looking on from a control booth, and Leo van Miert in another booth, is driving Obsidian. Your house robots will make some noise as always. They are Matilda with the forklift tusks and flywheel, and Napoleon Botaparte with the huge pushing power and the low wedge scoop.

    3... 2... 1... ACTIVATE!!!

    Bang a gong, we are on! Delirium Tremors is immediately spinning up its weapon and moving along. That drum, as always, is absolutely lethal and it's already spun up to full speed. Delirium Tremors is going at Obsidian and the drum comes into play as it comes in on the axebot!
    The drum goes rat-a-tat-tat on Obsidian and flips it over, and a small gash is found in its armour. Now Obsidian drives into Delirium Tremors's side and the axe comes down, but it doesn't really cause much damage. Delirium Tremors spins up again, but Obsidian pushes the drumbot into the saws! BZZZT! Delirium Tremors is okay though, as it is still running fairly smooth. The drum is churning away, and it slams into Obsidian's side! Obsidian is desperately trying to get itself away from the drum...
    ...nope. The drum catches the side and it leaves a small gash, and it flips Obsidian over. Obsidian tries to self-right and Delirium Tremors tries to get Obsidian with the drum! But no, It self-rights and gets away, just in time. Now, Obsidian comes in on the side of Delirium Tremors again, and gets the axe down! But once again, it does not cause much damage to the drumbot. Delirium Tremors gets its drum into play, and comes in on the side of Obsidian!
    Ouch. That's gonna leave a mark... it did actually. A huge dent can be seen in the side of Obsidian. The machine from Hoogvilet now pushes Matt's robot into the saws, and sparks are flying! No REAL damage has been caused to Delirium Tremors, though. Now, Delirium Tremors spins up to speed, and slams into Obsidian with the drum again!
    The power of the impact is devastating, as Obsidian gets thrown into Matilda's CPZ. Here's Matilda with the flywheel spun up to full speed! Oh no, this does not look good. Leo desperately tries to self-right his machine...
    Too little, too late, I'm afraid. Oh boy, some more armour flies off of Obsidian, and... OUCH. It doesn't look good for the Dutch machine, as it is limping across the arena. Oh my goodness. Deluirium Tremors spins up... oh no, this can't be good for Obsidian. The robot from Bedford charges into Leo's machine, drum spun up to full speed...
    OH MY GAWD, that is a heck of a hit, as both robots collide with a sickening crash. Obsidian goes flying across the arena and that's got to hurt indeed. At this point, I got to say, even my stomach is knotting up a little. Now, Obsidian is-- hang on just a minute, has Obsidian STOPPED MOVING?! It certainly looks like it's stopped. It's not going anywhere at all. Leo is twiddling the controls frantically, but there's no movement in Obsidian whatsoever. The collision must have dislodged something inside. Now, Delirium Tremors backs away, and the drum slowly coasts to a stop. The Refbot hurries over and counts Obsidian out.
    1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!!!
    Kudos to Leo for bringing in a brilliant machine. Leo claps for Matt, as the house robots come out to toy with Obsidian, and Napoleon slams the pit button... uh, a nudge is enough. No need to slam it. Napoleon gets under Obsidian, and pushes it onto the arena flipper... we will witness Obsidian's first flight in t-minus 3... 2... 1... FLIP! We have liftoff, as Obsidian soars and tumbles down on its back, and it gets slammed by Matilda with the flywheel. Now, Napoleon pushes Obsidian onto... THE DROP ZONE?! Oh no, not this again... well, too late now, as a printer is about to come tumbling down on Obsidian. Leo and Matt count along with the audience!
    10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... CRASH!!!
    Down goes the printer, and finally, Napoleon lines Obsidian up near the pit, and Matilda comes in with the flywheel and Obsidian is tossed in. Delirium Tremors spinning up all of a sudden...
    OH!!! Delirium Tremors absolutely levels the printer, and the printer is absolutely shredded!


    Obsidian gets absolutely rocked and rolled like nobody's business.
    Delirium Tremors goes through to the Heat J Final!


