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Thread: FRA elections 2009

  1. #31

  2. #32
    In response to Alans offer we wont be offering the same at Rebel Robots

    Ive read Eds Policies and I cant help thinking theyre the right words (sort of) but the wrong person I think some of his policies could be implemented a lot quicker than in his timescale,

    I think that Ed should be reinstated to the forum so that he can have his say, its pretty one sided if only Geoff can put his point across to the masses and Eds message is passed on by others who happened to get the email

    The Role of the president should be a figurehead, to only cast a vote on tied agendas to hand out trophies, kiss babies and steer the FRA by their public profile,

  3. #33
    stu's Avatar

    Well its all depressing anyway. shame really.


  4. #34
    To all FRA member teams.
    The FRA has received a self nomination from Mr E Hoppitt to be entered in to our forthcoming elections for the office of president.

    The FRA has rejected Mr Hoppitts application on the grounds that that it is not clear on whether Mr Hoppitt is an event organiser. According to our constitution event organisers are specifically excluded from holding an FRA governing body post.

    Contrary to the premature issue of of Mr Hoppitts manifesto and in it a claim that it only takes three votes to create an FRA rule change or decision, we have taken the opportunity to publish the document and poll results of the FRA governing body on this matter.
    To create or change anything in the FRA the constitution states that a quorum of 5 governing body members is needed. Temporary decisions can be made by the FRA executive then refferred to the whole governing body for their deliberations and decision at the earliest opportunity.

    Results of the poll on the document below.

    There are 8 possible governing member votes to be cast plus a casting vote from the existing President should there be a tie.

    7 governing body members used their vote in the poll.

    The result was 7-0 for the option 2 motion and for motion 3, 6 for and 1 against.

    Dear All,
    As you are aware Mr Hoppitt has thrown his hat into the ring for the office of president of the FRA.

    Some of you have voiced your opinions in not allowing Mr hoppitt to stand.

    Where we are today is.

    Mr Hoppitt was expelled from the FRA as per your voting wish some time ago.

    Mr Hoppitt is trying to organise an event this year.

    In the past we have dealt with Mr Hoppitt as an event organiser.

    We need as a body to decide on a course of action and would appreciate if you could for either of the options below and mail back your decisions to the governing body as a whole.

    1, To allow Mr Hoppitt to stand for office with restricted in put to our forum.

    2, To refuse Mr Hoppitts nomination as he contravenes our constitution as an event organiser. ( I am told written evidence can be supplied)

    If your option is 2 could you answer item 3 with a for / against or no comment please?

    3, Allow Mr Hoppitt the right of appeal to the new governing body when in office to regain full FRA privilages and to rerun the election for the presidents position subject to the new governing bodies wishes and a guarantee that Mr Hoppitt is no longer an event organiser.

    It would be appreciated if you could reply ASAP as nominations close at midnight today.

    I have included the two accepted nominees for FRA office in this mail so that they can start to see the processes that we have in place and so a background knowledge can be gained should the candidates win their election. The nominees are not allowed to vote on the questions above how ever if you have any questions please write to me. For the record the writer does not vote on the above unless a tie needs a casting vote.




    The above document may lead to questions on the content, if you could hold off for a few hours our outgoing president will post personally and perhaps answer the potential questions.

  5. #35
    Call me psychic cause I knew that would happen! Ed, dont take no for an answer. Youre the best chance the FRA has of surviving. Fight the machine!!!

  6. #36
    Dave can i say my opinion as you have yours.

    Ed isnt the best chance of the FRA surviving at all. The FRA has the best chance if everyone supported it no matter who is in the chair and who is president.

    Can you explain why you knew that would happen?????

  7. #37
    Cause I know how this committee deals with things

  8. #38
    Tim Bence, Trevor wright, Karoline Pannell, Geoff Smith, Kane Aston, Leo Van Miert (i wont say Mr Kane because i know you dont like him) are all on the committee. Do you suggest they all deal with things in an unfair way and they as a committee did wrong?

  9. #39
    sorry i forgot a couple....Tony Sommerfield...Steve Johnson...Mike Lambert...there are more but cant remember.

  10. #40
    First of all I am speaking as a member roboteer only and not in my capacity of out going FRA president.

