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Thread: The Oddestsey II: Return to Odd

  1. #201
    Tarein will protect that Anton fellow, I guess.

    I have a bad feeling about this.

    (Message edited by kodster on August 19, 200

  2. #202

  3. #203
    Perry will hit the air and freeze things from above, most notably opponents

  4. #204
    The Baron is really really really tempted to open a little portal to hell itself with that fancy ruby he has acquired.....

    Lets spill some blood already!

  5. #205
    Chapter 8

    The temperature drops a few degrees more€¦ the frost Elves must be nearby€¦. Anton seems to notice the temperature change more than anything and after one more pleading look towards the party, realising that they seem to want to protect him at least€¦ he collapses apart into a column of ants which then proceed to split apart further, half of which take the coat and other human accessories, the other half climb inside a nearby overhanging tree stump.

    The eel proceeds to slither inside the walker, and then tries not to move, presumably so that if anything happens, he might not be noticed.

    The drums grow louder. The first Winter Elf to be revealed however is not noticed by the party - instead they only realise its presence when it comes crashing from the trees, having taken a spray of poison needles to the face from the iSlayer whose enhanced combat capabilities picked it out far more easily than the party. The dead thing is clearly elven in many ways, general traits resembling Ferri in some ways, but with some major differences - the jaw more jutting, the teeth sharper, the eyes more like those of a goat than those of a human. Then there is an unnaturally fine layer of white hair that can only be seen up close that previously just looked like white skin€¦

    Brutus uses his enhanced sight, realising that these creatures rely on stealth and spots a dozen in the trees. His gun whips round peppering the area they where hidden in with thousands upon thousands of bullets in a matter of seconds€¦ As the gun winds down there is a slight pause and then every tree in that direction for forty meters just slowly falls down revealing the snow beneath to be coloured red and coated in horrendous chunks of flesh better left ignored.

    But even as Brutus chuckles in satisfaction, a volley of arrows lands around them from behind the walkers, somehow missing every single one of them. There is a moment of hesitation, then suddenly the tips of the arrows explode in brilliant white light, blinding half the party and causing them to stagger backwards...

    The Baron€™s glasses protect his eyes, so he is immediately into the fray, as are Dirge and Cerberus, both of whose undead eyesight doesn€™t quite function like those of a normal being€¦ They are joined by the iSlayer who isn€™t effected by light, who immediately unsheathes the wrist blades with a satisfying €˜snikt€™ and leaps into the trees.

    The Baron is far quicker to engage a foe, and finds himself blade to blade with one of the elves. The elf seems far quicker, but the Baron manages to keep him from getting in too close with jets of flame at odd intervals causing the creature to leap backwards. Despite its ferocious speed, the Baron guesses this is a relatively inexperienced fighter, and firing a jet of flame to one side, he anticipates its move to the other, fires his grappling cable though its shoulder before retracting it to yank the unfortunate warrior in a vicious movement onto the end of the Baron€™s katana. Unable to get the gun out easily he drops it for the time being and kicks the body off his sword.

    Dirge and Cerberus overwhelm another foe between them, their undead strength breaking the neck of another€¦ But they turn around to see the trees filled with enemies with bows taught and ready to fire€¦ At least fifteen of them. One drops the form of the iSlayer from the tree - it is apparently undamaged but looks like it had been drained of all power somehow.

    Meanwhile the others have recovered from the flash bangs - one by one, to see the foes above them. One in some kind of modern combat armour raises a gauntleted hand and seems to drain both the walkers dry of power, they both sink to the ground€¦ a smaller spark comes from Hank P€™s kit - presumably the miniature ones are drained too€¦

    What now?

  6. #206
    FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Freeze stuff!!!

  7. #207
    Brutus wants to use smart link on minigun (sprays everywhere targeting enemys and avoiding friends) with enhanced vision and wired reflexes for x10 speed. bring it on elvin creatures brutus has been dying to unleash his minigun. i want an aching finger after this is done from squeezing the trigger.

    suggests to ferri to climb on brutus shoulders and we march to collect i slayer and see if we can get it back on line quick time.

    if frank electrocutes the snow i wouldnt think it would harm brutus thick clad footwear so should be ok.


  8. #208

  9. #209
    Well seeing as Anton is (sort of) hiding himself, Tarein will put her vigour-inducing pendant on, and go SLIEC SLIEC SLIEC on the enemies with her roflknief - I mean, dagger. :P

    Her speed and agility will mean shell be all over the buggers like a rabid wolverine on steroids.

  10. #210
    Retrieve my damn Maghook! Then kill anything that moves!

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