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Thread: Velociraptor's Fanfic Tournament: The Comeback

  1. #101
    ...right, total supreme confidence fail there I completely forgot about the arena disc...but NO SUCH MISTAKE SHALL BE MADE NEXT TIME, REVENTON, MARK MY WORDS

    And well done to Sam, I guess. :P

    I think Achilles and Holepunch will win these.

  2. #102

  3. #103
    Results I did not expect. w00 for drama, Richie

  4. #104
    Sorry, problems with my connection again.

    Time to find second-rounders number 7 and 8! First are two VFT veterans, Achilles and Leprosy Infection - the former a durable wedged box with a lifting arm, the latter an invertable box with a spinning drum!
    House Robots: Horcrux & King Cobra

    3, 2, 1 - ACTIVATE!
    Both robots moved quickly out of the traps, both meeting in the arena centre and twisting towards each others sides! Before Achilless arm began to lift, Leprosy Infections drum brushed the side and knocked it away! However, Achilles was twisted in the impact, and managed to run forward, catch LI on its arms plate and lift its rear, using the claw on top to grip! However, LIs drum hit the floor and both robots were tilted, balancing for a moment before coming to rest, Achilless arm propping it up! Achilles withdrew the arm to settle on its back, but as it began selfrighting, the released LI struck a vicious blow from behind, its now downwards-spinning drum scratching the Hardox! The two robots collided again - LIs drum knocked Achilles back but could no longer flip it! Achilles quickly came in again and used its arm to tip LI over - LIs wheels spun helplessly as Achilles shifted into a better position before gripping with the claw again, and shoving it across the arena towards King Cobra! A moment later, King Cobras axes were happily raining down on LIs top, leaving numerous dents in the titanium top! After a few agonising moments of this, Achilles carried Leprosy Infection over to the arena disc, but it forgot to release as they hit, so both robots went flying away!
    At this point, Achilles released Leprosy Infection, who immediately went for the sides again - but before it could reach, Achilles got its lifting plate underneath again and lifted enough for LIs drum to hit the ground! LI bounced, allowing Achilles to catch it side on again and lift! Leprosy Infection could do nothing to stop itself being carried towards King Cobra again - the House Robot again brought its axes into play, but this time, only one hit the already dented top of LI, while another struck Achilles! Achilles wisely reversed, still carrying its victim - another trip into the arena disc was in order, but this time Achilles released its claw just before impact, so LI was free to be tossed backwards by the disc with another horrible scar in its armour! Leprosy Infection was looking pretty battered, but its thick armour was just about holding up! Achilles spun around and charged in, but miscalculated, allowing LI to strike again with its drum and cause damage! Achilles narrowly avoided being pinned against the wall as the two robots twisted until they were facing each other again, before aiming for side-on attacks. LIs drum was brought into play before Achilless lifter, knocking Achilles so LI could use a better side attack to scar its opponent, before Achilles ran away! LI prepared to strike again as Achilles approached again, but this time Achilles got its timing right, just avoided the drum and got its lifter into LIs side, tipping it over again! Gripping with the claw, it now decided to end the fight before it took any more damage, shoving Leprosy Infection into the pit release, and manouvering to shove it into the pit and out of the fight!


    Next are two rookies - Exodus is a tracked box with a range of interchangable weapons (here, itll be wielding a Biohazard-like flipping arm), while Holepunch is a Razer-esque crusher!
    House Robots: Megaraptor & The Martian

    3, 2, 1 - ACTIVATE!
    Exodus had a much faster start, rushing around Holepunch who turned to attack, but not quite fast enough! As soon as Exodus had its arm under its opponent, it fired, throwing Holepunch onto its back....and right over again! Holepunch had little time to escape before Exodus attacked again, this time shoving Holepunch across the floor and firing the arm just as they reached the wall! Holepunch was left propped up and unable to move! Exodus waited threateningly next to its stranded opponent for about 20 seconds, until it was reminded that you cant leave your opponent against the wall for more than 30 seconds! Reluctantly, it shoved Holepunch away - then just flipped it again before it could roll over! Holepunch rested on one side for a few tense seconds before coming back down, forcing Exodus to attack again! Holepunch turned in the nick of time, but failed to catch Exodus in the rear! Exodus retreated to a safe distance before coming in again, running circles around the slower Holepunch before coming under the side, shoving, and flipping it onto the closed pit! Exodus excitedly reversed into the pit release....but came in too quickly and missed! It shifted to hit the release - just as Holepunch, having rolled over, had gotten out of the way and was coming in on the attack! Exodus acted quickly, running around, pinning Holepunch against the wall and overturning it again, then shoving its helpless opponent on a straight path into the pit, just before it closed again!


    Flipping Hell vs Wedginator Devilution
    Spin Dash Unleashed vs Troubloon 6

  5. #105
    In the words of the fast show: Bugger

    Great fights Richard.

  6. #106

  7. #107
    In the words of someone else, Why is everyone quoting people?

    Good fights, even if my predictions (which Im keeping to myself now I think :P) are routinely being demolished and proven wrong with each fight now

  8. #108
    Thats right Joey, so next time predict I will lose will you?

  9. #109
    ...I dont know, that would mean predicting Nitro-Gene to win, and my brain hurts thinking about the implications of that

  10. #110
    I see your point.

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