    (BATTLE 4!!!)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome...



    Roboteers, Stand By...

    Right, so there is Jack with Turbulence in one control booth, and Steve on the controls of his robot in the other booth. House robots for this fight are Shunt with the powerful axe, and also Head Smash with the explosive hammer. You wouldn't want to get near any one of these robots.

    3... 2.... 1... ACTIVATE!!!

    Here we go again, with Traffic Warden immediately gunning for Turbulence's side, and Turbulence is also trying to do the same thing, it looks like. Turbulence, slightly the more faster here, slams into the side of Traffic Warden and flips it over! Good attack by Turbulence, using its speed and its weapon well. Now, Traffic Warden slams into the rear of Turbulence and clamps it! Turbulence is in trouble here, as it gets slammed into the arena saws! BZZZT! The sparks fly as the saws grind away on the base armour of Turbulence. Now, Turbulence is getting away, and it slams into Traffic Warden's side, and carries it to the wall! Is this fight over so soon for Traffic Warden?
    Eh? How'd that not go over? Close but no cigar for Turbulence, as Traffic Warden bounces off the wall and back in it. Turbulence being aggressive here, chasing Traffic Warden around the arena, but wait! Traffic Warden has got a grip again on Turbulence, and this time, it's going to Shunt's CPZ! A great fight between the two robots here. Shunt gets the axe down, but no real damage has been caused to Turbulence. Traffic Warden lets go of Turbulence, and they separate. Turbulence has got a bead on Traffic Warden here, and slams into the side! Now, Traffic Warden gets fed into the CPZ of Head Smash! Down comes the hammer and Traffic Warden is in major trouble here! Oh my goodness, that hammer came down with a force of a jackhammer, and it's made a hole in the armour. One word, OUCH! Traffic Warden gets away, and gets a grip on Turbulence once more! Now, Traffic Warden slams Turbulence into Head Smash's CPZ! Head Smash showing no mercy towards Turbulence, either. Down will come the hammer, and OH, Turbulence gets it good on the top armour, and has a huge dent on it now... oh boy. Now, Turbulence gets away from Head Smash, and chases after Traffic Warden, and feeds it to the saws! BZZZT! Ah, sparks fly. How lovely. Turbulence will definitely score points on that performance. Now, in comes the machine from Scotland, and it slams into Turbulence and fights back by slamming it into the pit button! Now, Turbulence is being nudged towards the pit... but somehow, it gets away miraculously! To be honest, I don't REALLY know how it managed to escape. Turbulence gets away now. It slams into Traffic Warden and feeds it to Head Smash! The hammer of doom comes down on Traffic Warden, and it just makes a frightening sound! Holy cannolli, even I was frightened by the noise. Traffic Warden is just slammed by the hammer, and now, Traffic Warden comes out of the CPZ after getting absolutely levelled by that hammer. Oh my goodness. Great fight we're seeing here though, nice and even between the two machines. Wait a minute though, Traffic Warden has a grip on Turbulence, and it's trying to put it into the saws! BZZZT! The sparks litter the arena floor, and now, Traffic Warden heads for the pit and it's taking Turbulence with it! Turbulence is in peril, as it is about to go down. Is this it for the 14th seed?! NO! The tables have turned again as Turbulence makes another miraculous escape, and the 14th seed is still alive. BUT WAIT! Turbulence may have gotten away from the pit, but not from the Warden! Traffic Warden slams into Turbulence again though, and slams it into the saws! BZZZT! Great showers of sparks scatter across the arena, and Turbuelnce gets away from the saws. Turbulence fights back, as it gets under the side of the Warden and flips the Scottish clampbot into Shunt's CPZ now! Shunt is going to let the Warden know that he does not belong there! The axe comes straight down on Traffic Warden! Ouch, that's going to leave a mark, and a big one. The armour gets dented badly, and Traffic Warden gets away from Shunt, but not from Turbulence! Now, Turbulence gets under Traffic Warden again, and shoves it into Head Smash's CPZ! Head Smash is about to bring the hammer down, and Traffic Warden tries getting away...
    Too little too late, I'm afraid. The hammer comes blasting down on Traffic Warden... and Traffic Warden gets levelled again by the hammer of doom. Now, uh-oh... Traffic Warden is having all sorts of problems, and it's not moving at all! I think that attack damaged the inside of the machine more than the outside. Oh dear, Steve seems to know what has happened, and smoke is starting to pour out of Traffic Warden! The Refbot rushes over and starts to count out the Warden!
    1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!!!
    That is the end for Traffic Warden. Kudos to Steve for bring in such a sophisticatedly-designed machine. Turbulence gets underneath the beaten clampbot and drives towards the wall... it is GONE! It's out of there! But it seems to me that Turbulence wants much more action, as it takes on Shunt in the CPZ! Shunt gets toppled over, and now, Steve is yelling for Shunt to get down the pit! Jack drives Turbulence into Shunt, and into the pit it goes! Refbot on the other hand, is not amused with at all with this scene. But it's getting ugly for the Refbot as Turbulence gets underneath, and just as the Refbot is about to give a yellow card to Turbulence-- HAHAHAHAHAHA! The Refbot gets flipped on its side! They're both going nuts up in their control booths! Ah man, now I've seen everything.


