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Thread: Mechanical Maelstrom Season 2.0

  1. #101
    Hot Sauce vs. Holepunch 2.0


    The match begins and both robots race out of their starting squares and into the centre of the arena, Hot Sauce turning away from Holepunch€™s front wedge though and spinning to get under the side before racing underneath and firing the flipper to role Holepunch 2.0 across the arena floor and back onto its wheels! Holepunch isn€™t finished though and drives back on the attack now, getting under the front of Hot Sauce and coming down on the flipper with the powerful crusher, not really piercing the thick hardox armour, put making a very slight indent and pinning Hot Sauce in place. The wedge of Holepunch 2.0 keeps Hot Sauce€™s wheels off the ground, and with the crusher stopping any resistance Leo is in complete control of this match!
    No Wai attempts to free his machine by firing the flipper to try and knock the crusher away, but Leo€™s pneumatic crusher of doom holds the flipper down, keeping the colourful wedge where Leo wants it before Holepunch decides to continue this onslaught and now pushes Hot Sauce across the arena and slams it into the pit release button! The siren moans and the pit descends as Leo looks on happily, but the impact with the release button has loosened Holepunch€™s grip on Hot Sauce, and now No Wai fires the flipper again just to ease itself out of Leo€™s weakened hold before darting off across the arena and spinning quickly to attack the oncoming Holepunch.

    However this time No Wai gets under the front of Leo€™s machine and slams it back across the arena, slamming it against the wall with a flick of the front-hinged flipper, pinning it there for a moment before Holepunch rolls down over onto its wheels and finds itself in a perfect position to attack! Leo guns the wheelchair motors and rams in under the side of Hot Sauce, biting down just as Hot Sauce€™s flipper begins to retract, but the crusher beats the flipper in speed and gets down into the workings of No Wai€™s flipper weaponry, puncturing the gas bottle!
    Carbon dioxide streams out of Hot Sauce as Leo bites down even further with the crusher weapon and now the very chassis of Hot Sauce is misshapen as the crusher of Holepunch 2.0 does its job very well indeed. And with this magnificent hold Holepunch 2.0 reverses around in a smooth arc before moving over the pit and releasing its grip, allowing Hot Sauce to tumble off its wedge and land face down in the pit, broken and beaten.


    Hot Sauce goes cold; Holepunch 2.0 goes through to the quarter-finals!

  2. #102
    Sheer Heart Attack 2 (1) vs. Supreme


    The reigning champion trundles out of the starting square as its spinning drum gets up to speed quickly, with its opponent, the dangerous Supreme, also leaving the square quickly and heading across the arena to meet Sheer Heart Attack 2. Supreme doesn€™t want to meet the drum though, and tries to drive around the rear of the champion to attack with its own spinning weapon, but Martijn turns to defend and unless Daniel wants to eat drum he€™s forced to retreat. Martijn on the other hand pushes forward and manages to strike the front of Supreme, leaving some small scars in the front titanium armour and bending up the front wedge slightly! The hammer of Supreme crashes down, but lands behind the drum and between the tracks of Sheer Heart Attack 2- where there is nothing at all to hit!

    Daniel turns to try a side attack on SHA2, but in doing so leaves himself open to an attack of the same kind and Martijn rams forward into the side of Supreme, leaving more scars before Daniel spins quickly and brings his spinning disc into the static drum of Sheer Heart Attack 2, ripping a gash in the drum! Sheer Heart Attack 2 is quick to spin up the drum again, but the robot is slightly unbalanced now and Daniel has driven away to spin up Supreme€™s disc before reversing on the attack of Sheer Heart Attack 2 again and spinner meets spinner with a huge shower of sparks and the unbalanced Sheer Heart Attack 2 flips over as it is thrown sideways across the arena by the hit!

