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Thread: Crash & Burn: Mini-Tournament of Death 3

  1. #121
    good battle i enjoyed reading that. well done martijn. not ashamed to go out to such a good looking robot.

  2. #122
    Gee, I'm on a roll, aren't I

    Semi-Final 2
    Qwertyuiop vs. Monsoon Season

    Roboteers, stand by...

    House robots: Asterix Anarchius, Renegade


    It's Qwertyuiop who has the faster start, but Monsoon Season is no slouch either, and barely has Qwertyuiop crossed into Monsoon Season's half of the arena when the two robots crash into each other, a crack of steel almost snapping the eardrums of the audience in half! However Qwertyuiop, due to a more leveraging design, is able to get under the ramming plate of Monsoon Season and toss it over quickly like a pancake! Daniel rights his machine just as quickly, but not quickly enough to avoid a total wedging by Qwertyuiop, and the said attacker carries Monsoon Season to the nearest CPZ and tosses it! It's an empty CPZ, but Asterix Anarchius is on course for it immediately, and no sooner has Qwertyuiop exited the scene and Monsoon Season turned about, than Asterix enters the CPZ at a frightening velocity, slamming right into Monsoon and sends it literally flying across the arena off the wall! Monsoon Season lands ungracefully, rolling chassis-over-teakettle several times, and finally settling onto its back. Just as Daniel is about to right his beloved Monsoon Season again, Qwertyuiop arrives again to push the Monsoon into the wall! Unfortunately, just as Navaha hits the flipper button, Daniel does the same! The result is quite spectacular, as Monsoon flies spinning into the air like a trapeze artist, almost terminally, and lands quite gracefully this time onto its tracks, behind Qwertyuiop! Both roboteers are stunned, Navaha because he didn't get his OOTA, and Daniel because he can't believe he survived that. Once he realizes his robot's front end is facing his opponent's robot's rear end, Dan snaps back to reality and drives Monsoon Season forward. Navaha comes out of his shock barely a split-second later and spins Qwertyuiop about, and startlingly knocks the plate of Monsoon Season aside, exposing the side! Before Dan can do a thing, Qwertyuiop is under the side of Monsoon Season and tosses it again, sending it flying across the arena. Monsoon tumbles chassis-over-teakettle again but doesn't even finish doing so; Qwertyuiop is on its case and pushes Monsoon into Renegade's CPZ where Monsoon lands on its tracks again. Shockingly enough it manages to get under the house robot as Qwertyuiop pushes it, but Renegade brings down the axe into the Hardox plate of Monsoon, however hardly doing any noticeable damage. Monsoon takes this in stride and tosses over the nearly quarter-tonne house robot, and in turn is tossed onto him unceremoniously by Qwertyuiop's own flipper! With a 110kg robot on top of him and 225kg of his own weight to bear, Renegade cannot right himself with that axe and tries to drive out of the way! However Navaha is there to lending a helping hand, or in this case, flipper, and Qwertyuiop gets under the rear of the inverted Team Darkzlayerz member, just as Monsoon drives backwards onto the said flipper of its opponent. Qwertyuiop would have flipped, but is interrupted by a vicious, vicious slam by Asterix coming in behind, and is deposited into the CPZ as well!

    It's a dog-pile in the corner patrol zone as Renegade tries to free itself of the ball'o'robots and manages to do so, heaving Asterix and Qwertyuiop out of the way, Monsoon back on top and inverted. Monsoon Season tries to self-right and does so, but is stuck on the rear of Renegade and is pushed into Asterix, who pushes back! Qwertyuiop, inverted itself and crushed into the side wall, also tries to self-right but fails, mostly because Monsoon's side is stuck overtop of it. Now Renegade itself tries to self-right...and manages to do it this time, just as Monsoon Season frees itself from Asterix. Qwertyuiop again makes a self-righting attempt, achieving success this time but not quick enough to evade a hasty attack from Monsoon Season, who collects Qwertyuiop onto its flipper, and before Navaha knows what's going on, Monsoon Season launches the 2WD flipper into the air and clean over the fence!


    Qwertyuiop is like soooo last cycle, Navaha.
    Monsoon Season advances to the Final!

  3. #123
    Which leaves the epic battle to be, thus:

    The Crash & Burn Mini-tournament of Death 3: Final
    Under Pressure vs. Monsoon Season

    Martijn and Daniel, tactics if you please.

  4. #124
    what Im hoping for is getting the tracks stuck between my claws somehow, this is all down to the specific dimensions but I feel I can damage his tracks with my claws while facing his front, either how apart from that, usual tactics apply, grab, crush, lift him off the ground, all in 1 move, and then pit the machine

    great battles Kody, and you put up a great fight Shane!

  5. #125
    We have tactics, we have lift-off!!!

    Under Pressure vs. Monsoon Season

    And how they got here, we shall inform you, friends...

    Under Pressure
    - Defeated Symmetry by pitting
    - Defeated Apocalypse II by pitting
    - Defeated Envy by pitting

    Monsoon Season
    - Defeated Nitro-Gene 5.0 by pitting
    - Defeated Mornington Crescent by OOTA
    - Defeated Qwertyuiop by OOTA

    Roboteers, stand by...

    House robots: The lovely-yet-slightly-or-is-that-overwhelmingly-insane Hexadecimal and, Exa-Gore-Ic Evo, whose pincers haven't gotten enough play time yet.


