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Thread: How could I Improve pt 2

  1. #201
    The advice I wanna gave you Ben is to aim for quality rather than quantity. Unless you love to design as much robots you can in as little time possible I dont see the point of a VERY new vapourboteer like you owning 17 robots while you havent even had the chance to use a single one of them yet. Throw in the fact that even the biggest majors only ask you to enter 8 robots and I see some serious overkill.

    While your robots are seriously improving (though theres still 1 or 2 out there that have some majors flaws ), they are mediocer at best and I feel they could be a whole lot better if youd just concentrate on about 8 of them. If you had spent the same amount of time it took you to come up with 17 robots in perfecting just 8 of them, you would be a way more serious contender in the game of vapourbots

    I can see you have the passion and youre certainly learning, you just need a bit more direction

  2. #202
    for informations sake, those nice blades your quoting are hardern steel which was banned in series 3 of robot wars and their still banned (as far as im aware)

  3. #203

  4. #204

  5. #205
    Ben, DONT start. :P

  6. #206

  7. #207
    whos this Martjin you speak of?

    Im giving you genuine advice here Ben, itd be a real pity if say a year from now, youd own 50+ vapourbots of which only perhaps 8 ever saw the arena, al of them with mediocer succes here and there.

    My aim is to concentrate on a small group of robots and make them as good as possible with all my efforts. Using that tactic I can now proudly say that 100% of my robots have made it to a heat final at least once. All my robots save for 1 have either won at least 1 heat or at least 1 minor. I can say Ive won 4+ minors and even 1 major. There is no award for most robots on 1 team sadly. Jealous? I think not :wink:

    What Im saying is that youre spreading your vapourbot making skills (which are still that of a newbie, growing or not) too thinly over too much robots, of which most will never see the arena anyway. You have 17 robots now! If you would for example spend the time you WOULD have spend on designing your 18th robot on improving your 1st one, youll be left with an improved robot that might actually do well rather than yet another robot that would never see the arena.

  8. #208
    I agree with Martijn here, very well put Mr. Flying Dutchman. As a matter of fact, your post has made me decide to add my own two cents to this issue, something you havent covered.

    Ben, you dont HAVE to have a maximum of 8 vapourbots, you are quite welcome to have as many as you want, but the main thing here is, like Martijn said, to put QUALITY into your design. While some other people such as Alex Holt and myself currently have a few more than 8 vapourbots, weve taken much care into designing each and every one of them, and theyve had their share of success on the circuit.

    With you it seems that youre mostly just putting together some stats and hoping that it will work. While some creativeness does leak out from your quite capable mind (the spikes on the top of Robo-Hedgehog for example), you need to better exert that creativeness. Think of what will work and what wont, and come up with something.

    Do some research, ask questions, and put that awesome mind of yours to work, Ben.

  9. #209

    While some other people such as Alex Holt and myself currently have a few more than 8 vapourbots, weve taken much care into designing each and every one of them, and theyve had their share of success on the circuit.

    Well yeah, but youve been here quite a while, my point is that making over 1 vapour a day is a bad idea in terms of quality.

    What I forgot to mention is what this means for youre improvement. What I see here is you give is Robo-Animal 1, 2 and 3 on one day, get a few words of advice, and rather than actually dig into that advice you give us Robo-Animal 4, 5 and 6 the next day.

    If I had no faith in you I wouldnt bother giving this advice, but the fact is youre designing quite alot of robots and probably dont realize (being new to this and all) most of them will never really shine.

    Like I said, if you just enjoy making lotsa new robots, Im not stopping you.

  10. #210

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