(Represented by Andrew Jackson)
Lifting itself out from its rocky hovel, Fissure is ready to crack a few skulls as it makes its combat premiere! A boxy bot with sloped sides and a front wedge, the entire central section of the body is home to an enormous lifting spike made from 4mm Hardox. The arm runs right down the middle of the robot and is powered by a 3000psi hydraulic ram, given a kick start by an S28-150 Magmotor. This gives the arm 16 tonnes of force at the ram and can be used to roll, lift, carry and skewer its opponents. Whether it can make the tea as well is still under debate. Fissure is a nippy newcomer, with its two Aluminium 7075 wheels letting it trundle at 12mph, and its 7mm Titanium/Vanadium alloy monocoque shell can take plenty of punishment. That said, a good flipper could take advantage of the 10mm ground clearance, as well as the slow srimech. Lets see how well Fissure vents its fury...

(Represented by Aaron Knight)
Coming from a team full of successful translational vapours, Nerix has a lot to live up to, but one look at its stats shows great promise. This three-wheeled triangle is driven by six S28-400 Magmotors and can reach spinning speeds of 1500rpm in barely three seconds. Did I mention the spinning part weighs 75kg? No? Well, I have now. Bet youre wish I hadnt. Anywho, Nerix is also fitted with a lifting arm on a turret, powered by a linear actuator. The wedge weights a hefty 25kg and is designed to trail behind the bot as it translates around the ring. It is quick and efficient, able to reright the robot in under two seconds, and with up to 5mm Hardox 500 protecting the innards, Aaron has spared no expense in making Nerix as deadly as its predecessors. Unfortunately, the quicker rammers could take advantage of the three second spin-up time and with tops speeds of only 5mph, Nerix could quickly find itself lost in translation!

(Represented by Frank Goacher)
Back for a fourth PTT after a recent upgrade, the Crashing Bore 2 is showing no signs of slowing down in spite of its age. The oldest competing vapourbot has changed little in terms of design over the years and this latest incarnation stays true to Franks winning formula. A skirted box with dusty red paint, the Bore is armed with three distinctive weapons; a front lifting wedge powered by a linear actuator, a drill hidden within said wedge and, of course, the jagged, Mousetrap-style guillotine, powered by two LEM-130s. The idea of this weapons synergy is to snap and trap. A robot drives onto the wedge, the trap grapples them, the wedge rises and the drill pokes out to skewer their underbelly. Poetry in motion. The former NSBFL champ is also a competant rammer, with a mixture of Hardox and titanium armour and plenty of push from the two LEMs. Its manoueverability could be improved, however, and if a flipper gets past the skirts to the 20mm ground clearance, the Crashing Bore could go crashing out again.
IN PTT3: (as The Crashing Bore): snapped up a place in the Semi-Finals, beating former champ Beta, but lost out to the Business Ends in the second round
IN PTT4: (as The Crashing Bore): beat Achilles to make the Semis again, this time flung out the ring by SpinVerter 3 in the first round
IN PTT5: (as The Crashing Bore): rammed, slammed and pitted by Manic Monsoon in its Heat Final

(Represented by Elliot Stevens)
Named after a short-lived crime drama from Bravo, theres nothing subtle about the Kill Point. Then again, theres nothing subtle about robotic combat, so this newcomer should fit right in! Similar in appearance to Mr Nasty, this boxy bot is armed with a front drill, powered by a Bosch motor. Its main weapon, however, is really brute force. The Kill Point is powered by four 750w electric motors which, combined with its four Vulcanon wheels and top speeds of 12mph, make it an efficient little pusher indeed. This newbie is a slippery customer, measuring barely 10cm in height, and can run just as well upside-down as right way up. Unfortunately, this leaves the wheels open to axes and crushers, and with 3mm titanium armour, one of our more powerful competitors could make the Kill Points career as short-lived as its namesake.

House Robots - Michael Pliers & Dulcy

Roboteers, stand by...

