I'll have my 4th featherweight robot called W.Y.S.I.W.I.G (What You See Is What You Get). W.Y.S.I.W.I.G was a featherweight entry in the first series of RW that was driven by Michelle Wheely in RW UK. The robot also competed in the USA Robot Wars back in 1996 with Eric Dickinson. She is not fully build yet, but we do have the hardware for her (nuts, screws, etc.). She'll either have a 2mm thick aluminium chassis or a wooden one. The parts will include a Tamiya TEU101BK ESC and 068 Sport Tuned motor, carson chrome wheels, an Acoms 40mhz 2 channel transmitter pack, 2 Ansmann QD9 Ni-Cad battery packs for ESC.