    Traffic Warden suffers a lot of turbulence and gets downgraded to a pedestrian.
    The 14th seed, Turbulence goes through to the Heat J Final!

    So, Traffic Warden and Obsidian are history, and so that leaves us with two robots in our Heat Final...

    Heat J Final
    Delirium Tremors VS Turbulence

    Tactics and Predictions, si'l vous plait

  6. #226
    w00t, w00ty battles, w00t a final!

    Delirium Tremors vs. Turbulence

    Gotta give this to Delirium Tremors. I like Turb but when you're up against an almost unflippable killing machine like that, victory's pretty much out of reach. :P

  7. #227
    Delirium Tremors VS Turbulence (14)

    Dan: It all comes down to this, here in the Heat Final. Delirium Tremors and Turbulence meet here, and I am joined right now by the pit reporter. So Justine, what do you think about this final?
    Justine: Delirium Tremors, when I first saw it, the weapon seemed absolutely frightening. Turbulence is also a superb robot with the huge flipper, the four-wheel drive, the whole nine yards. With these two great robots in the heat final, it's gonna be an awesome match-up.
    Dan: Well, I agree that it's gonna be a great match. However, Delirium Tremors, I think has the more edge here because of the weapon. Although it's quite slow and sluggish, its weapon is the key here to win. What do you think?
    Justine: Delirium Tremors DOES have a more dangerous weapon, so I agree with your decision. I'm going for Delirium Tremors to dazzle us all in the final.
    Dan: Well then, let's see if we're on the money!

    ( * * * )

    Sam: So, the series semi-finals awaits for one of these robots. Who will it be? Let's all find out... IN THE HEAT FINAAAAAL!!!!

    (HEAT FINAL!!!)

    Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome...


    VEEEEERY dangerous. That lethal drum can cause lots of damage.


    The powerful flipper is what makes Turbulence such a formidable opponent. How will it fare here?

    Roboteers, Stand by...

    Let's see here... Matt is focused on the controls of Delirium Tremors in one booth, and in the other one, we can see Jack Orr driving Turbulence. The house robots we'll see in this battle is Sgt. Bash with the lethal pincers and the ever-so-dangerous flame thrower... and King Arthur, the big daddy of them all, opening up his maw in hopes of trapping someone.

    3... 2... 1... ACTIVATE!!!

