Hi all,

Many of you know that I am running the London Marathon this year and many have already sponsored me at events. I am running with my mum and brother to raise money for the Parkison's Disease Society after my grandad was diaognosed 2 years ago. We have gold bond places to run which means we have a guarenteed place as long as we raise a set amount of money. That amount is £1700 each (£5100 total), we are well on the way but still need about £1500.

Training to going well, still need to a couple of 20 mile training runs before the big day, which is 26th April.

If anyone wishes to sponsor me they can at http://www.justgiving.com/edmundwallace
(check out what im sitting on, on the photo)

Thanks to those who have already sponsored me at events and thanks to those that do on the web.