Nerix immediately begins spinning, while Fissure and the Kill Point go head-to-head! Fissure tries to get the huge lifting arm underneath the rammer, but the Kill Point is proving a very slippery eel indeed and makes to skewer Fissures sides with its front drill! The duo spar until the Crashing Bore arrives on the scene, guillotine poised to strike! Unsure which robot to go for, Frank finally settles on the one with the weakest armour - the Kill Point! As Elliots rammer lands a glancing blow on Fissure, the Crashing Bore charges it side-on and snaps the trap! The Kill Points lid takes some very nasty dings, but the wheels remain unscathed, much to Elliots relief! The Kill Point darts away before the Bore can land a second blow and charges at Fissure again! The two are just about to resume their little scuffle when Nerix swoops in like a vampire bat! Fissure narrowly avoids the translational spinner, but the Kill Point isnt so lucky...
Elliots machine is thrown aside in a shower of sparks! It looks like everybody wants a piece of the Kill Point today, but Mr Stevens isnt about to bow to public demand! The Kill Point avoids another shunt from Fissure and zips up the arena to release the Void! In the meantime, Fissure and the Crashing Bore are going at it while Nerix starts spinning again! The Bore manages to catch Fissure with the guillotine, but barely dings the tough Hardox shell! Wriggling free, Fissure gives the PTT veteran a shunt, just as Nerix returns...
This time, the Bore takes the brunt of the blow! The Hardox armour has held up well to the attack, but one of the titanium side-skirts looks a little mangled! As Nerix begins to spin up again, Fissure goes at the Bore again, managing to scrape its great hydraulic arm under the crumpled skirt! The lifting spike does its stuff and rolls the Bore over onto its back, but not for long! One snap of the trap and the PTT veteran is back on its wheels and ready for revenge! As Fissure and the Bore begin dancing again, Nerix finds itself in a spot of bother! The Kill Point has returned from opening the Void and reversed right into the whirling triangle, stopping it completely! Aaron tries to manouever away to get spinning again, but the Kill Point is just too quick! Nerix is pushed all the way up the arena and straight into the open arms of Michael Pliers! The axe comes crashing down, but Nerix barely feels a thing! Hardox 500 will do that, folks. A shunt from the House Robot puts Nerix back into the warzone, where it immediately begins spinning again! Unfortunately, the Kill Point has been waiting for it and rams the spinner head-on! The hefty triangle has been stopped again, but the Kill Point has been flung away, giving Nerix precious seconds to slink away and rev up once more! The Kill Point charges after the Australian machine, but too late! Nerix is nearing top speed and the two are about to collide again!
The Kill Point is sent reeling as something flies across the battlefield! Elliot grimaces - not only is the titanium armour starting to look in pretty bad shape, but the drill has been completely shattered! Not much point left fighting, eh? Wrong! Undeterred, Elliot sends the Kill Point in for another attack, but Nerix deftly dodges and trundles down to rejoin Fissure and the Crashing Bore! Little has happened with the duo thus far aside from the odd barge and both competitors are pleased with a new development! Frank attempts to push Fissure into Nerixs spinning body, when the Kill Point crashes the party by crashing into the Crashing Bore! Suitably annoyed, the Bore changes its target and whacks the Kill Point with its guillotine as it backs off for another charge! The newcomer now has a perferated top to add to its list of woes and its only going to get worse! Here comes Nerix again!
The sparks fly as the translation triangles blades rip into the Kill Points side! Elliot barely has time to breathe when the Crashing Bore comes in to dish out another blow from the guillotine! The Kill Point is starting to look a little sluggish now as it tries to evade its attackers! No such luck, though, as the Bores blade comes crashing down again! This time, the blade seems to have caught one the wheels! The Bore juts back and forth, hoping perhaps to rip the tyres open, but only allows the Kill Point to wriggle free! Elliot desperately tries to think of a strategy when he is blindsided by a full-speed Nerix!
The 3mm titanium is cut like rice paper by the Australian annihilator! The Kill Point, slower than ever, attempts a getaway, only to be shunted by Fissure and the Bore! Fissure goes for the gusto this time, scraping under the Kill Point and pushing it across the arena into the western wall! The mighty arm rises, but fails to flip the Kill Point all the way over! To Elliots dismay, Nerix and the Bore come to join the fun, with Nerix at the head of the cue! Fissure backs off...
The Kill Point is bounced off the wall like a tennis ball! Elliot fights for control, but it seems that last attack was too much for the systems to handle - the robot appears to have stopped altogether! Battered, bruised and torn open, the Kill Point can only sit as the Grim Beeper glides into view...
As Michael Pliers comes to sweep up the mess, the three survivors move down to the bottom of the warzone! Fissure and the Bore have barely started their dance again when Frank manages to snag Fissure with the guillotine! The blade appears to have fallen into the bodys empty middle section where the arm is housed - prime grappling estate! Fissure attempts to wriggle free, but Frank has other ideas! Activating the front wedge, he lifts Fissure off the ground and into the path of Nerix!
The two robots are knocked apart on contact! Fissure still looks OK, despite a few extra scars, and gives the Bore a ram as revenge! This plays into Franks hands, however, as the Bore scoops up Fissure again and grapples it with the guillotine! Noticing the Void is nearby, Frank spins the Bore round and aims straight for the corner zone! Fissure frantically tries to escape, but the lifting wedge appears to have sealed its fate! The Bore brakes, the trap retracts and Fissure falls into the purple-and-yellow abyss!


The Kill Point gets cancelled a second time, while Fissure cracks!


Coming up next...

Tengu VII VS The Crashing Bore 2
Apocalypse VS Nerix

Heretic VS OverDrive VS Pillow Torque VS Sith

Thoughts? Tactics? A new drillbit for Elliot?

Thank you.