    These are two very formidable machines here. Delirium Tremors is currently spinning up its lethal drum to full speed. Turbulence, however, is much more nippier than Delirium Tremors. Turbulence is coming in quickly and slams into the drumbot before it gets up to full speed, and flips it! It has absolutely no effect, as Delirium Tremors is invertible. However, Turbulence will score points on aggression if this goes to a judge's decision. Delirium Tremors spinning up again, but Turbulence comes in on its side! It gets underneath Delirium Tremors and tosses it up in the air! Great attack by Turbulence, but Delirium Tremors is doing pretty well hanging on in there. Now, Matt can't take it anymore, so he gets the drum up to speed on Delirium Tremors again, and this time, it goes for Turbulence's side...
    Turbulence is tossed by the deadly drum of Delirium Tremors and comes back down with a thump! Turbulence fights back by shoving Delirium Tremors into the CPZ of King Arthur, and Delirium Tremors gets away just in the nick of time! Delirium Tremors spins up again, and this time, it goes for the other side of Turbulence, drum spun up to full speed! Turbulence is trying to get away...
    ... and the collision is massive! There is a huge flurry of sparks being created, and the slam sends Turbulence flying onto its back. Nice attack there by Delirium Tremors. Turbulence self-rights, slams into Delirium Tremors' side and flips it! Delirium Tremors spins up again, and slams into the side of Turbulence once more...
    The slam sends Turbulence flying again, sparks litter the arena floor, and Delirium Tremors will score points for that. Turbulence is still moving properly though, and this is a terrific battle we're seeing here! Turbulence is a great robot, it reached the Heat Final last year, only to be beaten by Son of Ripper Hex, and was also a champion in the Roaming Robots competition several years ago as well. Now, Turbulence gets underneath the drumbot again and carries it to the wall!
    OH! It just manages to hang on! Delirium Tremors gets back in and hangs on by the skin of its chinny-chin-chin! Now, Delirium Tremors spins up yet again... oh my goodness, I have never seen the drum move that fast...
    The collision is absolutely huge, as it tosses Turbulence like a salad. Sparks litter the arena floor, and both robots are doing very well. Turbulence is slightly limping around the arena, but it sure doesn't stop from fighting back! It flips the drumbot from Bedford, and both robots are doing absolutely amazing here. Turbulence now being chased by Delirium Tremors again, and the drumbot comes in, weapon spun up to full speed!
    The forecast calls for flurries of sparks! Big collision there as Turbulence is tossed in the air again by that dangerous and deadly drum RIGHT INTO THE ARENA SAWS! BZZZT! Even more sparks fly, and the audience loves it! Turbulence fights back, and slams into the side of Delirium Tremors, and carries it to the wall again...
    It didn't go out, as Delirium Tremors again, manages to hang on in there! WOW! This is a great attack there by the former Roaming Robots champion, and Matt just manages to hang on, and he breathes a sigh of relief. Delirium Tremors, spins up again--
    ... and what a collision this was! Turbulence gets tossed by that deadly drum of Delirium Tremors again, and Turbulence lands in the CPZ of King Arthur... uh-oh. King Arthur is angry as heck. He does not like someone invading his personal space. Trust me, you wouldn't want to imagine King Arthur getting angry. Oh my goodness... he isn't JUST angry, he is absolutely ticked off to the max. His flywheel is spinning, and he is just-- OH NO. Turbulence is trying to get away, but...
    Oh... my... god. That hit is monumental. The slam sends the former Roaming Robots champ flying, and almost out of the arena! There is a huge dent in the armour due to the attack. Turbulence is immobile and not moving, but its flipper IS working somehow! It's firing its flipper to show some sign of life, but now Delirium Tremors charges at the open flipper...
    Turbulence can't do anything about this. There goes the weapon, and the CO2 ram of Turbulence's flipper has been snapped by the drum. OUCH. The Refbot hurries over to Turbulence, knowing the time has come for him to do his everyday duty.
    1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10!!!
    Turbulence is out of there. Jack puts his controls down and claps for Matt. A brilliant robot has gone out of the competition, and the house robots gang up on Turbulence. King Arthur opens up its maw and takes Turbulence in it, and now it drops Turbulence off on the arena flipper. 3... 2... 1... and we have lift-off! Turbulence tumbles onto its back, and King Arthur pushes the pit button, and the audience must really love that! They want Turbulence down in the pit of doom! Now Sgt. Bash slowly pushes Turbulence ever so close to the pit... and that's it, and Turbulence has fallen in! It's all over... OR IS IT? Matt is grinning devilishly as he spins up, and-- OH NO, HE WOULDN'T!!!
    Yes... he did it anyway. Delirium Tremors rips a chunk out of Sgt. Bash. Jack is loving it, he's pounding on the glass and cheering. Matt smiles, and nods in satisfaction. Sgt. Bash on the other hand, not so much.


