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Thread: Vapourbot Vengeance Series 1

  1. #111
    Agreed. Besides, Ive already won, so theres no reason to argue further.

  2. #112

  3. #113
    I suppose you orrid lot want the next battles.


    Gyrobot VS Grim Reaper

    Flick of the Wrist (a.k.a. Flicky ) VS Jackson Wallop

    Booth 1: Martijn Benschop
    Booth 2: Bernie Ryder

    House Robots: Shunt and Growler, grrrr!


    Straight away, the spinning blade of Jackson Wallop starts to rotate, whirring manically as Bernie Ryder moves his machine nearer the centre of the arena. Flicky slams into Jackson Wallop, the blade too high to hit the Dutch robot. Jackson Wallop is shoved straight into the arena wall, and the blade causes a huge gouge into the Perspex. Flicky backs off and comes in on another slam, raising the forks so they are parallel with the main body. Bernie Ryder manages to move Jackson Wallop out of the way just in time, with Flicky hurtling into the arena wall. Jackson Wallop gets the blade spinning back up again and this time heads towards the pit release button, but before it can make it, Flicky drives into the back of the Wallop, managing to get the forks underneath its ground clearance. Martijn lifts the forks on Flicky, attempting to turn over the machine from Southampton. The blade of Jackson Wallop hits the arena floor, chunks of wood littering the arena as Bernie Ryder€™s machine bounces uncontrollably, yet manages to stay on its wheels. With the blade slowed to a stop, Martijn drives Flicky into Jackson Wallop, and slams it into the arena wall again, this time one of the large blades of Jackson Wallop grazes the pit release button. The foghorn blasts out as the pit begins to descend. Flicky raises the forks again and takes advantage of its opponent€™s vulnerable ground clearance. With some careful driving and a lot of patience, Martijn drives Flicky and its victim near the pit, before dumping Jackson Wallop unceremoniously out of the competition.

    Jackson Wallop pitted.
    Flick of the Wrist goes through to the heat final!


    Flick of the Wrist VS Grim Reaper.

    Tactics? Predictions? Would you like fries with that?

  4. #114
    PIT! PIT! PIT!

  5. #115
    Another good battle, Dan

    Heat final...hmm, tough one. Ill go with Flicky to become the second vapour semi-finalist.

  6. #116
    Another heat comes to a close as we reach the heat final, but before we let the metal munching carnage begin, let€™s see how our competitors got this far!

    In round 1, both Flick of the Wrist and Grim Reaper saw off challenges from veteran robots Barbaric Response and Big Nipper, the latter being flipped OOTA by Grim Reaper, whilst Gyrobot and Jackson Wallop kicked Killer Kat into submission in a 3 way melee after the seeded Terrorhurtz failed to make it into the arena in time!

    Round 2 was pretty one sided for both machines, as Flick of the Wrist was just too low for the blade of Jackson Wallop as Bernie Ryder€™s machine was dumped into the pit, and Gyrobot€™s spinning shell failed to cause mischief to Grim Reaper, who won a Judge€™s Decision.


    Flick of the Wrist VS Grim Reaper.

    Booth One: Simon Smith (Grim Reaper)
    Booth Two: Martijn Benschop

    House Robots: Dead Metal, and the king of dead metal, Sir Killalot!


    Both robots immediately charge towards each other, the front flipping blade of Grim Reaper and the lifting forks of Flicky clashing in the middle of the arena. Neither robot can exploit their opponents ground clearance, so the robots are left pushing and shoving each other around the arena, Flicky€™s 6WD managing to gain more traction on the arena floor, resulting in Grim Reaper being manoeuvred into Dead Metal€™s CPZ, the whirring saw blade on the House Robot desperate for the taste of oil and metal! Grim Reaper finds itself in the clutches of Dead Metal, and desperately fires the flipper in an attempt to flee the CPZ. The saw blade slices through Grim Reaper€™s armoury, before the House Robot allows its prey to get back into the fight. Simon Smith slams Grim Reaper into the side of Flicky, and drives it towards the arena wall. The flipper fires, and Flicky narrowly misses going out of the arena, instead being slammed into the arena wall next to the flame pit. Martijn looks surprised by that unexpected onslaught, and tries to get back on top in this battle by driving the forks - which are lowered to the ground - at Grim Reaper. However, the Grim Reaper dodged the attack, spun around and got Flicky on the flipper plate once more, resulting in the Dutch robot going airborne. Flicky lands on the arena floor upside down with a thud but, due to its invertability, quickly scurries away from Grim Reaper, allowing Martijn to bring the forks back into a good position. Grim Reaper goes in on the attack with the flipper, aiming to get underneath the front forks of Flicky. However, it€™s Flicky that manages to get underneath Grim Reaper, and slams Grim Reaper into the arena side wall using its 22mph top speed. The Bognor Regis machine is shook up, but comes back on the attack, once again aiming to get the flipping plate underneath the ground clearance of Flicky. Martijn decides its time to release the pit, as Flicky slams into the pit release button, leaving Grim Reaper to give chase. Flicky and Grim Reaper slam into each other, the forks and flipping plate becoming wedged together, leaving both machines tangled in a desperate dance of death. Flicky tries desperately to line up Grim Reaper with open pit, but Simon Smith battles furiously and stops Martijn from doing just that. A flip from Grim Reaper sends Flicky into the air and frees both robots from each other. Simon Smith uses this to his advantage, and continues on the attack, flipping Flicky over and over again before Martijn can do anything. As Flicky finally manages to land back on its wheels, Martijn puts his robot€™ to the test - slamming Flicky straight into the Grim Reaper at its top speed of 22mph. Flicky rides up the front wedge of Grim Reaper, and before Martijn can reverse off, Simon Smith is already driving nearer and nearer the arena wall. He fires the flipper once more. Everything goes in slow motion for Martijn, as all he can do is see Flick of the Wrist tumble over the arena side wall and out of the competition.

    Flick of the Wrist came and went, as the Grim Reaper shall reap once more!
    Grim Reaper is through to the Series Semi Finals!

    Next time on Vapourbot Vengeance€¦

    HEAT C

    Dantomkia (5) VS Rick VS King B Powerworks VS Hassocks Hog 2
    IG-88 VS Axetra VS The Stag VS Scorpion

    Tactics? Predictions? Dust? Anyone? No? Dust? Anyone? No? Dust? Anyone? No? Dust?

  7. #117
    Theres no fat in dust :P

    I think with IG-88 in there, Axetra may be doomed.

  8. #118
    Actually there is... dust is tiny flakes of skin, and the cell membrance of all cells is made of fat...

  9. #119
    ...thankyou for telling me that.

  10. #120
    Damnit, Martijn, why did you have to lose :P

    Prediction: Axetra out, and The Stag or Scorpion to follow.

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