    For the last time this tournament, the robots leave their spots and the fight is on!!! Under Pressure comes out, ominous, the jaws gaping wide like a hungry crustacean! Monsoon Season however is fast enough to dodge those jaws, get clean under the side before Martijn can turn his crusher around, and toss Under Pressure into the air! Under Pressure lands upside-down and immediately the fight seems to be in Monsoon's favour! But don't count the Dutch robot out just yet! It's back to bearings now and is able to keep the jaws pointed at Monsoon Season! Daniel can't seem to get a purchase at Under Pressure's rear and attacks the side again, but ends up between the jaws! Under Pressure closes the jaws as quick as he can, but Monsoon Season backs away before any disadvantage comes of it! His carelessness exposed, Martijn backs Under Pressure up while trying to open the jaws in time, but again Monsoon Season is much too quick! The wedge finds its way underneath the lower claw! Approaching the arena wall, Monsoon gathers strength and let out an ungodly toss!

    Unfortunately, he caught too little of the claw and sent Under Pressure flying to the side! What's worse, Under Pressure is right-side-up again, and scoots to the side of Monsoon before Daniel can re-orient! Caught in the grasp of the jaws, Monsoon Season tries to fire the flipper but it doesn't do much other than pop Under Pressure a few inches into the air! Now the claws contract, and Monsoon looks to be in major peril! But what's this? The rear of Monsoon has definitely been gotten under...but not the front! The lower claw is scraping over the flipper! And in a position like that, there's no way Under Pressure can properly clamp Monsoon! And Monsoon's tracks are definitely still on the ground! What's more, Under Pressure's left-side wheel is stuck in the air because of this, so Martijn's going nowhere fast!

    Realizing his sudden gigantic advantage, Daniel drives towards Hexadecimal's CPZ as quick as Monsoon's tracks can take him. Under Pressure tries to fight it, trying to open his jaws in time and use his one grounded wheel, but Danny delivers the goods! Hex lifts her blades up under the crusher...or tries to, but having Monsoon Season stuck in there makes the combined weight too much for Hex to handle; she tips forwards!!!


    Hexadecimal tears into the arena floor, completely carving a crevasse into it, but the damage done to Hex is far worse! As Hex flies backwards, the house robot's spinning blades have gone from three to two! The isolated fellow is laying several feet away, its joint buckled and torn, and tip bent beyond immediate repair! Hexadecimal can no longer spin her blades up without going completely off balance, so she desists, but Under Pressure has finally freed itself from Monsoon Season and backs into her! Now she lifts Under Pressure up, but Monsoon comes flying in, and sliding under one of the claws tosses it right over Hex and into the corner! Which can only mean trouble as Exa-Gore-Ic leaves his CPZ to join the party! And what a party it is! Hexadecimal has lifted Under Pressure up again, but Daniel being the cheeky sod that he is, gets under Hex herself, relieving Marti's pressure and with one gargantuan toss, propels Hexadecimal over the walls, and out!

    That's made Exa-Gore-Ic a pretty cranky lad, and he enters the CPZ as Monsoon backs off, just escaping the grasp of Under Pressure, and starts chasing him around the arena! Martijn is also on the attack now, but the 400kg house bot is getting quite a bit in his own way! And Monsoon seems to be outstripping them all like Michael Schumacher in an F1 circuit! Exa-Gore-Ic finally stops the pursuit, allowiing the true match to continue and Monsoon Season spons about to face the incoming Under Pressure! Both robots collide in epic fashion, with Under Pressure trying to close the jaws before Monsoon Season gets in! Sadly this doesn't work and Monsoon gets under the main body of Under Pressure first! With another toss, Under Pressure is sent flying across the arena, but not landing inverted! Unfortunately for Martijn his relief is short-lived when Monsoon Season gets under it again, avoiding a clamping again and taking it to the arena wall...Monsoon activates the flipper, and Under Pressure soars...!

    ...and that's the end!!! A valiant fight from Under Pressure, but in the end he finishes the match on the arena camera tracks! Monsoon Season: the well-deserved winner! ...or is it the end? No! Monsoon Season is not content with merely sending Under Pressure to its doom; he wants them all out! With a blast Monsoon rockets into Exa-Gore-Ic's CPZ and as the house robots tries to fend him off, one toss sends the almighty house robot onto its side, the 400kg of mean, unlean wrecking machine helpless! As The Watcher flies in to berate Monsoon for its reckless behavior, he gets a bit of a shock as Monsoon targets HIM next! Despite the ref's protests, Monsoon takes The Watcher to the wall and ejects it! He's beaten everyone! And, as though to prove it, Monsoon heads back to Exa-Gore-Ic Evo, gets back under the side, and lets loose another mighty flip! Now Exa-Gore-Ic's beached on the wall and almost out! And now he is, with another toss! There is only one champion, and indeed one robot left in the entire arena: MONSOON SEASON!


    When the going gets rough, Under Pressure gets going...outta here, that is!
    Monsoon Season wins The Crash & Burn Mini-Tournament Of Death 3!!!



    Qwertyuiop (Alex Howard)
    Under Pressure (Martijn Benschop)
    Monsoon Season (Daniel Stickler)

    Well that's that. Another minor tournament taken to the books. Well done to Dan and Monsoon for winning and everybody else for participating. You all deserve an A+.

    MToD4? Don't count on it being too soon in the future. I have C&B4 to worry about, as well as Analysis. All I'll say is that it will have either 16 or 32 people. Most likely 16, but we'll see.

    In the meantime, stay tuned to C&B4, I'm going to be writing that one up at near-lightspeed, with none of the battle quality suffering because of it.

    Adi³s. For now.

  6. #126
    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I lost!

    great battle though, and congrats Dan!

    but I still lost

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