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Thread: ATTTWI 2 - Resurrection

  1. #51
    [insert absurdly massive amounts of ROFL here]

    Ah, brilliant stuff, my lackey (jk ), now move aside, I have some battles of my own to write. XD

  2. #52
    Thomas the YouTube Engine vs. ¿

    House fighters are...every single one of them?

    Right. Now to the fight. Thomas the YouTube Engine puffs along the train tracks of the video site, unfortunately the site acts up every so often and so Thomas finds himself in a traffic jam, which is interesting seeing as trains dont even get caught in jams, in fact they hardly ever do. Meanwhile, the house fighters are trying to find this thing called ¿ because it cannot be found and it is very late coming for the match. Suddenly, Thomas manages to find a fuse that disconnects everybody from YouTube in his back compartment. Apparently the computerized goat had it. The traffic jam clears and Thomas bursts through YouTube like Andrew Jackson on cider, and although were not exactly sure of the rate on that, its definitely faster than YouTubes usual rate, as Thomas has finished searching about 85% of the entire site already. Unfortunately, as he finishes checking, he realizes that the ¿ is absolutely nowhere to be found on YouTube, which puzzles him. As it seems, the ¿ is currently on Wikipedia, checking out the Punctuation Monthly magazine for them hot exclamation marks. Since neither fighter can fight in each others domain, the match is declared a draw...or it would have, if the fuse had not blown out the Wikipedia servers as well, and the ¿ wails as its description page and source of life get erased from history.

    Thomas the YouTube Engine advances to Round 2!


    Solaria Crystalwing & Nightwing vs. Mark Elam

    House fighters are Starfire & Taki.

    The girl and cat duo prowl onto the scene enthusiastically, as the being known as Mark Elam swaggers forth. He appears to be trying to look cool with his sunglasses and trenchcoat but the motion picture effects group appears to be on strike revealing a skinny lad wearing a kilt. Everybody laughs (after being cued the sign laugh amongst the crowd) and the match begins. Solaria strikes forward, as Mark Elam holds up a shield made of cyrillium but since cyrillium is crap material Solaria swipes through it as if it were a pile of feathers, and Mark Elam gets sent back a few feet. Nightwing attacks now with a slash to the face, but Mark Elam counters with a 4-tracked axlebot; unfortunately, its movement is severely hindered by a combination of physics, and the fact that some git poured some battery acid onto its receiver before the fight, so it explodes. It does however take Nightwing with it and the faithful beast of Solaria incinerates in the resulting explosion. Solaria wails, she hates it when that happens, and has to barter with the aforementioned Satan who was last seen two battles ago to release Nightwings soul from Hell, but now since Satan is frozen, this makes matters even worse. Solaria takes out a very malicious-looking red wand and advances upon the laughing person that is Mark Elam, he thinks most highly of himself now that he thinks hes won. But he hasnt, not yet. With a feral scream Solaria ejects a massive crimson beam out of the tip of the wand and it hits Mark Elam directly in the face. The said face immediately falls into an expression of utmost horror: Solaria has changed right before his eyes into Frank Boyle from Mock The Week, only his voice has hit a horrible falsetto, making him sound like a kindergartner whos inhaled helium. Of course, its all in Mark Elams head because Solarias attack was that of the hallucinogenic kind, and now Solaria channels light from the blood-red sun sinking in the sky, and just as the words of a heliumed Frank Boyle break into Mark Elams brain cavity, Solaria unloads an even larger beam, this time bright red, from her palms, which bloodily pastes Mark Elams body across the battlefield instantly. Unfortunately theres no coming back for Nightwing, his souls been frozen in Hell and who knows how long its going to take Hell to melt all that ice...

    Solaria Crystalwing advances to Round 2!

  3. #53
    You know what, this whole things been too much. Again. Writers block did indeed strike once more and I kinda felt this tournament was a chore from the very beginning. Sorry, but this is cancelled. No hypo, no results, no kidding. Also the mini-ATTTWI Extreme on ZED is cancelled, and there will be no more ATTTWIs from me. I will let Alex Holt (and Joey McConnell) field the weirdness from now on.

    Although...Joey, if YOU want to make up fights since you kinda said you would, you may, but Im not. For me it is cancelled. If nobody wants to, I ask Leo to lock this as I wouldnt want anybody posting in here. Lock. Lock. LOCK. PLEASE.

    Sorry about this everybody.

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