    Turbulence (14) could not escape the delirious power of the drum.
    Delirium Tremors goes through to the Series Semi-Finals!!!

    Sam: Well Jack, things didn't REALLY go according to plan, now did it?
    Jack: Afraid not. (Laughs)
    Sam: Are you disappointed?
    Jack: Yeah, it's disappointing to lose, but hey, there's always next time.
    Sam: Yes! That's the spirit. You coming back?
    Jack: Oh, you bet I am.
    Sam: Alright! Everyone, this is a truly gallant competitor, let's hear it for TURBULENCE!!!
    Sam: Well? You did it!
    Matt: I sure did indeed.
    Sam: The drum is very good on your robot. What was the tactic for the battle?
    Matt: Same as always. Rip and shred, that was the tactic for the most part.
    Sam: Congratulations on winning the heat. Do you think you'll go all the way?
    Matt: I'll do my best and see what happens. But for the most part, I'm confident.
    Sam: That is great to hear! Ladies and Gentlemen, raise the roof for your winner of Heat J, DELIRIUM TREMORS!!!
    Sam: Delirium Tremors destroys opponents in a flash, and takes over as winner in today's episode of RoboBash! Good night!
    (Crowd cheers, Jack, Matt and Sam shakes hands)

    Next time on Heat K...
    12th seeds, Ge5orce returns with a vengeance! Can it make robots fly even higher than last time? Also, last year's Heat Finallist, Killobite, returns with a demonic new look. Will it take a big bite out of the competition?

    Ge5orce VS Killotine Evo VS Lightning XP1*
    Killobite Sigma VS Alpha Bolt VS Bigger Brother


    *After thinking about it, I decided to change Mark Elam's entry back to Lightning XP1, because Cosmic Thunder was taken from Alex McW. Mark, if you're reading this, I'm truly sorry that I changed it. Hope you understand.

    In the meantime, tactics and predictions are welcome as always

  8. #228
    Sam: Welcome all to Robobash! This competition is where even the most toughest robots tremble in fear! Tonight, six more robots clash for a place in the series semi-finals. So far, 10 robots have made the cut; Intriguous, Clawdius, Gehenna, The Final Cut, Super Gore, Psyclonizer, GBOD, Spin Dash, Eye of Ran, and Delirium Tremors! So, we'll find out who will make the cut here in this heat! In the meantime, the crowd wants some destruction to happen, DON'T YOU, GUYS?!


    Sam: They want it, so they'll get it! LET THE WAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRS BEGIN!!!!!!!!!

    (BATTLE 1!!!)

    From Shrewsbury in Shropshire and the 12th seeded machine, Ge5orce!

    GeFiveOrce... quite an interesting name, if you think about it. This machine went to the Heat Final last year, and got the Co2 tank destroyed by Clawdius. However, the machine was redesigned into a more powerful launch pad, and the titanium for the wheel guards isn't very flimsy either. and at a decent 16mph top speed, this robot is relatively speedy. However, it's got limited gas on board, and the machine invertible, and you know what that means... yup, exposed wheels.

    From Glasgow, in Scotland, Killotine Evo!

    The axe sensation returns to the warzone! It still has a deadly axe powered by Co2 and great pushing power as well. The axe comes down with powerful force, and the LEM-130 motors give it a 16mph top speed which is more than enough to push other bots around. However, it will run out of Co2 sooner or later... does that matter?

    From Texas in the USA, Lightning XP1!

    This robot is basically a remake of the robot Lightning who got beaten hands-down by Gravity in the 7th Wars. It has a pretty powerful flipper on board, and this machine can also be self-righted using the weapon. However, it's powered by gas, so it can run out sooner or later.

    Roboteers, stand by...

