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Thread: FRA elections 2009

  1. #81
    Do it Jonno youd get my vote
    Ive said for years you should be el president
    Ed did bring up some issues in his manifesto that should be common practice I look forward to reading everyone elses

  2. #82
    Hi Jonno. Ed has organised events in the past but surely that shouldnt rule him out completely. Doesnt Geoff run your Haven tours? If so doesnt that make him an event organiser or at least have interest in organising events?


  3. #83

    Geoff and Jenny are members of my Haven crew.
    I use him as an FRA tech checker at my events.

    I don€™t think you can call it organising an event when all they do is turn up for an hour, and then go back to their hotel.

    The same as you help the Young€™s as crew, Mike is hired for his boxers, and Ed is hired to compare their shows. There€™s no difference.

    Slightly different to running events for many years, trying to organise one for Sept 2009, and then conveniently it disappears when something better comes along.

    Speak to Geoff Thorpe, who as far as he is concerned WAS about to grant him a licence, and has all the paperwork which has been drawn up by his solicitor.

    Plus... I don€™t think its just whether he is or isn€™t an organiser.... its also the fact hes banned form the FRA, and probably most importantly that a high proportion of the existing committee has vowed to walk out if he was elected as they wouldn€™t work with him. They don€™t like him ! Is that good for our hobby ?

    Im not even on the committee, they can speak for themselves if they want to... but... I feel people should know the truth. There€™s too many people too afraid to speak out and be counted, even though they are thinking the same things that I have written, and I stand by them.

    And this is yet again another example of how the FRA can never be able to do its business, as their are people out there who are far too quick to start with the conspiracy theories.

    There was a vote.... they voted 7 - 0.... doesn€™t that say enough about their feelings.

    Do we have to keep going on about it.


  4. #84
    This is what I think.
    We all believe there should be, Unity within the community of Roboteers, clear goals for the future and further growth, a closed loop monitoring system to check progress and help were it is needed.
    I believe there is a great future for robot combat in this and any country.

    Robots Live has a great show with items like the boxing robots and the famous Skeletron
    Roaming Robots has great show format with the cage and Major Damage.
    Rebel robots are going to be on TV, plus they have a new arena that can take HW spinners.
    This community can put on a show to impress any audience we have a product between Puppetry and Gladiatorial combat, it€™s got to be a winner.
    I have always been impressed on how the robot community can air their differences.
    After all the discussion, after all the debate, after all the arguments, I will support whoever is chosen by the majority to take on these heavy responsibilities to further the sport, for when the talking and voting stops, the doing (something) starts.

  5. #85
    Im not on anybodies side but i do think the the being an event organiser should be forgotten. He has catagoricly stated in writting that he wont be organising any events. Besides i dont see why the most active people in the community dont get to have a say. Lets not forget that one person cant just add rules etc. it has to be voted in by everyone regardless of how it may effect them commercially. I would like to stand as a roboteer rep and think i would make a good one but until that changes i cant put my expirence back into the community.

  6. #86
    I personally agree 100% with jonno, although james may not.
    My main problem is I also cant vote for someone that I dont believe will do much for our sport.
    Geoff is a great guy, but so far on the FRA i havnt seen any real progress in the last year - every step forward as far as I have seen has been from Andy Kane.
    Kane Aston for chairman Although i am looking forward to seeing what he proposes to do for the memebers of the FRA.

  7. #87
    Lets get some perspective here - Ed is banned from membership of the FRA for reasons explained by Andy Kane. His current application for president is based on a membership by proxy ie; he is listed as a team member for team storm of which Tim Bence is the team leader.

    If he was to apply for membership in his own right it would be refused, so how can we allow someone who is banned from this organisation to stand in an election for President. Think about it.

    None of Eds ideas are new, we want to be discussing these topics, but our agendas are often taken up with reactions to events that are out of our control. So until the people who are sniping at the committee stop causing mischief, we on the committee are being prevented from discussing what we want to do because we are always looking over our shoulders for fear of causing strife among the membership.

    James - you would make an excellent rep, but the FRA is a roboteers union and the EOs are the gaffers. It is the fundamental principle behind the formation of the association. You have been to many committee meetings and your voice has always been heard and never ignored. All the EOs regularly attend committee meetings and have a substantial input on any decision we make, they just dont have a vote. The only time the EOs wishes have been ignored is over the 13.6kg weight ruling - the committee backed the EOs, but was overruled by the membership at the AGM at the UK Champs in North Wales. You cannot get more democratic than that.

    The forum - some may find this hard to believe, but issues raised on the forum often drive the agenda at the committee meetings, and have often led to meetings being arranged when we could do without the hassle of travelling hundreds of miles for a 7-8 hour sit down. The point being; if you have an idea, raise it here, you may get shot down by fellow roboteers but this is the place that we congregate without the pressures of working on robots getting in the way.

    Socials - I have organised many socials, some successful, some not. I have not done one for a long while as there are so many events now, we are meeting up nearly every week. Also, it is not much fun to drive a long distance and have to sit in a pub drinking lemonade. I know, I have done it, and not got home until the early hours of the morning.


  8. #88
    stu's Avatar

    Doesnt Geoff run your Haven tours?

    haha errr no i ran the Haven Tours

    And jonno, all the funstars from Haven want me back this summer or there not co-operating there saying on facebook/msn haha.

    Thing is i love Craig Colliasss view - great one. And yes people need to be their own person and make their own choice and vote and so on.. but then there are times where people need to look at facts and trust what is going on. The facts about Ed stand and speak for them self...

    But about time people started talking real for once.

    And Grant - to be fair, Geoff has done quite a bit in getting rules moved and organising stuff with Karoline inside the FRA. And Kane is sound, i think Geoff and Kane with Kaloline will be a sound un-biased team.

    Mr Stu

  9. #89

  10. #90

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