    Martijn goes back in on the attack again though; this time reversing with the wedges as spinning the drum is almost as dangerous to SHA2 as it is to Supreme right now. But the champion isn€™t the only one having a problem with a spinner weapon - Supreme€™s disc has ground to a halt, rendering both weapons immobilised! We can only guess that the disc dropped a chain or the connection to the motor has been loosened by that last hit, but whatever has gone wrong has left Supreme in a bit of a pickle. Also the front of Supreme was damaged by the drum of SHA2, which now drives under the rear of Supreme with the wedges and Martijn pushes Daniel€™s machine across the arena and over the killsaws! Sparks fly off the base armour of Supreme and it is thrown across the arena with Sheer Heart Attack 2 in hot pursuit, but this time Daniel turns and attempts to ram SHA2, but instead changes his mind last minute and presses the pit release button!

    And yet again for the countless time in this round the pit has been depressed, leaving another way to dispose of your opponent. Martijn and Daniel both intend to do just that, both driving at each other with the lower section of the robots. Supreme€™s front end is damaged though and the hinged wedges of Sheer Heart Attack 2 slip under the clearance of Supreme, the tracks driven by lynch motors going crazy to push Supreme across the arena and that€™s exactly what Martijn does, slamming Supreme into the spike strip just as the judges call time on the match.


    Judge€™s Decision:
    Sheer Heart Attack 2 - 3.5 x 1 = 3.5pts
    Supreme - 4.1 x 1 = 4.1pts
    Sheer Heart Attack 2 - 4.2 x 0.75 = 3.15pts
    Supreme - 2.6 x 0.75 = 1.95pts
    Sheer Heart Attack 2 - 2.9 x 0.5 = 1.45pts
    Supreme - 3.7 x 0.5 = 1.85pts
    Sheer Heart Attack 2 - 3.6 x 0.25 = 0.9pts
    Supreme - 2.4 x 0.25 = 0.6pts
    Sheer Heart Attack 2: 9 - 8.5: Supreme

    Sheer Heart Attack 2 reminds us he€™s the champion with a very high judge€™s score of 9 points out of a possible 12.5.

  3. #103's alive!

    And a nice comeback too, some extremely well written fights here. Keep it up mate

  4. #104
    And now for something completely different

    Mechanical Maelstrom Season 2.0 ~ Quarter-Finals

    Sheer Heart Attack 2 (1) vs. Holepunch 2.0
    The Zodiac vs. Hypertension MK3
    Gabriel IV (2) vs. Dantu
    Traffic Warden vs. Wedga Triton

  5. #105
    Sheer Heart Attack 2 (1) vs. Holepunch 2.0

    tictacs: full frontal Attack, face first, bite down at the first opportunity.

    The Zodiac vs. Hypertension MK3

    I think Hypertension MK3 will win that one.

    Gabriel IV (2) vs. Dantu

    I think Gabriel IV will win on points

    Traffic Warden vs. Wedga Triton

    I guess Wedga Triton for the win.

  6. #106
    The Zodiac vs. Hypertension Mk 3

    I get the feeling that Hypo's gonna act mostly as a rammer this battle, so I'll just attack the sides as best as I can and not bother with attacking the flipper. I got me handy srimech to right me if need be.

    I'll go with Sheer Heart Attack, Dantu, and Wedga Triton to win the other battles. Nice job Lewis and ta muchly for posting the battles here, Marti.

  7. #107

  8. #108
    Typical, isn't it? You wait and wait for a fight and then all of a sudden, six show up at once.

    TRAFFIC WARDEN VS Wedga Triton

    Bugger. Not much to do here but aim for the sides or rear, clamp on tight and get it down the pit ASAP. I should be able to give it a run for its money in the traction department, so long as I stay away from the flipper.

    As for the other fights, I'll take the two seeds and The Zodiac to advance to the semis.

    Spiffy stuff thus far, Lewis. Let's hope Traffic Warden performs just as spiffily. :P

  9. #109

  10. #110
    Gabriel IV vs. Dantu

    Keep ramming it and use the flipper to try and tip it up against the wall. It'll get off, but my aim is to try and dominate Dantu and win the judges' decision on aggression. I'll leave the skirts off as they'll just get chewed and lose me points and there's not a lot Dantu can do to get underneath me anyway.

    Best of luck Alex, good work Lewis

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