    I will be pleased to have ended my 3 terms as FRA president. It will give me the freedom to speak freely as against being self gagged as a servant of the FRA governing body.

    The new executive will also have this problem despite protestations of a new dawn when campaigning for your votes

    I want to list one achievement, and that is we are still here and robot fighting.

    One of the critisms of my tenure is communication with all members, hands up, guilty.( I put it down to my lack of the skills required, useing computors and the internet.)
    This is another reason why I am going, the FRA needs someone in high office with the right skill set to correct this defficiency.

    As the new presidents role is to change with the chairmans role becoming the real leader of the FRA and this makes this Chairmans election a very important one.

    I believe the skill set required is,
    1, To be personable.
    2, To be able to converse in writing
    3, To recognise potential safety problems and deal with them efficiently.
    4,To be better than the average human at computor skills and the internet.
    5, Try and be a good diplomat.
    6, Recognising that they are a servant of the governing body.
    To answer possible queries regarding the FRA post above

    Mr Hoppitt was expelled from the FRA as per your voting wish some time ago

    1, Mr Hoppitt for some reason known only to himself was found to be lying to the FRA governing body regarding the size of the FRA website he stated because he was hosting it free on our behalf and it was to big to be moved cost effectively.
    ( Thanks were expressed, the FRA was not ungrateful to Mr Hoppitt for setting up the site just could not understand why he seemed to be wanting a hold /power over the roboteers on this matter)
    Furthermore Mr Hoppitt was a moderator of this forum and had been caught changing a post without the FRA executives knowledge but when it happened a second time and at the same time as investigations were being conducted on the website size the governing body deemed that Mr Hoppitt was abusing his position and removed him from post for lying to them and as a sanction removed posting rights on this forum, effectivly expelling him from the association.

    When the forum was moved to this site it turned out to be half the size that Mr hoppitt was leading all to believe, and it cost us nothing more than we were already paying for the front part of this site.

    2, Mr Hoppitt is trying to organise an event this year

    I am informed that there is evidence to support the above statment until its seen, I cannot inform you whether its a true allegation or a false one.

    3,In the past we have dealt with Mr Hoppitt as an event organiser

    From a safety point of view one of the worst EOs if not the worst at not recognizing hazzards.

    If I was to comment on Mr Hoppitts skill set it would be as follows
    1, To be personable. (Not in his nature)
    2, To be able to converse in writing (excellant)
    3, To recognise potential safety problems and deal with them efficiently.( Would not recognise or understand a potental problem)
    4,To be better than the average human at computor skills and the internet.(he can do this)
    5, Try and be a good diplomat.(no chance)
    6, Recognising that they are a servant of the governing body.(Would not rcognise this concept)

    In essence I do not regard this gentleman as a fit and proper person to hold any office in the roboteers organisation.

    point 1 being the main reason together with his little posts over another event organisers thread on the pretext of helping out, only to cause absolute mahem for the innocent organiser.

    For once I am a voter in these elections and as a voter I am surprised at Mike Hamiltons-Macy endorsement of Mr Hoppitts campaign.
    It smells like a start of a little club to me, I wonder who else in the club is going to appear next out of the woodwork.

    I also understand that a couple of our members are also endorsing Mr Hoppitts campaign and would welcome them to post this forum, their view of this fine upstanding character that is Ed Hoppitt.

    The name dropping of the RFL commissioner in his manifesto could lead folk thinking that Mr Hoppitt has an endorsement from David Calkins.
    David Calkins would not interfear or endorse anybody or any thing in UK elections.

    To the moderators- You are probably going to get a bit hot under with this post but I am willing to stand by any allegations I have made.

    To my fellow members- I would recommend that you keep an eye on a potential little clique taking over your association on the pretence of bringing us all together, because I can assure you robot life under a minority view would not be great.

    To the FRA governing body- It has been a pleasure to work with you all. The spread of views has always been there but when it matters in my opinion the correct decisions have been made for the good of our sport.
    I have just two months to complete in office and would appreciate a reasonably quiet time similar to that we have had this last eighteen months which has been due to the lack of Mr Hoppitt trying to control your agenda with crap

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