- When you scour ebay buying aluminium billet for robots you haven't designed yet.
- When your neighbors come out to ask if your robot is working now after hearing a large crash/explosion.
- When you buy a milling machine, but haven't bought a washing machine for the house you've been living in for 2 years.
- You have more hardox in your house then cutlery.
- You use a screw driver as a coffee stirrer.
- Your soldering iron lives on the kitchen table
- You only have a hair dryer for shrink wrapping batteries
- You use the toaster to shrink wrap batteries when you can't find the hair dryer
- You set the smoke alarms off when you next use the toaster because it's set on flamethrower setting for heat shrinking.
- You fix injuries with duct tape.
- You have a set of Hawker SLA's in your car in case you need a jump start.
- You post in all the Your a roboteer when... threads.