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Thread: How could I Improve pt 2

  1. #991
    Kody- I would keep Macduff if i were you, but Corona... did that even fight?

  2. #992
    Kody: I think retiring Wedginator is madness personally as it's one of the robots most closely associated with you - and just because it's not had much success is no reason to drop it, look at my team :P

    I have had some thoughts about my team, and what could/should be done with each of them:

    Gabriel V: Will remain fundamentally unchanged, I might make some minor changes but I am very happy with the design as it is now and it is pretty much my main robot.

    N³: Newly inducted Hall of Fame member!...somehow...I might refine the body shape slightly at some point but it will stay as N³, it's a key part of my team.

    Eye of Ran: I have been giving this probably the most thought, the weapons system is probably among the better horizontal spinners around but I don't think the shape gives it any serious attacking options outside of its weapon, which is a problem in melees as the Vapourbot Grand Prix has been proving. A redesign might be called for, therefore, to make the robot itself a bit more versatile - I might go back to the original Eye of Ran shape in some form, and try to make the main body better armoured and more compact. (name suggestions are also welcome since 'Eye of Ran 3' doesn't seem very interesting, hehe)

    No Consequences: I may 'freshen' it at some point but the basic design and principles won't change; bigger teeth might be called for though and possibly a stronger body structure.

    Those four will probably form my main team for entering into minor tournaments and competitions, which means the rest of the heavyweight team will probably drift into semi-retirement - I can and probably will give them outings now and then if I think they'd be suited to a particular contest/arena but I do need and want to downsize the team a bit. (and Mark, if you're reading this and want to take any of them on or 'improve' them then you can go forth and multiply)

    Magnitude: It will be a shame to lose this as it's quite a successful machine and a good design, but fundamentally it is rather boring unfortunately.
    Quaestor: Same here, and especially with the later version I found myself doubting if it was really good enough.
    STAT: This was only ever an experiment really, and in fact the basic design is taken from a custom machine created using the components from Extreme Destruction - it's sometimes worked, sometimes not, but it has been fun on occasion.
    Phoenix Down: I used to like this so much as Fire And Ice, but something was just lost when I redesigned it all that time ago - I keep saying I will reinvent Fire And Ice as a classic heavyweight though, hopefully 2011 will be the time I finally do it.
    Still Hurting: The only design I will really miss having in my active team, and probably the one which will get the most outings - I still do think it's a good design with a lot of good things about it but it's got too much going on at once and is just slightly too much on the insane side. ;P

    If anyone genuinely wants to take one of these designs (along with any of my properly retired ones) and develop it and take it in as one of their own to compete with, I'd be open to offers - just drop me a PM or a MSN message and we can talk.

    (one final question - can anybody in this thread or anywhere else find some information on the weight, size, power, etc. of Sinclair C5 motors? I could have sworn I'd got it somewhere but seem to have lost the link)

  3. #993
    C5 motors are 250W continuous, 3300 rpm & 12V as for dimensions and weight not sure.

  4. #994
    Hexachordal Tea

    Weight: 100kg
    Colour: blue with airbrushed wight flames down the sides
    Shape: box with wedges on all sides, weapon rotates above the body similar to hazard from Battlebots
    Dimensions L/W/H: 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.25
    Armor: entire body/chassis is 4mm hardox, there is also urethane rubber padding in strategic places to help prevent shock damage
    Power: 24v a123
    Drive: 2 bosch 750€™s drive 4 custom stainless steel, vulcanized wheels, which are set inside the body.
    Speed: 15mph max but tends to drive slower
    weapon: on top of the robot there is a 15kg, 18mm hardox, overhead bar spinner similar to Hazard, it is powered by a Lem130 on 24v, it spins at 1500rpm. towards the end of the bar there is a bend, allowing the bar to hit even the lowest of opponents, with complete 360 degrees coverage defending me from all angles.
    turning circle: zero
    ground clearance: 0.8cm under the bar, 1.2cm under the robot

    how€™s that? im still a bit stuck with the kj so any advice on that would be great too :-) tried the team cosmos thing€¦yes, neadless to say I failed horribly


  5. #995

  6. #996
    I refer you to my post in the other thread

    Generally the format people use for their stats goes something like this - if you put Cosmic ReVoLution's stats into it maybe it might help us to help you?

    Name (obvious, heh):
    Drive (motors, voltage, other things):
    Locomotion (i.e. wheels/tracks/etc.):
    Ground clearance:
    Miscellaneous notes (are there any?):

  7. #997

  8. #998

  9. #999
    That's beginning to look quite good...there are a few problems I can see though.

    1) I don't think those motors, those gearboxes and those diameter wheels will give you 45mph at all - I would have to check the figures but off the top of my head that isn't possible. Also you haven't stated what voltage the motors run at, which as I've explained is important for writers to know to get an idea of how this will perform.

    2) That thickness of carbon fibre might not actually exist commercially - if it does, I don't actually know if it is particularly suitable armour in combat robots (metal is more commonly used in heavyweights, or thick plastics - I have an ant with a carbon fibre lid which is a tad weak)

    3) you're still not making it clear under 'weapon' what the robot actually does and the material for the teeth helps.

    If you fix or improve on those points though you could have a nice first vapourbot on your hands I've seen worse and one thing you're not having to worry about is weight, it's nicely realistic for now (in fact you could upgrade to more powerful, somewhat heavier motors with no problem in its current state)

  10. #1000

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