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Thread: Robot Wars - Evolution

  1. #81

    The grand final of Robot Wars: Evolution. We will finally see who is the best of the best!

    From Ipswich, in Suffolk, Storm II!

    Theyve beaten Firestorm, Pussycat and Typhoon II to get here.

    From Miami, in Florida, Surgeon General!

    They laid into Voltronic, Nightmare and Biohazard to reach the final.

    Roboteers, stand by!

    B1: Storm II
    B2: Surgeon General
    House Robots: Mr Psycho and Sir Killalot

    3-2-1: Activate!

    This is it, the final to end it all! Storm II charges head on into the disc of Surgeon General! Sparks fly! It lifts Surgeon General up, but not over. Surgeon General crashes back to the ground and turns to face the sides of Storm II. Storm II charges again and pushes Surgeon General towards Mr Psycho! OHH! The hammer missed Surgeon General and hit Storm II instead. Surgeon Generals disc hits the sides of Storm II, but not creating much damage. Storm II gets away as Sir Killalot enters. Surgeon General runs to the middle of the arena, only for Storm II to sweep under it again and push it into the pit release button! Surgeon General escapes and hits the side of Storm II! No damage, or is there? Did something come off there? I dont know. Storm II recovers and RAMS Surgeon General into the CPZ! It lifts it up, but it cant push it over. That wouldnt matter to Surgeon General, it is invertible. Sir Killalot comes in and grabs Surgeon Generals wheel casing! OH! He snaps it in half and lifts Surgeon General up. Where is he going to take it? Storm II looks on. Sir Killalot drops Surgeon General over the flame pit! Storm II comes in again and makes contact with the disc. Theres a few scratches and gashes on Storm II, I wonder if the judges noticed that. Surgeon General cant outrun Storm II, it is the fastest of the two here. Into the wall, Surgeon General. Its near the CPZ, where Mr Psycho awaits. Storm II pushes again, but Surgeon General holds its ground! A tug of war towards the CPZ here! Down comes the hammer of Mr Psycho, DOWN onto Surgeon General. Its taking a beating so far, but Storm II has as well. Surgeon General backs away, but Storm II corners it and gets under it again. Lifting it up, perhaps to take it towards the pit? Surgeon General falls off, but Storm II pursues again. Surgeon General turns into the side and HITS Storm II directly there! Sparks fly, but Storm II is unfazed and pushes it away again towards the PIT! OHH! Its almost in and IT just gets away, Surgeon General. It pulled off a quick escape there. Storm II almost went in itself then! The two go back to the centre of the arena, where Storm II rams into the buckled casing on Surgeon General and lifts it up, perhaps trying to hook Surgeon General onto it! It pushes into the wall, but Surgeon General gets away! The last ten seconds count down! What a final this is! Surgeon General hits Storm II on the front again, but Storm II pushes it into Sir Killalot again! Surgeon General gets away, but Storm II pushes it into the wall!


    Its all over! The judges will have to decide!

    Theyre looking at the tapes. Lets see the results.

    Storm II: S: 2 C: 3 D: 2 A: 3 Total: 10

    Surgeon General: S: 2 C: 2 D: 3 A: 2 Total: 9

    In this fight, it wasnt down to damage, but aggression! Storm II is the winner of Robot Wars: Evolution! Well done to Kody!

    Storm II is the best robot to come into Robot Wars!

    So, what next from my list, you may ask. Another Robot Wars: Evolution? No, but I might have something far more exciting for you, far more exciting than the PTT and VFT!

    Seriously, it wont be as exciting as them, those two competitions really are good. Any way, Ill see you later!

  2. #82
    Hmm, Kody beat up Kody to win :P

    Nice one ELLIOT, some good fights in there despite a few issues.

  3. #83

  4. #84
    Well...the fight length was an issue but theyve been longer lately, so thats good

    My main problems are the amount of fights that go to judges decisions (some might be that close, but you seem to have virtually every one go to the judges which isnt really very likely :P) and the lack of many adjectives in the fights, they do make it look a lot better than just lots of Storm pushes Surgeon General, but Surgeon General gets away and hits Storm over and over again.

    Your fights could do with breaking up a bit as well, I should know more than anyone that reading one big block of text is no fun

  5. #85

  6. #86
    Hmm. Beating oneself in a match is unhealthy, but whatever.

    Not bad, could be better though ELLIOT. I know you can do better.

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