    There's Steve and AJ in one booth, driving Killotine and Ge5orce, and also in the other booth, Mark will be driving Lightning XP1. The house robots will be Mangled Metal, with the spinning ring which has WAY more power than Chara's thundering slapshot, and there's also Shunt with the mighty scoop lifter, and the lethal axe.

    3... 2... 1... ACTIVATE!


  9. #229
    Cool. Right, re-iterating tactics:

    Heat K
    Ge5orce (12) VS Killotine Evo VS Lightning XP1

    As good as Lightning is, I suspect a team-up on it that it won't survive. :P

    Bigger Brother VS Alpha-Bolt VS Killobite Sigma

    Bigger Brother couldn't take out Razer, I'm afraid. What do you think he's going to do against something similar yet more powerful? :P Anyway, crunch onto the flipping arm and take it out of commission. If Alpha-Bolt gets in the way, turn on it instead and sink my tooth into it. Or let it team up with me on the realie, if it's willing. :P

  10. #230
    The first battle of Heat K is under way in the arena. Lightning XP1 immediately darts for the seeded Ge5orce, and flips it over. Killotine joins the action, and immediately sinks its axe into Lightning's rear, causing a huge dent in the armour. Now, Ge5orce closes in on Lightning's rear, and the flipper fires!
    What an air-time that Lightning had, it just went 12 feet in the air, and comes crashing back down! This is already looking like Gravity VS Lightning all over again... oh boy. Now, Lightning goes for Killotine and somehow gets under the side! Now Killotine gets flipped over, but self-rights! Now, Killotine slams into Lightning and gets underneath! Killotine rams Lightning into the wall, and what power! Lightning just gets slammed into the wall there by Killotine's shoving ability! Ge5orce now takes on Lightning, but it's Ge5orce who gets flipped over! Lightning is actually doing quite well here for a novice, putting in a few solid flips in on the opponents, but Killotine immediately charges at its side. Lightning tried to turn with the flipper, but it was too late. Now, Killotine gets underneath, and it gets Lightning into the CPZ of Mangled Metal... UH-OH!
    What a collision, as Lightning gets rocked by the deadly spinning rim of Mangled Metal! Lightning loses some armour and also, it is slightly limping, but other than that, it looks fine. It gets away from the CPZ, but Ge5orce chases after Lightning, and gets underneath!
    The flip is enormous as the Shropshire machine gives Lightning some air time! Lightning comes back down with a crash, and gets itself away from Ge5orce! However, not from Killotine as it gets axed by the Scottish machine. Lightning fights back, and slams into Killotine! It gets underneath the side and carries it to the wall!
    Close but no cigar for Lightning. It does not go out, as Killotine takes a tumble, bounces off the arena wall and back in it! Killotine self-rights and darts for the pit release button, and the pit goes down! Ge5orce now darts for Lightning, and flips it right into Mangled Metal's CPZ!
    Oh Lordy. Showers of sparks litter the arena floor, and Lightning is thrusted away upon contact! Some more armour pieces fly off, and what an attack by Ge5orce! The flipper on Ge5orce is much improved and also very effective, indeed. Lightning is limping even more now, courtesy of Mangled Metal's spinning rim. Using that to an advantage, Killotine gets in with the axe, and drags Mark's robot towards the pit of doom! Lightning tries getting away from danger, BUT IT GOES IN! The match is over in about a minute! Kudos to Mark for a good effort, but it was absolutely not enough as Killotine and Ge5orce move on... BUT WAIT A MINUTE! Ge5orce is now taking on Shunt in the CPZ, and flips it over! Killotine goes in for the kill now, AND AXES SHUNT'S WHEEL! Now, Killotine continues to axe away on Shunt. Oh my goodness, can you believe it... Ge5orce now lines itself up with Shunt, and drives at full speed ahead!
    Shunt flies out of the arena, and it's lying helpless on the camera tracks... Steve and AJ are loving it up there. Ah man, now I've seen everything.


    Shunt takes some air-time and Lightning gets absolutely thunderstruck.
    Ge5orce (12) and Killotine Evo go through to Round 2!

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