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Thread: FRFFT: Series Three

  1. #21
    Back to Rock III plz Elliot, not the ancient one

    as for the battle... ermz... ermz... attack who is near and pit the bugger with my Back to Rocking skills, o, and I represent the Netherlands

  2. #22
    Mark Elam's impossibly true tactics/predictions:

    Blue Hurricane VS Infusion VS S.O.I.D VS Back to Rock III

    I see Infusion going through, and I also see S.O.I.D out pretty quick... Infusion and Back to Rock III to go through.

    Bandwagon VS Nidhogg Cubed VS Tira VI VS Brutalis 2.1

    Muahahahaha!!! A chance for revenge against the crazed Soul Calibur babe for what she did to me in Robot SMASH!!! Series 1. For this fight, I'll remove the rubber from the top of the Ti/Vanadium alloy, and place it underneath for shockproofing.

    I'll ironically ask to team up with Liam, as I believe he has the best machine out there(besides my Achilles clone) even though he was the one who knocked me out the previous time in Robot SMASH!!!(his tourney).

    I feel I should press the pit release button, While Liam flips Nidhogg Cubed OOTA. If he can't, we'll still be able to shove Nidhogg down the pit, due to it self-righting slowly. Plus, he didn't say that there was a pressurized gas tank(Needed to allow fuel to keep flowing even when the engine is inverted), therefore his engine should stall and stop working when we flip him.

    As for Tira, charge the disc. I should get under and flip her, and it should be a couple of moments for her to self-right. Afterward, consistently keep getting around to the sides and flip her. Her srimech has about 15 flips, and it's unlikely that the last 3 will self-right her. As for me, I will try to conserve my flips, and I shouldn't need to use them to self-right, since only Brutalis could flip me over.

    I do have Nitrogen, so that might be a bit of a problem seeing as the pressure decreases over consistent flips, but that'll be a problem remedied on Bandwagon 2.

    Anyways, once she's stuck upside down, try to shove her either into or as close to the pit as possible. Pitting Tira is the only way she'll be out, as I feel her odd shape might cause her to get hung up on the wall should me and Liam try to flip her OOTA.

    As for what Liam should do after we dispose of Nidhogg Cubed: If he wants to flip Tira, save some of my gas, and cause her to waste more of her gas, that would nice and helpful.

    This has been Mark Elam's extremely well researched and well thought out tactics.

  3. #23
    And in other news, Mark is still quite a bit of a git. :P

    Bandwagon vs. Nidhoggtothepowerof3 vs. Tira VI vs. Brutalis 2.1

    I think I shall go for Brutalis first. The Hardox armour of his can prove withstanding but due to the small dimensions it can easily be knocked about, and Tira's 'wings' can keep him in check. Can self-right properly now for the worst scenario too. Aim for a pitting or immobilization. After that I shall do the same with Mark's pile of scrap. It'd actually be quite good if Mark wasn't an arse about it. :P As an insult however I'll just keep knocking it onto its back and let it self-right just to knock it back over and waste his flipper power, and probably causing internal damage at the same time. Nidhogg poses quite a bit of a threat in a melee, but if he's going to attack the other two that's quite fine by me. Team-up perhaps, old fellow?

    For the other match I see Back to Rock and Infusion coming through quite nicely.
    Nice line-up Elliot.

  4. #24

  5. #25
    Yes, good luck trying to get around the front. :P

  6. #26

  7. #27
    1. Read my tactics again. I'm attacking Brutalis first.
    2. Joey will likely attack the bot I'm not attacking since (via MSN) we've agreed to team-up.
    3. Liam hasn't even stated his tactics yet.
    4. Why am I having this pointless discussion with you...

  8. #28
    Teamup gladly accepted, Ko-D.

    I'll go for Bandwagon now first and foremost, unless Brutalis is in such a position (like about to attack me or side on, or otherwise exposed) that attacking it would prove more worthwile. Kill Bandwagon by clamping it and either pitting it or thrusting it into Tira's disc before it can get a chance to attack Tira properly, and then see what Brutalis's doing and have a go at that if needed.

    Mark, you do realise you're being a teeny weeny bit of a smeghead here? It's like when you'd tell writers: Remember, I have an anti flipping device that never previously existed, and also remember I have super driving skills so nobody can get under me, and remember I shall now use the statement 'hard to beat' in a vague manner to achieve a result of thing
    because you were convinced you weren't winning's a game, enjoy it, don't take it so seriously

  9. #29

  10. #30

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