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Thread: My first fan fic

  1. #21
    w00t, 9.0's debut is a success


  2. #22
    *shakes kodys virtual hand*

    harry: fair play, that was a good fight m8

    kody: well done, you deserved that win, but watch out, iv got something planned that will kick your virtual ass :P
    a la prochaine


  3. #23

  4. #24
    thats already been done :wink:

    and btw, in your fight mark, u said mythras had its wheels teared clean of the motor shaft...their not attached to the motor shaft, there's a chain system :P

  5. #25

  6. #26
    Harry: Hello and welcome to M.F.F.F! I€™m your host Harry Orr! Tonight instead of me being the commentator we are going to have a different commentator called Flynn! He is a good friend of mine from school and he wants to be commentator so I said yes and hear he is!

    Flynn: Hello Harry and I€™m very happy to be on the show! Tonight we have a full body ring spinner with a lifting arm and one of the most destructive vertical spinners on the show!

    Here are the robots fighting today!

    Entered by Joey Mcconnell, No Consequences!
    This full body spinner will bash and smash the other robots to pieces! Also No consequences as a powerful lifting arm to self write itself and even flip other robots up and OVER!

    Entered by Nick, Vertical limits!
    As I said Vertical Limits is one of the most powerful vertical spinners out there, not to mention one of the most powerful spinners.
    So this robot is definitely got a chance in this fight with that spinning disk!

    So I think anything could happen in this fight!

    So here we go!

    *Plays Dominos Advert*

    The house robots are Shunt and Sir Killalot


    And in comes Vertical Limits charging Forwards with its vertical disk spinning up to full speed, No Consequences is hiding in the shadows for the best moment€¦and€¦No consequences has taken his time and gone in the lifting arm! FLIP! FLIP! Vertical Limits is being chucked all over the place! Now it looks like Vertical Limits is retreating and trying to spin up his disk and VROOOOOOOOOM! Now the disk has really sped up and he has gone round the back of No Consequences and CRASH! Vertical Limits has hit No Consequences back armour and there is a massive gash!

    Now No Consequences is going round and round and round...Oh I€™m dizzy by watching No Consequences going round and round! And Vertical Limits is charging towards No Consequences that€™s not a good idea made by Nick and€¦CRASH! Vertical Limits has gone spinning into Shunts CPZ! And shunt doesn€™t like that, Shunt doesn€™t like anyone in his CPZ and the axe has gone down CRASH! And Vertical Limits has zoomed out of the CPZ and straight onto No Consequences flipping arm and FLIP!
    Vertical Limit has been tossed over again by No Consequences! And the disk on Vertical Limits is spinning down and down and Vertical Limits chance of winning this fight Is getting lower and lower and lower!

    There€™s only 30 seconds left and if Vertical Limits wants a chance to win this he has to some how immobilize No Consequences in the time remaining.
    Now the disk is spinning very fast and is charging at No Consequences! CRASH! No Consequences has been toppled over by the hit made by Vertical Limits. Can he self right? Come on! Lift€¦lift€¦so close can he self right? Lift€¦And he€™s self righted! I almost thought he was going to be counted out of this fight!

    And there€™s 10 seconds left of the fight and I don€™t think anybody in this fight is going to immobilize the other opponent!

    And after bashing and crashing no body knows who is going to win this fight apart from the judges!
    Well this is a very close call on points only a 10point difference who will win? Vertical Limits or No consequences? And the winner is€¦€¦€¦€¦⠬¦€¦€¦€¦..With a total of 30points€¦€¦€¦€ ¦â‚¬Â¦.No Consequences!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to you Harry!
    Harry: Well, was that close! A 10point difference! Wow I still can€™t get over that! So No Consequences is the winner of that fight!
    Do you want to see more destruction? Tune in next time on M.F.F.F goodnight!

    Sorry for the long wait, haven't found the time


  7. #27
    Harry: Hello, and welcome to MFFF! I€™m your host Harry Orr, tonight we have to very good robots fighting it out to get through to the next round and, maybe win the competition! Over to you Flynn in the crows nest!

    Flynn: Thanks Harry, here are the robots fighting it out!

    Entered by Andrew Jackson, Fissure!
    This robot has a very nice lifting arm that can flip any robot up and either stack it on its side or flip it over!
    So overall I think this robot has a very good chance if winning this battle.

    Entered by Jack Orr, O.I.D!
    This robot has a powerful horizontal spinning disk that can destroy any robot anytime, anywhere!
    So this battle will be VERY hard for both robots to win this!

    Now the battle!

    House Robots are: Sir Killalot and Dead Metal!

    Bot 1. Fissure
    Bot 2. O.I.D


    And Fissure is charging down the arena floor, ready to flip some robots! At the same time O.I.D€™s disk is spinning up to full pelt and now both robots are ready to destroy each other!
    O.I.D is now doing the same and charging down the arena floor, So both robots are about to hit each other I can see that€™s about to happen and€¦€¦€¦€¦⠬¦€¦€¦€¦€ ¦â‚¬Â¦CRASH!
    Both robots have been chucked across the arena! Now Fissure self-writes and is going for the pit release€¦Down it comes!

    Here O.I.D comes! Charging down the arena and...OH NO! Fissure has flipped O.I.D onto its side and it looks like Fissure is pushing him into Dead Metals CPZ! Ohhhh! The disk on Dead Metal is going into O.I.D€™s armour!
    Now there€™s a MASSIVE gash in O.I.DS armour!
    O.I.D is back on his feet and is driving away as fast as he can to get out of trouble!

    And O.I.D has driven onto Fissures wedge and FLIP! O.I.D once again gets flipped over.
    I don€™t think there€™s much time left about 1 minute left!

    So 1 minute left in the battle, the tensions really on for both competitors to definitely win this...Ohhhh! Even I am nervous!!!
    O.I.D is on the move and€¦charging down the arena floor€¦CRASH! That hit will definitely had points to O.I.D€™s final score!

    And I think there€™s 20 seconds left and counting!

    Now O.I.D knows that he doesn€™t have enough time to beat Fissure unless suddenly Fissure mysteriously brakes down or Fissure drives in the pit for some reason. And there€™s no time left!


    So it has gone to a judges decision and here€™s what the scores are:

    Fissure: 8 points
    O.I.D: 9 points

    WOW! That was a close battle but the judge€™s made there decision and that€™s what they agreed on!

    Want to see more action? Tune in next time on M.F.F.F good night!

    What you think of the battle? Just post and say what I can improve on so the next battle could be much better ïÅ

  8. #28
    I think I shall let Joey give the advice. I'm still recovering from the ROFL spill I just had from reading that.

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