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Thread: robot fanfic im writing

  1. #11
    I'll enter, with Minesweep3r. Stats here:

    Backstory: Minesweep3r's new to the block, but it has its pedigree, with ideas mixed in from various other famous rambots, such as Forcepower, Do or Die, and Tornado. The machine doesn't have a proven combat record, but it still should be able to kick its fair share of metal.

  2. #12
    Just wondering if I might be able to enter something for a later chapter (probably won't have designed one by tommorow.)

    No problem if I can't but it'll give me a reason to design a vapour and stop procrastinating.

  3. #13
    il enter O.I.D plz

    stats on ZED

    backstory: after being kicked out of his school (robot-builders-guide) for slicing the teacher in history of robotics, he left his hometown of robonia to live in the big city (london) with his father (fluffy) but fluffy was beaten to a crisp so O.I.D was adopted by hypnodisk, of course, being raised by these great spinners has taught him many things, but just before he entered the ring, hypnodisk was kidnapped by some evil gangster bots, he hopes one day to find his step father, and be reunited with his mum, WIZIWIG


  4. #14
    reserve me a space please

    what kinda background are we looking for? are the robots we enter supposed to be characters of some sort who have had a life and all kinda characteristics, or are they supposed to be dumb robots?:O

  5. #15
    ok to all who decided to enter you are all in

    as for the fanfic rep (soz forgot your name l0l) your space will be reserved plus the robot have lives and have had speaking chips installed (lol)

    please note that entrys are now closed you will have to wait until the end of chapter 1 to enter more

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by death robotics
    ok to all who decided to enter you are all in

    as for the fanfic rep (soz forgot your name l0l) your space will be reserved plus the robot have lives and have had speaking chips installed (lol)

    please note that entrys are now closed you will have to wait until the end of chapter 1 to enter more
    my name is in my profile on the left lol, Martijn. you'll have my entry soon

  7. #17
    ok just for info chapter 1 is up now

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